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[CS:S] Store Backend



  • »Neoxx« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 507

Wohnort: Schleswig-Holstein

Rootserver vorhanden: Ja

  • Nachricht senden


Montag, 16. Februar 2015, 16:51

Store Backend

Guten Tag ich habe da ein problem mit dem store könnte mir da jemand weiter helfen?


[SM] Native "Call_StartFunction" reported: Invalid function id (0)
[SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "store/store-backend.smx":
[SM] [0] Line 778, C:\Users\Alon\Documents\GitHub\store\scripting\store-backend.sp::T_GetUserItemsCallback()
[SM] Native "ReadPackString" reported: DataPack operation is out of bounds.

SM Version: v1.7.0
MM Version v1.10.4V

Plugins List:

Spoiler Spoiler

01 "SMAC ESEA Global Banlist" ( by SMAC Development Team
02 "Admin / Player - Joinsound" (1.0.4) by Bara
03 "SMAC AutoTrigger Detector" ( by SMAC Development Team
04 "CallAdmin: Mysql module" (0.1.4) by Impact, Popoklopsi
05 "Player Respawn" (1.5) by Rogue
06 "Fun Commands" (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
07 "Quake Sounds" (1.8) by dalto
08 "Round End Sound" (2.4) by FrozDark
09 "Sound Commands" (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
10 "More AWP Damage" (1.0) by Bara
11 "SMAC ConVar Checker" ( by SMAC Development Team
12 "Adv Speed Meter" (2.8.16) by Chanz
13 "[CS:S] Block Radio" (2.0.2) by TimeBomb
14 "[Store] Inventory" (1.1-alpha) by alongub
15 "[Store] Distributor" (1.1-alpha) by alongub
16 "[Store] Loadout" (1.1-alpha) by alongub
17 "[Store] Weapon Colors" (1.1-alpha) by Phault
18 "[Store] Refund" (1.1-alpha) by alongub
19 "[Store] Backend" (1.1-alpha) by alongub
20 "[Store] Shop" (1.1-alpha) by alongub
21 "[Store] Core" (1.1-alpha) by alongub
22 "[Store] Gifting" (1.1-alpha) by alongub
23 "[Store] Logging" (1.1-alpha) by alongub
24 "Basic Commands" (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
25 "Weapon Restrict" (3.1.6) by Dr!fter
26 "Very Basic High Ping Kicker" (1.4) by msleeper
27 "Donate" (1.2a) by FreakyLike
28 "SM Super Menu" (0.5) by pRED*
29 "Reserved Slots" (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
30 "SMAC Anti-Speedhack" ( by SMAC Development Team
31 "SMAC Aimbot Detector" ( by SMAC Development Team
32 "NoScope" (1.5) by Bara
33 "SMAC Spinhack Detector" ( by SMAC Development Team
34 "CallAdmin: Steam module" (0.1.4) by Impact, Popoklopsi
35 "Ban disconnected players" (1.04) by mad_hamster
36 "Stamm" (2.2.8) by Popoklopsi
37 "Dissolve" ( by L. Duke
38 "No Fall Damage" ( by alexip121093
39 "Gamevoting" (1.5b) by
40 "HLstatsX CE Ingame Plugin" (1.6.19) by psychonic
41 "No Block" ( by sslice
42 "Admin Menu" (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
43 "[Any] SteamTools Game Description Override" (1.1.3) by Dr. McKay
44 "SuperLogs: CSS" (1.2.4) by psychonic
45 "Fun Votes" (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
46 "SourceMod Anti-Cheat" ( by SMAC Development Team
47 "Basic Votes" (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
48 "Updater" (1.2.1) by GoD-Tony
49 "Admin Help" (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
50 "Advanced admin commands" (0.16) by 3sigma
51 "SMAC CS:S Anti-Flash" ( by SMAC Development Team
52 "Teamswitch Menu" (0.2.4) by R-Hehl
53 "HideMe" (1.0.0) by fluxX
54 "Anti-Flood" (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
55 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
56 "Paintball" (1.2.0) by Team
57 "MapChooser Extended" (1.10.2) by Powerlord, Zuko, and AlliedModders LLC
58 "SMAC EAC Global Banlist" ( by SMAC Development Team
59 "SMAC CS:S Anti-Smoke" ( by SMAC Development Team
60 "SMAC Client Protection" ( by SMAC Development Team
61 "Show Keys" (1.0.0) by Zipcore, GoD-Tony, Peace-Maker, Bara
62 "Stamm Feature Money" (1.3.1) by Popoklopsi
63 "Stamm Feature Colored Smokes" (1.3.1) by Popoklopsi
64 "Stamm Feature Chats" (1.3.1) by Popoklopsi
65 "Stamm Feature VIP Tag" (1.4.2) by Popoklopsi
66 "Stamm Feature Show Damage" (1.3.1) by Popoklopsi
67 "Stamm Feature MoreAmmo" (1.3.1) by Popoklopsi
68 "Stamm Feature No Reload" (1.3.1) by Popoklopsi
69 "Stamm Feature Chat Messages" (1.3.2) by Popoklopsi
70 "Stamm Feature GrenadeTrail" (1.4.1) by Popoklopsi
71 "Stamm Feature PlayerTrail" (1.3.1) by Popoklopsi
72 "Stamm Feature Holy Granade" (1.4.1) by Popoklopsi
73 "Stamm Feature FastLadder" (1.1.2) by Bara
74 "Stamm Feature VIP Slot" (1.3.1) by Popoklopsi
75 "Stamm Feature ResizePlayer" (1.1.1) by Popoklopsi
76 "Nextmap" (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
77 "CSS Supporters: Tracers" (2.0.5) by Twisted|Panda
78 "Player Color" (1.0) by Bara
79 "Client Preferences" (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
80 "[ANY] Gifts" (1.1) by Zephyrus
81 "Basic Comm Control" (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
82 "No Knife Damage" (1.0) by Bara
83 "[Any] Improved Join Team Messages" ( by Oshizu and ReFlexPoison (Helped many times with plugin)
84 "SMAC Eye Angle Test" ( by SMAC Development Team
85 "Regeln" (1.0) by MaTTe / LuckY|m0
86 "Mapchooser Extended Sounds" (1.10.1) by Powerlord
87 "AdsQL Advertisements System" (2.3.1) by PharaohsPaw
88 "SMAC CS:S Exploit Fixes" ( by SMAC Development Team
89 "CallAdmin" (0.1.4) by Impact, Popoklopsi
90 "SMACBANS: Block" (0.2.5) by SMACBANS Team
91 "Anti-Ping Mask" (1.6.0) by atom0s
92 "Map Nominations Extended" (1.10.0) by Powerlord and AlliedModders LLC
93 "SMAC KAC Global Banlist" ( by SMAC Development Team
94 "Resetscore" (1.0) by tuty
95 "Player Commands" (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
96 "Team Switch" (1.0) by eXceeder
97 "SMAC Rcon Locker" ( by SMAC Development Team
98 "Infinite Jumping" (2.14.40) by Chanz
99 "SpawnEffects" (1.0) by Furibaito
100 "Server Hop" (0.8.2 with morecolors support) by [GRAVE] rig0r
101 "Rock The Vote Extended" (1.10.0) by Powerlord and AlliedModders LLC
102 "SMAC Command Monitor" ( by SMAC Development Team
103 "Simple Chat Processor (Redux)" (2.0.2) by Simple Plugins, Mini
104 "Basic Chat" (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
105 "PermaMute" (0.1) by Ryan "FLOOR_MASTER" Mannion
106 "HeadShot Explode" (1.0) by tuty
107 "JoinSteamgroup" (1.0.1) by {7~11} Troll
108 "SM Super Admin" (0.70) by TechKnow & Pred
109 "Killstreak" (1.0) by Jackmaster/Bara
110 "SourceBans" (1.4.11) by SourceBans Development Team

sm exts list:

Spoiler Spoiler

[01] Automatic Updater (1.7.0): Updates SourceMod gamedata files
[02] Webternet (1.7.0): Extension for interacting with URLs
[03] SMRCon (1.2.1): Tools for SM plugins to interact with rcon auth and requests
[04] BinTools (1.7.0): Low-level C/C++ Calling API
[05] CS Tools (1.7.0): CS extended functionality
[06] SDK Tools (1.7.0): Source SDK Tools
[07] Socket (3.0.1): Socket extension for SourceMod
[08] Regex (1.7.0): Provides regex natives for plugins
[09] Top Menus (1.7.0): Creates sorted nested menus
[10] Client Preferences (1.7.0): Saves client preference settings
[11] SQLite (1.7.0): SQLite Driver
[12] SDK Hooks (1.7.0): Source SDK Hooks
[13] SMJansson (2.3.1/3): JSON parser/writer
[14] MessageBot (1.3): MessageBot Extension
[15] SteamTools (0.9.0+d5d0838): SteamWorks for SourceMod.
[16] cURL Extension ( cURL Extension
[17] GeoIP (1.7.0): Geographical IP information
[18] <FAILED> file "": /home/gc06846/server/awp_lego/css/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/extensions/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[19] DHooks (1.0.13-alpha): Allows basic dynamic hooks
[20] MySQL-DBI (1.7.0): MySQL driver implementation for DB

meta list:

Spoiler Spoiler

[01] SourceMod (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
[02] SMRCon (1.2.1) by psychonic
[03] CS Tools (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
[04] SDK Tools (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
[05] SDK Hooks (1.7.0) by AlliedModders LLC
[06] SteamTools (0.9.0+d5d0838) by Asher "asherkin" Baker
[07] DHooks (1.0.13-alpha) by Dr!fter

Gruß Neoxx

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Neoxx« (16. Februar 2015, 19:07)



Beiträge: 409

Beruf: Kaufman im Einzelhandel

Rootserver vorhanden: Ja

  • Nachricht senden


Dienstag, 17. Februar 2015, 11:07

Liegt am SM 1.7...

>>> Siehe Hier <<<


Dienstag, 17. Februar 2015, 12:29

Den fehler mit dem Store hatte ich auch und dir fehlt
steht in deiner sm exts list xD



  • »Neoxx« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 507

Wohnort: Schleswig-Holstein

Rootserver vorhanden: Ja

  • Nachricht senden


Dienstag, 17. Februar 2015, 13:23

Jetzt wo du es sagst sehe ich es auch erst xD

Vielen dank für die hilfe ^^

Gruß Neoxx



Beiträge: 409

Beruf: Kaufman im Einzelhandel

Rootserver vorhanden: Ja

  • Nachricht senden


Dienstag, 17. Februar 2015, 18:32

Ich glaube ist nicht so wichtig :) das kann ruhig so bleiben ^^


Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2015, 23:45

ich weis dass es nicht so wichtig ist aber wollte ihn nur darauf aufmerksam machen :P

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