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Mittwoch, 14. Oktober 2015, 02:43

D2 Only wechselt Map nicht

Schönen guten abend,
Ich habe meinen D2 Only Server eingerichtet aber habe dabei 1 Problem wenn die runden abgelaufen sind läd er einfach nur die map neu aber ändert sie nicht vonwegen von D2 auf D2
Hier mal meine gamemodes_server.txt

Spoiler Spoiler

// To use this file, rename it to GameModes_Server.txt
// Values here override the default gamemodes.txt



"maxplayers" "20" // Note that maxplayers doesn't go in the convar block.
// Another way to set maxplayers is to add -maxplayers_override XX to the cmd line.
// Any config files listed here will be executed after the ones in gamemodes.txt.

"exec" "server_last.cfg"

"mapgroupsMP" // List of mapgroups valid for this game mode ( competitive )
"mg_de_dust2" ""


"maxplayers" "30"

"exec" "server_last.cfg"

"mapgroupsMP" // List of mapgroups valid for this game mode ( casual )
"mg_bomb_se" ""



"maxplayers" "10"

// These are the configs that get executed when a game mode of this type is created
"exec" "server_last.cfg"

"mg_armsrace" ""

"deagle" { "kills" "5" }
"awp" { "kills" "5" }
"knifegg" { "kills" "1" }

"deagle" { "kills" "5" }
"awp" { "kills" "5" }
"knifegg" { "kills" "1" }


"maxplayers" "10"

// These are the configs that get executed when a game mode of this type is created
"exec" "server_last.cfg"

"mg_demolition" ""

"m4a1" { "kills" "1" }
"awp" { "kills" "1" }
"Scar20" { "kills" "1" }

"ak47" { "kills" "1" }
"awp" { "kills" "1" }
"g3sg1" { "kills" "1" }


// Map groups
// To use a mapgroup, it needs to be defined in a keyvalues
// block such as the example below, as well as listed in the
// 'mapgroupsMP' block within the game mode that will run it,
// such as the example above.
// Then launch the server with '+mapgroup MAPGROUPNAME'
// Example:
// srcds -game csgo +game_mode 1 +mapgroup mg_bomb_se +map de_nuke_se
// Check the developer wiki for updated community info

"mg_bomb_se" // mapgroup definition
"name" "mg_bomb_se"
"de_dust_se" ""
"de_dust2_se" ""
"de_nuke_se" ""
"de_train_se" ""
"de_inferno_se" ""
"de_aztec_se" ""

Spoiler Spoiler

mp_match_end_restart 1
bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high 0.0 // Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount above avg human contribution score, above which a bot should lower its difficulty)
bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low -2.0 // Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount below avg human contribution score, below which a bot should raise its difficulty)
bot_chatter normal
bot_defer_to_human_goals 1
bot_defer_to_human_items 1
bot_difficulty 2
bot_quota 4
bot_quota_mode fill
cash_player_bomb_defused 300
cash_player_bomb_planted 300
cash_player_damage_hostage -30
cash_player_interact_with_hostage 300
cash_player_killed_enemy_default 300
cash_player_killed_enemy_factor 1
cash_player_killed_hostage -1000
cash_player_killed_teammate -300
cash_player_rescued_hostage 1000
cash_team_elimination_bomb_map 3250
cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_t 3000
cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_ct 3000
cash_team_hostage_alive 0
cash_team_hostage_interaction 600
cash_team_loser_bonus 1400
cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds 500
cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused 800
cash_team_rescued_hostage 600
cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb 3500
cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb 3500
cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue 2900
cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_hostage 3250
cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_bomb 3250
ff_damage_reduction_bullets 0.33
ff_damage_reduction_grenade 0.85
ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self 1
ff_damage_reduction_other 0.4
mp_afterroundmoney 0
mp_buytime 45
mp_buy_anywhere 0
mp_buy_during_immunity 0
mp_death_drop_defuser 1
mp_death_drop_grenade 2 // 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
mp_death_drop_gun 1 // 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
mp_defuser_allocation 0
mp_force_pick_time 15
mp_forcecamera 1 // Set to 1 for team only spectating.
mp_free_armor 0
mp_freezetime 3
mp_friendlyfire 0
mp_win_panel_display_time 3
mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay 15
mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus 1
mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus 1
mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash 4
mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he 3
mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov 5
mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade 2
mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay 0
mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus 1
mp_ggtr_halftime_delay 0.0
mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half 0
mp_respawn_immunitytime 0
mp_halftime 1
mp_match_can_clinch 1 // 0=No mercy rule, 1=team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds
mp_maxmoney 16000
mp_maxrounds 2
mp_molotovusedelay 0
mp_playercashawards 1
mp_roundtime 2
mp_roundtime_hostage 2
mp_roundtime_defuse 2
mp_solid_teammates 1
mp_startmoney 800
mp_teamcashawards 1
mp_timelimit 0
mp_warmuptime 60
mp_weapons_allow_zeus 1
spec_freeze_panel_extended_time 0
spec_freeze_time 5.0
sv_allow_votes 1 // Voting allowed in this mode
sv_alltalk 0
sv_auto_full_alltalk_during_warmup_half_end 0
sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after 0
sv_deadtalk 1
sv_ignoregrenaderadio 0
tv_delay 105
mp_warmup_pausetimer 0
mp_halftime_pausetimer 0
mp_randomspawn 0
mp_randomspawn_los 0
sv_infinite_ammo 0
ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang 2
ammo_grenade_limit_total 4
mp_weapons_allow_map_placed 1
mp_weapons_glow_on_ground 0
mp_display_kill_assists 1
mp_respawn_on_death_t 0
mp_respawn_on_death_ct 0
mp_ct_default_melee weapon_knife
mp_ct_default_secondary weapon_hkp2000
mp_ct_default_primary ""
mp_t_default_melee weapon_knife
mp_t_default_secondary weapon_glock
mp_t_default_primary ""
mp_default_team_winner_no_objective -1 // 2 == CTs, 3 == Ts

sv_occlude_players 1
occlusion_test_async 0
und die ich hab das alles ewig nicht mehr gemacht alles klapp auch nur der change eben nicht vielen dank für eure Hilfe

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »KifferSports« (14. Oktober 2015, 02:50)



Beiträge: 417


Rootserver vorhanden: Ja

  • Nachricht senden


Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2015, 15:33


mp_match_end_restart 1 -> mp_match_end_restart 0 einfach ändern, dann changed er auch die Map von D2 zu D2 oder wie auch immer.
(steht bei dir sogar ganz oben in der cfg)

Rechtschreibfehler sind voll normal und passieren nunmal 8)
Ich gebe keine Antworten auf PN, dazu ist das komplette Forum da um Anfragen zu beantworten ...


Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2015, 17:33

super hat geklappt!

vielen dank!

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