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  • »BlackDrain« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 25

Wohnort: Bad Mergentheim

Beruf: Industriemeister für Kunststoff- und Kautschuktechnik

Rootserver vorhanden: Ja

  • Nachricht senden


Mittwoch, 22. August 2012, 21:29

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update

Release notes for 8/22 Update

- Addressed some stability issues.
- Fixed perf issues when logging is enabled.

- Added a convar (cl_crosshairgap) to control the gap of the classic crosshair.
- The smoke grenade smoke is now taller so it's now more useful to use it to block places like double-doors in dust2.
- Players can no longer interrupt another player defusing the bomb by standing in between them and the bomb.
- Disabled sv_pure on listen servers.
- Fixed an sv_pure bug that resulted in false inconsistent MD5s
- Increased search iterations and time delay for keeping sessions in the ignored pool. mm_ignored_sessions_reset can now reset the ignored pool.
- Fixed a case where MOTD prevents input to the team select screen.
- Fixed occasional "server is full" error when matchmaking into classic casual games.
- Fixed an exploit where a vote could be called for an invalid map.

- added some sound mix settings suggested by pros
- increased the volume of bullet impacts and ricochets
- increased the volume of 3rd person footsteps
- increased the volume of weapon foley sounds (reloads, etc.)
-decreased the volume of ambient sounds

- Added steamcmd support to srcds_run. In order to have srcds_run auto-update when the CS:GO dedicated servers get patched, the srcds_run script must be run with the following options: -autoupdate -steam_dir STEAMDIR -steamcmd_script STEAMSCRIPT
where STEAMDIR is the directory to the steamcmd dir ( example: ~/Steam/ )
where STEAMSCRIPT is the name of the script that steamcmd should execute ( example: ~/Steam/csgo.txt )

For information on how to create a script for steamcmd, see Strike:_Global_Offensive_Dedicated_Servers#Automating_SteamCmd


Mittwoch, 22. August 2012, 22:15

Finde das Update nice. Server laufen stabiler wie auch im Changelog oben zu sehen ist.
Server waren 30 Min. nachdem die Online voll. 6 Server mit je 24 Slots.

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