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Counter-Strike 2 Update Released
Release Notes for 2/4/2025
[ MISC ]
- Fixed AUG scope stencil filter bug near water surfaces.
- Fixed Premier progress bar not displaying properly in low resolutions.
- Fixed certain UI panels not rendering transparently when using CMAA2 and HDR performance settings simultaneously.
- Improved dynamic radar scale to snap size when a newly discovered enemy/C4 enters radar view, but still shrink gradually when enemy/C4 disappears and enough time passes.
- Fixed radar scale settings UI to support full range of radar scale from 0.25 to 1.0 values.
- Fixed sounds from Train inspect scenery not getting cleared when going back to the main menu.
- Fixed misprediction error smoothing near walls to avoid clipping through walls.
- Fixed cloth simulation bug on loopback=1 local servers.