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Counter-Strike 2 Update Released
Release Notes for 12/3/2024
- Updated MIBR player sticker items autographed by Lucaozy with the autographs of brnz4n.
- Fixed a UI bug that allowed dropping Pick'Em team logos outside of Major Pick'Em hub using both mouse buttons.
- Pick'Em challenge picks can now be placed for the upcoming Elimination Stage of Shanghai Major.
- Predicted ragdolls without a confirmation or correction from the server within a short time window will now revert.
[ MAPS ]
- Train
- Increased collision fidelity of several models
- Overpass
- Replaced railing inside Heaven with a wall
- Additional visibility improvements in Heaven
- Edin
- Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop (Update Notes)
- Palais
- Updated to the latest version from the Community Workshop (Update Notes)
- Fixed 'boost player contrast' visibility rendering option sometimes revealing parts of players or weapons through thin surfaces.
- Added r_allow_low_gpu_memory_mode setting to allow running CS2 Workshop Tools in low memory GPU conditions.
- Fixed various bugs in Hammer.