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  • »FreZzer« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 1

Rootserver vorhanden: Nein

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Freitag, 23. Dezember 2011, 17:17

SourceMod -SaySounds


ich habe das Plugin SaySounds eingebaut.
Jedoch kann ich eingeben an Sounds was ich will..es kommt keiner.

1. sm plugin list:

Spoiler Spoiler

] sm plugins list
"Player Commands" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Basic Comm Control" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Admin File Reader" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"gameME Plugin" (3.9) by TTS Oetzel & Goerz GmbH
"Admin Menu" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Fun Commands" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Fun Votes" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Basic Ban Commands" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Client Preferences" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Basic Votes" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
To see more, type "sm plugins 11"
] sm plugins 11
"Basic Commands" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Anti-Flood" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Admin Help" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Nextmap" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Resetscore" (1.1) by tuty
"Reserved Slots" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Basic Chat" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Basic Info Triggers" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Sound Commands" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
"Say Sounds (including Hybrid Edition)" (4.0.3) by Hell Phoenix|Naris|FernFerret|Uberman|psychonic|edgecom|woody|Miraculix|gH0sTy
"Quake Sounds" (1.8) by dalto


Spoiler Spoiler

// ##################################################################################################
// ############################## Saysounds example config ##########################################
// ##################################################################################################
// # Soundfiles have to be placed relative to your game/mod "sound" folder. #
// # Example: cstrike/sound/mysound.mp3 or dod/sound/myfolder/mysound.mp3 #
// # "file" "mysound.mp3" or "file" "myfolder/mysound.mp3" #
// # If you run a pure server (sv_pure = 1) you should create an extra folder for your sounds #
// # so you don't have to whitelist your whole "sound" folder. #
// # Whitelisting is done in the "pure_server_whitelist.txt" file located in the "hl2" folder. #
// # Example: sound\myfolder\... allow_from_disk #
// # Don't forget to change the map after you've added something to your pure_server_whitelist.txt #
// # For more infos on pure servers visit http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Pure_Servers #
// ##################################################################################################

"Sound Combinations"
// #### Join/Exit Sounds ####
"JoinSound" // Sound to play when a player Joins the server
"file" "cstrike/sound/misc/welcome.wav"
"admin" "0"
"text" "blablabla" // Message to display if s client joins the server
"single" "1" // 1 to play sound to single client only, 0 to play to all (default is 1)
"volume" "0.5" // Specify volume for this specific sound
"file" "cstrike/sound/misc/welcome.wav"
"admin" "0"
"etext" "blablabla" // Message to display if a client leaves the server
"single" "1" // 1 to play sound to single client only, 0 to play to all (default is 0)
"volume" "0.5" // Specify volume for this specific sound
"STEAM_0:x:xxxxxx" // trigger for specific STEAM ID
"file" "cstrike/sound/misc/myhouse.mp3" // name of sound to play when joining
"exit" "cstrike/sound/misc/goodbye.mp3" // name of sound to play when leaving
"text" "blablabla" // Message to display if this client joins the server
"etext" "blablabla" // Message to display if this client leaves the server
"admin" "0"
"volume" "0.5" // Specify volume for this specific sound
// #### Say Sounds ####
"lol" // Minimum configuration for sounds
"file" "misc/lol.mp3" // This will set all other options to default values
"knaller" // Minimum configuration for sounds
"file" "cstrike/sound/misc/knaller.mp3" // This will set all other options to default values
"attacke" // Minimum configuration for sounds
"file" "cstrike/sound/misc/attacke.wav" // This will set all other options to default values

"blid" // Minimum configuration for sounds
"file" "cstrike/sound/misc/blind.mp3" // This will set all other options to default values
"nein" // Minimum configuration for sounds
"file" "cstrike/sound/misc/nein.mp3" // This will set all other options to default values
"nice" // Minimum configuration for sounds
"file" "cstrike/sound/misc/nice.mp3" // This will set all other options to default values
"wazza" // Word trigger
"file" "cstrike/sound/misc/wazza.wav" //"file" is always there, next is the filepath (always starts with "sound/")
"admin" "1" //1 is admin only, 0 is anyone (defaults is 0)
"delay" "5" // will delay the sound by 5 seconds (max delay 60 seconds)
"adult" "1" //will announce the sound as ADULT SOUND, hide it from the sounds menu, block the chat output (defaults is 0)
"text" "blablabla" // Message to display for this sound
"download" "1" //1 to download the sounds, 0 to not download (default is 1)
"lol" // Word trigger to randomly select 1 of multiple sounds
"file" "cstrike/sound/misc/lol.mp/ name of the 1st option, can also be "file1"
"file2" "cstrike/sound/misc/lol2.wav" // name of the 2nd option
"file3" "cstrike/sound/misc/lol3.wav"
"file4" "cstrike/sound/misc/lol4.wav"
"count" "4" // number of sounds (default is 1)
"volume" "0.5" // Specify volume for this specific sound
// #### KARAOKE ####
"somesong" // Word trigger for Karaoke
"file" "cstrike/sound/misc/somesong.wav"
"karaoke" "somesong.cfg" // name of config file for karaoke lyrics
// ####FernFerret####
// ####Action Sounds####
// New Section showing how to use Action Sounds Extention
// New Parameters:
// - actiononly If this variable is set to 1, the sound cannot be
// played by a menu or a client typing
// - action If the action filled in here is performed, the sound will play
// - param The best way to think of param is "Play Sound if [ACTION] with [PARAM]"
// * Some examples are Flag events**, or weapons***
// - prob The probability of a sound playing, if you want a sound to play 20% of the time
// * the fill in prob as ".2" or the percentage divided by 100
// - playto Play kill events to clients/teams
// * attacker - plays the sound to the attacker
// * victim - plays the sound to the victim
// * both - plays the sound to the attacker and the victim
// * ateam - plays the sound to the attacker team
// * vteam - plays the sound to the victim team
// - Some examples:
"rocket" //This example plays a random sound to the victim if he gets killed with a TF2 rocket launcher.
"file" "cstrike/sound/misc/saysound/rocket1.mp3"
"file2" "cstrike/sound/misc/saysound/rocket2.mp3"
"file3" "cstrike/sound/misc/saysound/rocket3.mp3"
"count" "3"
"admin" "1"
"actiononly" "1"
"action" "kill"
"param" "tf_projectile_rocket"
"playto" "victim"
"file" "admin_plugin/invincible.wav"
"admin" "1"
"actiononly" "1"
"action" "uber"
// Note: If the action is uber, you do not need param
// Prob is assumed 1 or 100% if nothing is provied
"file" "admin_plugin/lmf.wav"
"admin" "1"
"actiononly" "1"
"action" "kill"
"param" "flamethrower"
"prob" ".05"


Spoiler Spoiler

L 12/23/2011 - 14:22:04: SourceMod log file session started (file "L20111223.log") (Version "1.4.1")
L 12/23/2011 - 14:22:04: -------- Mapchange to de_dust2 --------
L 12/23/2011 - 14:22:04: [saysounds.smx] [Say Sounds] Detected Counter Strike

Spoiler Spoiler

L 12/23/2011 - 14:22:04: SourceMod error session started
L 12/23/2011 - 14:22:04: Info (map "de_dust2") (file "errors_20111223.log")
L 12/23/2011 - 14:22:04: [admin-flatfile.smx] Error(s) detected parsing addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg
L 12/23/2011 - 14:22:04: [admin-flatfile.smx] (line 36) A property was declared outside of a section

Im Spiel kann ich den Befehl "!Soundlist" aufrufen jedoch steht nur folgendes da:
"Coose a Sound to Play"
"0. Verlassen"

Mfg. FreZzer



Beiträge: 159

Beruf: Student

Rootserver vorhanden: Ja

  • Private Nachricht senden


Donnerstag, 19. Januar 2012, 20:45

Meiner Meinung nach hast du die Pfadangaben falsch angegeben. Bei uns liegen die sounds im Ordner cstrike/sound/say_sounds/abc/ und ich hab in unserer config lediglich den Pfad "say_sounds/abc/def.mp3" angegeben. Bei uns ( funktioniert´s einwandfrei
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