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Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2009, 04:21

KnifeP3N Mod Problem !

Hallo ich bin neu hier endlich habe ich ein forum gefunden was sich mal mit mods und weiteren beschäftigt right .
Mein Problem ist das ich auf meinen Game Server (von rechner aus,HLDSupdatetool usw) die KnifeP3N mod
nicht korrekt läuft. Wenn ich ein knifefight aktzeptiere und auch denjenigen getötet habe mit der knife,
werde ich automatisch danach geslayed, quasi self kill.
Ich habe schon Stunden heute verbracht in der cfg um dies zu ändern aber leider funktioniert es nicht.
Ich finde weder in Mani admin plugin cfg data oder Server.cfg oder gungame.

Könnt ihr mir helfen atak

Beiträge: 2 498

Wohnort: Schwelm

Beruf: Immobilien-Verwalter / Serveradministrator

Rootserver vorhanden: Nein

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Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2009, 11:32

Re: KnifeP3N Mod Problem !

Hab dich mal ins richtige Unterforum verschoben, da du ja Mani nutzt.

Desweiteren wären die CFG Daten des KnifeP3n Mods schonmal nützlich. Ich habs aber nicht mehr so mit Mani, deshalb kann es sein, das dies wieder eine
Funktion ist, die bei Mani einfach nicht mehr funktioniert. Aber da kann dir sicherlich jemand anders hier weiterhelfen.


Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2009, 11:55

Re: KnifeP3N Mod Problem !

Bitte Schön ^^

[list]// ******************************************************************************************
// Schubaal's KnifeP3n Config
// v1.6 - compatible with KnifeP3N v4.6.3+
// Edit all KnifeP3N settings in this file!
// All settings for KnifeP3N v4.5.0+ are stored in a keygroup so that settings
// can be changed from in game without the need to edit the cfg file!
// If you have already run KnifeP3N at least once, when you make changes to the
// cfg file, you MUST use the @kp_reset chat command in game to load the
// changes made to the cfg!
// ******************************************************************************************

// This setting will prevent KnifeP3N from loading kp_settings and kp_helper
// to avoid the issues they seem to have when first creating keygroups.
knifep3n_always_use_cfg "1"

// Message Filter
// 0 = send all chat messages
// 1 = send only important chat messages
// 2 = send no chat messages
// Default = "0"
knifep3n_chat_filter "0"

// Fight Health
// Sets how much health players get at the beginning of the
// knife fight.
// Default = 100
knifep3n_fight_health "101"

// Fight Weapon
// Sets what weapon will be used for knife fights.
// Default = weapon_knife
knifep3n_weapon "weapon_knife"

// Beacon
// Enables a ring beacon on each player when the knife fight
// starts.
// On/Off = 1/0
// Default = 1
knifep3n_beacon "1"
// Beacon Sound
// Sets what sound will emit from a player each time the
// beacon is displayed.
// Default = "schu/beacon.wav"
knifep3n_beacon_sound "schu/beacon.wav"
// Beacon Color
// Uses HEX values to set color (0 min, 255 max)
// green + blue = cyan (0 255 255)
// red + blue = magenta (255 0 255)
// red + green = yellow (255 255 0)
// Defaults R G B
// T 255 0 0 (red)
// CT 0 0 255 (blue)
// Terrorist Beacon Color
knifep3n_beacon_red_1 "255"
knifep3n_beacon_green_1 "0"
knifep3n_beacon_blue_1 "0"
// Counter-Terrorist Beacon Color
knifep3n_beacon_red_2 "0"
knifep3n_beacon_green_2 "0"
knifep3n_beacon_blue_2 "255"
// Beacon Rate
// Sets how often the beacon will occur (in seconds)
// Default = "2.0"
knifep3n_beacon_rate "2.0"
// Beacon Size
// Sets the beacon radius. Don't set this too high or low.
// Default = 800 (~32ft)
// 100 ~ 1.22m ~ 4ft
knifep3n_beacon_size "800"

// Voting Options
// Sets options for voting.
// Force Fight
// Sets whether players vote on a knife fight or if it
// happens automatically.
knifep3n_no_vote "0"
// Vote Time
// Sets how many seconds players have to vote.
// Default = 15 (0 for no time limit)
knifep3n_vote_time "15"
// No-vote Punishment
// Sets what happens once vote time expires.
// 0 = auto-no
// 1 = auto-yes
// 2 = slay
// Default = 0
knifep3n_vote_punish "0"
// Bot voting
// How you want the bots to vote
// 50/50 YES/NO = 2
// 66/33 YES/NO = 3
// ALWAYS NO = 4
// Default = 1
knifep3n_bot_vote "1"
// Bot vs Bot
// 1 = allow bots to knife fight
// 0 = no fight if both players are bots (default)
knifep3n_bot_fight "0"

// Sounds
// Sound files
// Put the exact file name here. Make sure there are no
// spaces in it. Rename the file if you have to remove
// any spaces in the name. Put your sounds in the
// "/cstrike/sound/" directory. Remember to include the name
// of a subdirectory (such as "ql") in the variable if the
// sound is within a subdirectory.
// To disable a particular sound, leave it empty between the
// quotes, ""
// Default sound files:
// Votes yes ""
// Voted no "ql/schwukele.mp3"
// Start fight ""
// Winner of fight "ql/Wsounds/Beat_it.mp3,ql/Wsounds/portal.mp3"
// knifep3n_sounds_start and knifep3n_sounds_winner can support
// multiple sound files, and one will be played at random
// ex: "ql/rocky1.mp3,ql/example1.mp3,ql/example2.mp3"
// Note: older sound files had to be removed for copyright
// concerns. If you have an original sound that belongs to
// you, and you think it should be included as the default
// sound, please let me know, and I'll add it with credits
// to you!
// The old sound files can be obtained from older copies of
// KnifeP3N, though they'll no longer be available by default.
// Remember that each additional file will add to the time it
// takes for users to download from your server.
knifep3n_sounds_yes ""
knifep3n_sounds_no "ql/schwukele.mp3"
knifep3n_sounds_start ""
knifep3n_sounds_winner "ql/Wsounds/Beat_it.mp3,ql/Wsounds/portal.mp3"

// Timer
// Set knife countdown timer
// X=number of seconds
// Default 30 seconds
knifep3n_time_limit "30"

// Awards
// Give the winner of the fight some bonuses (or detriments,
// if you really want it to go that way)
// Extra money
// Gives the winner of the fight money
// Cash ON/OFF = 1/0
// Default = 0
knifep3n_award_money "0"
// How much money
// Sets how much money to give to the winner
// Default = 16000
knifep3n_cash "16000"
// Extra Health
// Give the winner of the fight extra health if set to 1
// Health ON/OFF = 1/0
// Default 1
knifep3n_award_health "0"
// How much health
// How much health the winner will spawn with.
// setting knifep3n_award_health to "0" will disable this
// Default 120
knifep3n_health "120"
// Extra speed
// Give the winner of the fight extra speed if set to 1
// Default 0
knifep3n_award_speed "0"
// How much speed
// How fast the winner will be able to move.
// setting knifep3n_award_speed to "0" will disable this
// 1 = normal speed
// 2 = double speed
// 0.5 = half speed
// Default 1.2
knifep3n_speed "1"

// Resilience
// If you want the winner to keep his abilities until the
// next knifefight, set this to 1.
// Default 0
knifep3n_keep_ability "1"

// Teleport
// Teleports players to be closer together at the start of
// a knife fight.
// Default 0
knifep3n_teleport "1"
// Teleport Slap
// Helps to prevent players from being teleported to the
// same spot.
// Setting knifep3n_teleport to 0 will override this.
// Default 0
knifep3n_slap "0"

// Spoils of War
// Set this to 1 to give weapons back for the next round
// to the winner of the fight.
// Set to 0 if GunGame is enabled.
// Default 0
knifep3n_keep_weapons "0"

// Use sv_cheats
// Default 0
knifep3n_svcheat "0"

// Punish on Decline
// To activate punishment of player not accepting vote
// set this to 1
// Default 0
knifep3n_decline_punishment "0"
// Change chicken color
// Uses HEX values to set color (0 min, 255 max)
// green + blue = cyan (0 255 255)
// red + blue = magenta (255 0 255)
// red + green = yellow (255 255 0)
// R G B
// Default = 255 255 0 (yellow)
knifep3n_chicken_red "255"
knifep3n_chicken_green "255"
knifep3n_chicken_blue "0"
// Change chicken speed
// Sets speed multiplier of player.
// Default = 0.8 (80% of normal speed)
// 2.0 = 200% normal speed
knifep3n_chicken_speed "0.8"

// Punish Suicide
// Set the health of a player on the round following a knife
// fight if that player kills himself after the fight has
// already begun.
// Default "50"
knifep3n_lame_health "100"

// Predator Skin
// The model for this function has been discovered to have
// been broken. Currently, this will only play the predator
// sound and announce a player as the predator.
// Note: the predator.mp3 sound is NO LONGER included by
// default with KnifeP3N! You can still obtain it through
// previous versions of KnifeP3N, or find your own copy.
knifep3n_skin "0"[/list]


Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2009, 15:54

Re: KnifeP3N Mod Problem !

Das gleiche Problem habe ich auch , habe das Problem aus der console kopiert

knifep3n-4.6.3a !!

[KnifeP3N] Your kill does not count as a weapon_knife kill.
[KnifeP3N] ۑtгєєT-»191« cheated, he did not use a weapon_knife !

knifeP3n sagt mir ich cheate da ich mit der waffe Messer nicht ihn getötet habe, obwohl es nicht stimmt da ich sehr wohl einen Messer benutzt habe. und dann bekomm ich sofort ein slay also der gewinner des messer fights bekommt einen slay da er wie oben beschrieben cheatet obwohl nicht.

Eventscript v2.0.0.250i Public Beta2

ich hoffe einer kann uns helfen

Danke mfg StreeT-191

Beiträge: 1 537

Wohnort: Krefeld

Beruf: Student

Rootserver vorhanden: Nein

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Freitag, 31. Juli 2009, 12:00

Re: KnifeP3N Mod Problem !

So wie es aussieht haben wir 2 Leute mit einem und dem gleichen Problem. Vielleicht schonmal daran gedacht, dass der Mod verbuggt ist ??
Ich habe teilweise 10 Skripte installiert, bis eins darunter funktioniert hat. Ich hab aber leider auch keinen blassen Schimmer, was dieser Mod bringen soll. Ahh ist das dieses 1on1 Messern .... wenn alle anderen tot sind ?

Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten.



Beiträge: 705

Wohnort: Deutschland

Beruf: Freischaffender Künstler

Rootserver vorhanden: Nein

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Freitag, 31. Juli 2009, 13:48

Re: KnifeP3N Mod Problem !


ich denke mal es liegt am es_tool


Freitag, 31. Juli 2009, 15:22

Re: KnifeP3N Mod Problem !

Also das Plugin hatte ich auch mal auf unserem altem (nichtmehr existierendem) aim_deagle Server drauf. Da funktionierte das Plugin noch, also schätze ich mal das es nichtmehr mit dern neuen ES Version funktioniert. Versuch einfachmal die "alte" EventScript Version (2.XXX.248 am ende) ob es damit funktioniert.
