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  • »DeaD_EyE« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 3 980

Wohnort: Hagen

Beruf: Mechatroniker (didaktische Systeme)

Rootserver vorhanden: Nein

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Samstag, 16. April 2011, 15:14

Mani-Admin-Plugin 1.2vc



The latest update by VALVe adressed several exploit issues with the Source Engine (Orange Box Version). Those changes applied to the engine in order to fix those problems also affected Mani Admin Plug-in. In order to be able to load Mani Admin Plug-in again on your server after the update, please install the latest binaries:

Download Full Version 1.2Vc

Download Patch Version to 1.2Vc

This is a primary bugfix - only release. We also adressed the permission settings problem with our gametypest.txt generator So, from now on it's possible again to update your gametypes.txt normally. If you should stil encounter problems with the latest version of Mani Admin Plug-in, please use our forums to report bugs. Thank you.

Alternativ kann Mani-Admin-Plugin auch über unseren Mirror heruntergeladen werden:…-Plugin/plugin/

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