"Phrases" { "aborted" { "en" "aborted" } "Bronze" { "en" "bronze" } "Silver" { "en" "silver" } "Gold" { "en" "gold" } "Platinum" { "en" "platinum" } "Rounds" { "en" "rounds" } "Kills" { "en" "kills" } "Time" { "en" "time" } "LeaveMessage" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:c}" "en" "{1}VIP {2}{3} {4}left the Server" } "WelcomeMessage" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:c},{5:c},{6:c}" "en" "{1}VIP {2}{3} {4}joined the server, {5}respect{6} him" } "InfoTypRounds" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:c},{5:c}" "en" "{1}is enabled, type {2}{3} {4}to see your current {5}rounds" } "InfoTypKills" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:c},{5:c}" "en" "{1}is enabled, type {2}{3} {4}to see your current {5}kills" } "InfoTypTime" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:c},{5:c}" "en" "{1}is enabled, type {2}{3} {4}to see your current {5}playtime" } "InfoTypInfo" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}" "en" "{1}Type {2}!sinfo , {3}to see all infos about Stamm" } "TagInfo" { "en" "For the stamm tag, you have to change your steam name" } "DeletedPoints" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s}" "en" "{1}VIP points from {2}{3} deleted!" } "YourDeletedPoints" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}" "en" "{1}Your stamm points were {2}reseted!!" } "ChoosePlayer" { "en" "Choose a Player" } "DeletedDB" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}" "en" "{1}The database were {2}resetted" } "NoVIP" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}" "en" "{1}You are {2}NO VIP!" } "NoVips" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}" "en" "{1}No Vip's, {2}yet!" } "RankRounds" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c},{5:c},{6:i}" "en" "{1}You are on {2}{3}. Place{4} with {5}{6} rounds" } "RankKills" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c},{5:c},{6:i}" "en" "{1}You are on {2}{3}. Place{4} with {5}{6} kills" } "RankTime" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i}" "en" "{1}You are on {2}{3}. Place{4} with {5}{6} hours {7}and {8}{9} minutes" } "NoLevelNoVIPClient" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c},{7:c},{8:i},{9:i},{10:c}" "en" "{1}You have {2}{3} {4}{5}, {6}you need still{7} {8} ({9}) {10}to become VIP" } "NoLevelVIPClient" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c}" "en" "{1}You have {2}{3} {4}{5}, {6}you are already VIP" } "NoLevelNoVIPAll" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:s},{3:c},{4:i},{5:c},{6:s},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:i},{11:c}" "en" "{1}{2} has {3}{4} {5}{6}, {7}he needs still{8} {9} ({10}) {11}to become VIP" } "NoLevelVIPAll" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:s},{3:c},{4:i},{5:c},{6:s},{7:c}" "en" "{1}{2} has {3}{4} {5}{6}, {7}he's already VIP" } "NoLevelNoVIPClientTime" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:i},{11:c}" "en" "{1}You have {2}{3} hours {4}and {5}{6} minutes, {7}you need still{8} {9} ({10}) {11}to become VIP" } "NoLevelVIPClientTime" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c}" "en" "{1}You have {2}{3} hours {4}and {5}{6} minutes, {7}you are already VIP" } "NoLevelNoVIPAllTime" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:s},{3:c},{4:i},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c},{9:c},{10:i},{11:i},{12:c}" "en" "{1}{2} has {3}{4} hours {5}and {6}{7} minutes, {8}he needs still{9} {10} ({11}) {12}to become VIP" } "NoLevelVIPAllTime" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:s},{3:c},{4:i},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c}" "en" "{1}{2} has {3}{4} hours {5}and {6}{7} minutes, {8}he's already VIP" } "LevelNoVIPClientBronze" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c},{7:c},{8:i},{9:i},{10:c}" "en" "{1}You have {2}{3} {4}{5}, {6}you need still{7} {8} ({9}) {10}to become bronze VIP" } "LevelNoVIPClientSilver" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c},{7:c},{8:i},{9:i},{10:c}" "en" "{1}You have {2}{3} {4}{5}, {6}you need still{7} {8} ({9}) {10}to become silver VIP" } "LevelNoVIPClientGold" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c},{7:c},{8:i},{9:i},{10:c}" "en" "{1}You have {2}{3} {4}{5}, {6}you need still{7} {8} ({9}) {10}to become gold VIP" } "LevelNoVIPClientPlatinum" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c},{7:c},{8:i},{9:i},{10:c}" "en" "{1}You have {2}{3} {4}{5}, {6}you need still{7} {8} ({9}) {10}to become platinum VIP" } "LevelVIPClient" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c},{5:s},{6:c}" "en" "{1}You have {2}{3} {4}{5}, {6}you are already VIP" } "LevelNoVIPAllBronze" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:s},{3:c},{4:i},{5:c},{6:s},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:i},{11:c}" "en" "{1}{2} has {3}{4} {5}{6}, {7}he needs still{8} {9} ({10}) {11}to become bronze VIP" } "LevelNoVIPAllSilver" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:s},{3:c},{4:i},{5:c},{6:s},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:i},{11:c}" "en" "{1}{2} has {3}{4} {5}{6}, {7}he needs still{8} {9} ({10}) {11}to become silver VIP" } "LevelNoVIPAllGold" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:s},{3:c},{4:i},{5:c},{6:s},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:i},{11:c}" "en" "{1}{2} has {3}{4} {5}{6}, {7}he needs still{8} {9} ({10}) {11}to become gold VIP" } "LevelNoVIPAllPlatinum" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:s},{3:c},{4:i},{5:c},{6:s},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:i},{11:c}" "en" "{1}{2} has {3}{4} {5}{6}, {7}he needs still{8} {9} ({10}) {11}to become platinum VIP" } "LevelVIPAll" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:s},{3:c},{4:i},{5:c},{6:s},{7:c}" "en" "{1}{2} has {3}{4} {5}{6}, {7}he's already VIP" } "LevelNoVIPClientBronzeTime" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:i},{11:c}" "en" "{1}You have {2}{3} hours {4}and {5}{6} minutes, {7}you need still{8} {9} ({10}) {11}to become bronze VIP" } "LevelNoVIPClientSilverTime" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:i},{11:c}" "en" "{1}You have {2}{3} hours {4}and {5}{6} minutes, {7}you need still{8} {9} ({10}) {11}to become silver VIP" } "LevelNoVIPClientGoldTime" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:i},{11:c}" "en" "{1}You have {2}{3} hours {4}and {5}{6} minutes, {7}you need still{8} {9} ({10}) {11}to become gold VIP" } "LevelNoVIPClientPlatinumTime" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c},{8:c},{9:i},{10:i},{11:c}" "en" "{1}You have {2}{3} hours {4}and {5}{6} minutes, {7}you need still{8} {9} ({10}) {11}to become platinum VIP" } "LevelVIPClientTime" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i},{4:c},{5:c},{6:i},{7:c}" "en" "{1}You have {2}{3} hours {4}and {5}{6} hours, {7}you are already VIP" } "LevelNoVIPAllBronzeTime" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:s},{3:c},{4:i},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c},{9:c},{10:i},{11:i},{12:c}" "en" "{1}{2} has {3}{4} hours {5}and {6}{7} minutes, {8}he needs still{9} {10} ({11}) {12}to become bronze VIP" } "LevelNoVIPAllSilverTime" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:s},{3:c},{4:i},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c},{9:c},{10:i},{11:i},{12:c}" "en" "{1}{2} has {3}{4} hours {5}and {6}{7} minutes, {8}he needs still{9} {10} ({11}) {12}to become silver VIP" } "LevelNoVIPAllGoldTime" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:s},{3:c},{4:i},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c},{9:c},{10:i},{11:i},{12:c}" "en" "{1}{2} has {3}{4} hours {5}and {6}{7} minutes, {8}he needs still{9} {10} ({11}) {12}to become gold VIP" } "LevelNoVIPAllPlatinumTime" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:s},{3:c},{4:i},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c},{9:c},{10:i},{11:i},{12:c}" "en" "{1}{2} has {3}{4} hours {5}and {6}{7} minutes, {8}he needs still{9} {10} ({11}) {12}to become platinum VIP" } "LevelVIPAllTime" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:s},{3:c},{4:i},{5:c},{6:c},{7:i},{8:c}" "en" "{1}{2} has {3}{4} hours {5}and {6}{7} minutes, {8}he's already VIP" } "NoLevelNowVIP" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:s}" "en" "{1}{2} is now VIP" } "LevelNowVIP" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:s},{3:s}" "en" "{1}{2} is now {3} VIP" } "JoinVIP" { "#format" "{1:c}" "en" "{1}Rejoin to get all VIP features" } "NoVIPUseTag" { "en" "You are no VIP, but use the VIP tag" } "ChooseModel" { "en" "Choose a VIP model" } "StandardModel" { "en" "Standard Model" } "DownloadFilter" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:v},{3:c},{4:c},{5:c},{6:c}" "en" "{1}Your {2}Download Filter {3}is {4}not to \"all\", {5}type in {6}your Console:" } "StammPoints" { "en" "Your Stamm points:" } "StammTop" { "en" "VIP top:" } "StammRank" { "en" "Your Stamm rank:" } "StammChange" { "en" "Change your Features:" } "DelStammList" { "en" "Reset Stamm database?" } "Close" { "en" "Close" } "Reset" { "en" "Reset" } "Back" { "en" "Back" } "HaveFeatures" { "en" "VIP's have the following features:" } "GetSkin" { "en" "VIP's' get a VIP model" } "GetChatTag" { "en" "VIP's have a VIP chat tag (Start the Message with '*')" } "GetOwnChat" { "en" "VIP's have a own chat (Start the Message with '#')" } "GetMoney" { "#format" "{1:i}" "en" "VIP's get every round {1} cash" } "GetHoly" { "en" "VIP's get a holy grenade" } "GetSlot" { "en" "VIP's get a reserve slot" } "GetTag" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "VIP's get the VIP tag {1}" } "GetJoin" { "en" "VIP's get a joinsound" } "GetWelcome" { "en" "VIP's have a welcome Message" } "GetLeave" { "en" "VIP's have a leave Message" } "AdminMenu" { "en" "Admin Menu" } "KillsOfPlayer" { "en" "Set kills of a player" } "RoundsOfPlayer" { "en" "Set rounds of a player" } "TimeOfPlayer" { "en" "Set time of a player (in minutes)" } "StammCMD" { "en" "Stamm commands" } "StammFeatures" { "en" "Stamm features" } "ResetPlayer" { "en" "Reset player points" } "ResetDatabase" { "en" "Reset database" } "HappyHour" { "en" "Enable Happy Hour" } "Update" { "en" "Check for update" } "RankTime2" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:i}" "en" "{1}hours and {2}minutes" } "WritePoints" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}" "en" "{1}Write now {2}the number of points in your chat" } "WritePointsInfo" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}" "en" "{1}Message with one space {2}= {3}abort" } "SetPoints" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:s},{4:c},{5:i}" "en" "{1}Points of {2}{3} set to {4}{5}" } "SetPoints2" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:i}" "en" "{1}Your points set to {2}{3}" } "WriteHappyFactor" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}" "en" "{1}Now type in the chat: {2}the factor" } "WriteHappyFactorInfo" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}" "en" "{1}if smaller than 2 {2}= {3}abort" } "WriteHappyTime" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}" "en" "{1}Now type in the chat: {2}the duration (in minutes)" } "WriteHappyTimeInfo" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}" "en" "{1}if smaller than 2 {2}= {3}abort" } "HappyRunning" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c}" "en" "{1}Happy Hour is already {2}enabled" } "HappyActive" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c},{4:i}" "en" "{1}Currently {2}Happy Hour is running {3}with the factor {4}" } "TagOn" { "en" "Disable Stamm Tag" } "TagOff" { "en" "Enable Stamm Tag" } "HolyOn" { "en" "Disable Holy Grenade" } "HolyOff" { "en" "Enable Holy Grenade" } "JoinOn" { "en" "Disable Joinsound" } "JoinOff" { "en" "Enable Joinsound" } "VipChatOn" { "en" "Disable own Chat" } "VipChatOff" { "en" "Enable own Chat" } "ChatOn" { "en" "Disable Chat Tag" } "ChatOff" { "en" "Enable Chat Tag" } "NewModel" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:c},{3:c}" "en" "{1}Next round you can {2}choose a new {3}Model!" } "ModelChangeCmd" { "#format" "{1:s}" "en" "Choose new Model: {1}" } }