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Samstag, 2. Februar 2013, 19:16

SM:Gungame Plugin

Hallo liebe Community,
ist zwar bisschen länger her, als ich meinen letzten Beitrag verfasst habe, aber jetzt ist es wieder soweit und ich habe ein paar probleme mit einem Plugin.
Diesesmal handelt es sich um das Gungame Plugin für Sourcemod. Link:
Das Problem ist, dass das Plugin nicht richtig lädt. Ich bin bisschen verzweifelt, da ich nicht weis woran es liegen könnte.
Ich bitte um schnelle hilfe und am besten mich in Skype adden, da ich Teamviewer Support vorziehe und da es auch viel schneller geht, als mit erklärungen, da icht nicht alles sofort umsetzen kann, was mir vorgelegt wird.

Meine Skype id: ist-doch-egaall

Gruß Emre :grin:



Beiträge: 580

Wohnort: Zuhause

Rootserver vorhanden: Nein

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Samstag, 2. Februar 2013, 20:30


Ein paar mehr Informationen wären schön, gib folgendes mal in deine Ingame console: rcon sm plugins list sowie rcon sm exts list
Davor bitte das rcon in die console eingeben, rcon_password DeinPW



Samstag, 2. Februar 2013, 20:57

Also rcon sm plugins list:

Spoiler Spoiler

[SM] Listing 90 plugins:
01 "Admin File Reader" (1.5.0-dev+3742) by AlliedModders LLC
02 "GunGame:SM Warmup Configs Execution" ( by teame06-hat, Liam, Team
03 "SMAC Command Monitor" ( by SMAC Development Team
04 "Nextmap" (1.5.0-dev+3742) by AlliedModders LLC
05 "GunGame:SM Display Winner" ( by bl4nk, Team
06 "SourceBans" (1.4.10) by SourceBans Development Team
07 "Gungame: Show level as MVP stars" (1.0) by Jannik "Peace-Maker" Hartung
08 "Simple Chat Colors" (2.0.0) by Simple Plugins
09 "SMAC Anti-Speedhack" ( by SMAC Development Team
10 "Client Preferences" (1.5.0-dev+3742) by AlliedModders LLC
11 "DeathMatch:SM First Spawn" (1.8.0) by Team
12 "M3Motd - MOTD / Rules Display" (0.2.1) by M3Studios, Inc.
13 "SMAC ConVar Checker" ( by SMAC Development Team
14 <Failed> "Stamm" (2.03) by Popoklopsi
15 "Sound Commands" (1.5.0-dev+3742) by AlliedModders LLC
16 "SMAC Aimbot Detector" ( by SMAC Development Team
17 "GunGame Leader Sounds" (1.0) by Sheepdude
18 "HANSE-Stats" (1.7) by red!
19 "Admin Menu" (1.5.0-dev+3742) by AlliedModders LLC
20 "Updater" (1.1.5) by GoD-Tony
21 "Knife Drop" (1.1) by Gh0$t
22 "Fun Commands" (1.5.0-dev+3742) by AlliedModders LLC
23 "NoBlock" (1.4.2) by Team
24 "TeamSwitch" (1.3) by MistaGee
25 "Round End Sound" (2.3.9) by FrozDark
26 <Failed> "GunGame:SM" ( by teame06-hat, Liam, Team
27 "MapChooser" (1.5.0-dev+3683) by AlliedModders LLC
28 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.5.0-dev+3742) by AlliedModders LLC
29 "Basic Chat" (1.5.0-dev+3742) by AlliedModders LLC
30 "GunGame:SM Winner Logger" ( by teame06-hat, Liam, Team
31 "DeathMatch:SM Elimination" (1.8.0) by Team
32 "GunGame:SM Config Reader" ( by teame06-hat, Liam, Team
33 "DeathMatch:SM Ragdoll Remover" (1.8.0) by Team, TigerOx, TechKnow
34 "Basic Commands" (1.5.0-dev+3742) by AlliedModders LLC
35 "DeathMatch:SM Weapons Remover" (1.8.0) by Team, TigerOx, TechKnow
36 "DeathMatch:SM Spawn Protection" (1.8.0) by Team, TigerOx, TechKnow
37 "DeathMatch:SM Preset Spawns" (1.8.0) by Team, TigerOx, TechKnow
38 "Basic Votes" (1.5.0-dev+3742) by AlliedModders LLC
39 "Basic Comm Control" (1.5.0-dev+3742) by AlliedModders LLC
40 "Reserved Slots" (1.5.0-dev+3742) by AlliedModders LLC
41 "Admin Help" (1.5.0-dev+3742) by AlliedModders LLC
42 "Player Commands" (1.5.0-dev+3742) by AlliedModders LLC
43 "SMAC Rcon Locker" ( by SMAC Development Team
44 "SMAC AutoTrigger Detector" ( by SMAC Development Team
45 <Failed> "GunGame:SM Afk Management" ( by teame06-hat, Liam, Team
46 "Map Nominations" (1.5.0-dev+3683) by AlliedModders LLC
47 "SMAC Eye Angle Test" ( by SMAC Development Team
48 "GunGame:SM Map Vote Starter" ( by teame06-hat, Liam, Team
49 <Error> "Stamm Feature VIP Slot" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
50 <Error> "Stamm Feature Instant Defuse" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
51 <Failed> "Stamm Feature KnifeInfect" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
52 <Error> "Stamm Feature Money" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
53 <Error> "Stamm Feature RegenerateHP" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
54 <Failed> "Stamm Feature Show Damage" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
55 <Error> "Stamm Feature VIP Tag" (1.2) by Popoklopsi
56 <Error> "Stamm Feature NoBlock" (1.0) by Popoklopsi
57 <Error> "Stamm Feature Colored Smokes" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
58 <Error> "Stamm Feature MoreSpeed" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
59 <Failed> "Stamm Feature Teleport" (1.0) by Popoklopsi
60 <Error> "Stamm Feature Holy Granade" (1.2) by Popoklopsi
61 <Failed> "Stamm Feature Vip Models" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
62 <Error> "Stamm Feature SpawnHP" (1.2) by Popoklopsi
63 <Error> "Stamm Feature Joinsound" (1.2) by Popoklopsi
64 <Error> "Stamm Feature Icon" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
65 <Error> "Stamm Feature MoreAmmo" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
66 <Error> "Stamm Feature Anti Flash" (1.2) by Popoklopsi
67 <Failed> "Stamm Feature Chats" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
68 <Error> "Stamm Feature PlayerTrail" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
69 <Failed> "Stamm Feature Weapons" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
70 <Error> "Stamm Feature No Reload" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
71 <Error> "Stamm Feature KillHP" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
72 <Error> "Stamm Feature Throwing Knife" (1.2) by Popoklopsi/Bara
73 <Error> "Stamm Feature No Fall Damage" (1.0) by Franc1sco steam: franug
74 <Error> "Stamm Feature GrenadeTrail" (1.2) by Popoklopsi
75 <Error> "Stamm Feature Admin Flags" (1.2) by Popoklopsi
76 <Error> "Stamm Feature LessGravity" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
77 <Error> "Stamm Feature No Restrict" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
78 <Failed> "Stamm Feature Chat Messages" (1.1) by Popoklopsi
79 "DeathMatch:SM" (1.8.0) by Team, TigerOx, TechKnow
80 "Rock The Vote" (1.5.0-dev+3683) by AlliedModders LLC
81 <Failed> "GunGame:SM TK Management" ( by teame06-hat, Liam, Team
82 "GunGame:SM Winner Effects" ( by teame06-hat, Liam, Team
83 "Grenade Drop (he, flash, smoke)" (1.3) by rodipm
84 <Failed> "GunGame:SM Stats" ( by teame06-hat, Liam, Team
85 <Failed> "GunGame:SM Bot Protection" ( by teame06-hat, Liam, Team
86 "Players Votes" (1.5.0) by The Resident, pZv!
87 "SMAC EAC Global Banlist" ( by SMAC Development Team
88 "SourceMod Anti-Cheat" ( by SMAC Development Team
89 "SMAC Client Protection" ( by SMAC Development Team
90 "Fun Votes" (1.5.0-dev+3742) by AlliedModders LLC
Load Errors:
Stamm Feature VIP Slot: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature Instant Defuse: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature Money: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature RegenerateHP: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature VIP Tag: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature NoBlock: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature Colored Smokes: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature MoreSpeed: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature Holy Granade: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature SpawnHP: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature Joinsound: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature Icon: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature MoreAmmo: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
Stamm Feature Anti Flash: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature PlayerTrail: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature No Reload: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature KillHP: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature Throwing Knife: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature No Fall Damage: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature GrenadeTrail: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature Admin Flags: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature LessGravity: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!
Stamm Feature No Restrict: Can't Load Feature, Stamm is not installed!

und rcon sm exts list

Spoiler Spoiler

] rcon sm exts list
[SM] Displaying 16 extensions:
[01] Automatic Updater (1.5.0-dev+3742): Updates SourceMod gamedata files
[02] Webternet (1.5.0-dev+3742): Extension for interacting with URLs
[03] CS Tools (1.5.0-dev+3742): CS extended functionality
[04] BinTools (1.5.0-dev+3742): Low-level C/C++ Calling API
[05] SDK Tools (1.5.0-dev+3742): Source SDK Tools
[06] Top Menus (1.5.0-dev+3742): Creates sorted nested menus
[07] SDK Hooks (2.2.0): Source SDK Hooks
[08] Client Preferences (1.5.0-dev+3742): Saves client preference settings
[09] SQLite (1.5.0-dev+3742): SQLite Driver
[10] <FAILED> file "": /home/css/public/css/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/extensions/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[11] cURL Extension ( cURL Extension
[12] Socket (3.0.1): Socket extension for SourceMod
[13] <FAILED> file "": /home/css/public/css/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/extensions/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[14] FlashBang Tools (0.0.3): Provides forwards for flashbang's
[15] <FAILED> file "": /home/css/public/css/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/extensions/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[16] MySQL-DBI (1.5.0-dev+3742): MySQL driver implementation for DBI

Gruß Emre

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »General_V« (2. Februar 2013, 21:15)


Super Moderator

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Samstag, 2. Februar 2013, 21:42

Deine Pluginliste spuckt dutzende Fehler aus, solche werden immer in den Errorlogs protokolliert.
Du solltest mal deine Errorlogs ansehen und den Inhalt ggfs hier posten.

Ich bitte um schnelle hilfe und am besten mich in Skype adden, da ich Teamviewer Support vorziehe und da es auch viel schneller geht

Sei nicht so egoistisch, wenn du schnelle und private Hilfe willst musst du auch bereit sein etwas dafür zu geben.
Das Forum ist weder eine Vermittlung noch haben die Supporter hier etwas dadurch dass sie dir in ihrer Freizeit privat helfen.
Das Forum ist für alle, privater Support... naja, der hilft nur dir.




Beiträge: 298


Beruf: FISI

Rootserver vorhanden: Nein

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Sonntag, 3. Februar 2013, 03:22

Bei waren auch Fehler beim Laden der Extensions da.
Einfach mal über console oder hlsw neu laden mit
sm exts load:
dann server restarten und es sollte gehen :)

natürlich auch die datenbank.cfg scheclen, ob da alles eingetragen doer richtig ist ^^
Come to the dark side,
we have cookies ;)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Blacksilver« (3. Februar 2013, 17:14)

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