// DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE // // To customize your server, see gamemodes_server.txt.example "GameModes.txt" { "gameTypes" { "classic" { "value" "0" "nameID" "#SFUI_GameTypeClassic" "gameModes" { "casual" { "value" "0" "nameID" "#SFUI_GameModeCasual" "descID" "#SFUI_GameModeCasualDesc" "matchmakingvalue" "casual" "uid" "1" // These are the descriptive ui elements to display in the information box on. // These key/values should be pairs of strings. The "key" will appear in the left // column, the "value" will appear in the right column. "ui" { "0" { "label" "#SFUI_CashColon" "value" "$400" } "1" { "label" "#SFUI_WinMatchColon" "value" "30 #SFUI_Minutes" } "2" { "label" "#SFUI_TimePerRoundColon" "value" "3 #SFUI_Minutes" } "3" { "label" "#SFUI_BuyTimeColon" "value" "45 #SFUI_Seconds" } "4" { "label" "#SFUI_SpectateColon" "value" "#SFUI_SpectateAnyone" } "5" { "label" "#SFUI_BotsColon" "value" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty2" } } // These are the convars that get setup when a game mode of this type is created. "convars" { "bot_quota_mode" "fill" "bot_defer_to_human_items" "1" "bot_defer_to_human_goals" "0" "bot_difficulty" "1" "bot_dont_shoot" "0" "bot_chatter" "normal" "cl_playerspraydisable" "1" // bot_quota is ommited here because the map's min/max players determine's it's value. "mp_friendlyfire" "1" "ff_damage_reduction_grenade" "0" "ff_damage_reduction_bullets" "0" "ff_damage_reduction_other" "0" "mp_afterroundmoney" "0" "mp_playercashawards" "1" "mp_teamcashawards" "1" "mp_maxrounds" "10" "mp_timelimit" "0" "mp_roundtime" "3" "mp_freezetime" "5" "mp_buytime" "45" "mp_forcecamera" "0" // Set to 1 for team only spectating. "mp_defuser_allocation" "2" // 0=none, 1=random, 2=everyone "mp_death_drop_gun" "1" // 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best "mp_death_drop_grenade" "2" // 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best "mp_death_drop_defuser" "1" "cl_enable_roundstart_autobuy" "1" "sv_ignoregrenaderadio" "0" "mp_molotovusedelay" "0" "sv_alltalk" "1" "sv_deadtalk" "0" "mp_force_pick_time" "15" "bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low" "-2.0" // Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount below avg human contribution score, below which a bot should raise its difficulty) "bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high" "0.0" // Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount above avg human contribution score, above which a bot should lower its difficulty) "spec_freeze_time" "5.0" "spec_freeze_panel_extended_time" "0" "ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self" "1" "mp_match_can_clinch" "1" // 0=No mercy rule, 1=team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds "mp_startmoney" "400" "mp_maxmoney" "12000" // cash award convars "cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb" "2200" "cash_team_elimination_hostage_map" "2200" "cash_team_elimination_bomb_map" "2200" "cash_team_win_by_time_running_out" "2200" "cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb" "2200" "cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue" "2200" "cash_team_loser_bonus" "2000" "cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds" "500" "cash_team_rescued_hostage" "100" "cash_team_hostage_alive" "0" "cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused" "200" "cash_team_hostage_interaction" "50" "cash_player_killed_teammate" "-3300" "cash_player_killed_enemy_default" "200" "cash_player_killed_enemy_factor" "0.5" "cash_player_bomb_planted" "200" "cash_player_bomb_defused" "200" "cash_player_rescued_hostage" "200" "cash_player_interact_with_hostage" "0" "cash_player_damage_hostage" "-30" "cash_player_killed_hostage" "-1000" } // Map groups for offline modes "mapgroupsSP" { "mg_de_train" "" "mg_de_dust" "" "mg_de_dust2" "" "mg_de_aztec" "" "mg_de_inferno" "" "mg_de_nuke" "" "mg_cs_italy" "" "mg_cs_office" "" "random" "" } // Map groups for online modes "mapgroupsMP" { "mg_allclassic" "" } } "competitive" { "value" "1" "nameID" "#SFUI_GameModeCompetitive" "descID" "#SFUI_GameModeCompetitiveDesc" "matchmakingvalue" "competitive" "uid" "2" // These are the descriptive ui elements to display in the information box on. // These key/values should be pairs of strings. The "key" will appear in the left // column, the "value" will appear in the right column. "ui" { "0" { "label" "#SFUI_CashColon" "value" "$800" } "1" { "label" "#SFUI_WinMatchColon" "value" "30 #SFUI_Rounds" } "2" { "label" "#SFUI_TimePerRoundColon" "value" "2 #SFUI_Minutes" } "3" { "label" "#SFUI_BuyTimeColon" "value" "45 #SFUI_Seconds" } "4" { "label" "#SFUI_SpectateColon" "value" "#SFUI_SpectateTeamOnly" } "5" { "label" "#SFUI_BotsColon" "value" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty3" } } // These are the convars that get setup when a game mode of this type is created. "convars" { "bot_quota_mode" "fill" "bot_defer_to_human_items" "1" "bot_defer_to_human_goals" "1" "bot_difficulty" "2" "bot_dont_shoot" "0" "bot_chatter" "normal" "cl_playerspraydisable" "1" // bot_quota is ommited here because the map's min/max players determine's it's value. "mp_friendlyfire" "1" "ff_damage_reduction_grenade" "0.85" "ff_damage_reduction_bullets" "0.33" "ff_damage_reduction_other" "0.4" "mp_afterroundmoney" "0" "mp_playercashawards" "1" "mp_teamcashawards" "1" "mp_maxrounds" "30" "mp_timelimit" "0" "mp_roundtime" "2" "mp_freezetime" "15" "mp_buytime" "45" "mp_forcecamera" "1" // Set to 1 for team only spectating. "mp_defuser_allocation" "0" "mp_death_drop_gun" "1" // 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best "mp_death_drop_grenade" "2" // 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best "mp_death_drop_defuser" "1" "cl_enable_roundstart_autobuy" "0" "sv_ignoregrenaderadio" "0" "mp_molotovusedelay" "0" "sv_alltalk" "0" "sv_deadtalk" "1" "bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low" "-2.0" // Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount below avg human contribution score, below which a bot should raise its difficulty) "bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high" "0.0" // Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount above avg human contribution score, above which a bot should lower its difficulty) "ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self" "0" "mp_gungameimmunitytime" "4" "mp_force_pick_time" "15" "spec_freeze_time" "5.0" "spec_freeze_panel_extended_time" "0" "ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self" "1" "mp_match_can_clinch" "1" // 0=No mercy rule, 1=team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds "mp_startmoney" "800" "mp_maxmoney" "16000" // cash award convars "cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb" "3500" "cash_team_elimination_hostage_map" "3000" "cash_team_elimination_bomb_map" "3250" "cash_team_win_by_time_running_out" "3250" "cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb" "3500" "cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue" "3500" "cash_team_loser_bonus" "1400" "cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds" "500" "cash_team_rescued_hostage" "750" "cash_team_hostage_alive" "150" "cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused" "800" "cash_team_hostage_interaction" "150" "cash_player_killed_teammate" "-3300" "cash_player_killed_enemy_default" "300" "cash_player_killed_enemy_factor" "1" "cash_player_bomb_planted" "300" "cash_player_bomb_defused" "300" "cash_player_rescued_hostage" "1000" "cash_player_interact_with_hostage" "150" "cash_player_damage_hostage" "-30" "cash_player_killed_hostage" "-1000" } // Map groups for offline modes "mapgroupsSP" { "mg_de_train" "" "mg_de_dust" "" "mg_de_dust2" "" "mg_de_aztec" "" "mg_de_inferno" "" "mg_de_nuke" "" "mg_cs_italy" "" "mg_cs_office" "" "random" "" } // Map groups for online modes "mapgroupsMP" { "mg_allclassic" "" } } } } "gungame" { "value" "1" "nameID" "#SFUI_GameTypeGungame" // This is the list of game modes supported by this game type. "gameModes" { "gungameprogressive" { "value" "0" "nameID" "#SFUI_GameModeGGProgressive" "descID" "#SFUI_GameModeGGProgressiveDesc" "matchmakingvalue" "competitive" "uid" "11" // These are the descriptive ui elements to display in the information box on. // These key/values should be pairs of strings. The "key" will appear in the left // column, the "value" will appear in the right column. "ui" { "0" { "label" "#SFUI_WinMatchColon" "value" "30 #SFUI_Minutes" } "1" { "label" "#SFUI_SpectateColon" "value" "#SFUI_SpectateAnyone" } "2" { "label" "#SFUI_BotsColon" "value" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty2" } } // These are the convars that get setup when a game mode of this type is created. "convars" { "bot_quota_mode" "fill" "bot_defer_to_human_items" "1" "bot_defer_to_human_goals" "0" "bot_difficulty" "1" "bot_dont_shoot" "0" "bot_chatter" "off" "cl_playerspraydisable" "1" // bot_quota is ommited here because the map's min/max players determine's it's value. "mp_friendlyfire" "1" "ff_damage_reduction_grenade" "0.4" "ff_damage_reduction_bullets" "0.1" "ff_damage_reduction_other" "0.4" "mp_startmoney" "0" "mp_maxmoney" "0" "mp_afterroundmoney" "0" "mp_playercashawards" "0" "mp_teamcashawards" "0" "mp_timelimit" "30" "mp_roundtime" "30" "mp_freezetime" "6" "mp_buytime" "0" "mp_forcecamera" "0" // Set to 1 for team only spectating. "mp_defuser_allocation" "0" // 0=none, 1=random, 2=everyone "mp_death_drop_gun" "0" // 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best "mp_death_drop_grenade" "0" // 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best "mp_death_drop_defuser" "0" "mp_match_can_clinch" "0" // 0=No mercy rule, 1=team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds "mp_gungameimmunitytime" "4" "cl_enable_roundstart_autobuy" "0" "spec_freeze_time" "2" "spec_freeze_panel_extended_time" "1" "sv_ignoregrenaderadio" "1" "mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay" "15" "mp_ggprogressive_win_panel_pct" "0.33333" "mp_molotovusedelay" "0" "sv_alltalk" "1" "sv_deadtalk" "0" "bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low" "-2.0" // Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount below avg human contribution score, below which a bot should raise its difficulty) "bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high" "0.0" // Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount above avg human contribution score, above which a bot should lower its difficulty) } // Map groups for offline modes "mapgroupsSP" { "mg_ar_baggage" "" "mg_ar_shoots" "" "random" "" } // Map groups for online modes "mapgroupsMP" { "mg_armsrace" "" } "no_reset_vote_threshold_ct" "knife" "no_reset_vote_threshold_t" "knife" "weaponprogression_ct" { "mp9" { "kills" "1" } "mac10" { "kills" "1" } "mp7" { "kills" "1" } "bizon" { "kills" "1" } "ump45" { "kills" "1" } "p90" { "kills" "1" } "nova" { "kills" "1" } "mag7" { "kills" "1" } "xm1014" { "kills" "1" } "sawedoff" { "kills" "1" } "galilar" { "kills" "1" } "famas" { "kills" "1" } "ak47" { "kills" "1" } "m4a1" { "kills" "1" } "sg556" { "kills" "1" } "aug" { "kills" "1" } "awp" { "kills" "1" } "m249" { "kills" "1" } "negev" { "kills" "1" } "glock" { "kills" "1" } "hkp2000" { "kills" "1" } "tec9" { "kills" "1" } "p250" { "kills" "1" } "deagle" { "kills" "1" } "fiveseven" { "kills" "1" } "elite" { "kills" "1" } "knifegg" { "kills" "1" } } "weaponprogression_t" { "mp9" { "kills" "1" } "mac10" { "kills" "1" } "mp7" { "kills" "1" } "bizon" { "kills" "1" } "ump45" { "kills" "1" } "p90" { "kills" "1" } "nova" { "kills" "1" } "mag7" { "kills" "1" } "xm1014" { "kills" "1" } "sawedoff" { "kills" "1" } "galilar" { "kills" "1" } "famas" { "kills" "1" } "ak47" { "kills" "1" } "m4a1" { "kills" "1" } "sg556" { "kills" "1" } "aug" { "kills" "1" } "awp" { "kills" "1" } "m249" { "kills" "1" } "negev" { "kills" "1" } "glock" { "kills" "1" } "hkp2000" { "kills" "1" } "tec9" { "kills" "1" } "p250" { "kills" "1" } "deagle" { "kills" "1" } "fiveseven" { "kills" "1" } "elite" { "kills" "1" } "knifegg" { "kills" "1" } } } "gungametrbomb" { "value" "1" "nameID" "#SFUI_GameModeGGBomb" "descID" "#SFUI_GameModeGGBombDesc" "matchmakingvalue" "competitive" "uid" "12" // These are the descriptive ui elements to display in the information box on. // These key/values should be pairs of strings. The "key" will appear in the left // column, the "value" will appear in the right column. "ui" { "0" { "label" "#SFUI_WinMatchColon" "value" "10 #SFUI_Rounds" } "1" { "label" "#SFUI_TimePerRoundColon" "value" "90 #SFUI_Seconds" } "2" { "label" "#SFUI_SpectateColon" "value" "#SFUI_SpectateTeamOnly" } "3" { "label" "#SFUI_BotsColon" "value" "#SFUI_BotDifficulty3" } } // These are the convars that get setup when a game mode of this type is created. "convars" { "bot_quota_mode" "fill" "bot_defer_to_human_items" "1" "bot_defer_to_human_goals" "0" "bot_difficulty" "2" "bot_dont_shoot" "0" "bot_chatter" "normal" "cl_playerspraydisable" "1" // bot_quota is ommited here because the map's min/max players determine's it's value. "mp_friendlyfire" "1" "ff_damage_reduction_grenade" "0.85" "ff_damage_reduction_bullets" "0.33" "ff_damage_reduction_other" "0.4" "mp_startmoney" "0" "mp_maxmoney" "0" "mp_afterroundmoney" "0" "mp_playercashawards" "0" "mp_teamcashawards" "0" "mp_timelimit" "0" "mp_roundtime" "1.5" "mp_freezetime" "6" "mp_buytime" "0" "mp_forcecamera" "0" // Set to 1 for team only spectating. "mp_defuser_allocation" "2" // 0=none, 1=random, 2=everyone "mp_death_drop_gun" "0" // 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best "mp_death_drop_grenade" "0" // 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best "mp_death_drop_defuser" "0" "mp_match_can_clinch" "1" // 0=No mercy rule, 1=team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds "mp_gungameimmunitytime" "0" "mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay" "1" "mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus" "1" "mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus" "0" "cl_enable_roundstart_autobuy" "0" "sv_ignoregrenaderadio" "1" "mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade" "1" // Kill points required to upgrade a player's weapon "mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he" "2" // Kill points required in a round to get a bonus HE grenade "mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash" "3" // Kill points required in a round to get a bonus flash grenade "mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov" "4" // Kill points required in a round to get a bonus molotov cocktail "mp_ggtr_halftime_delay" "10.0" // Number of seconds to delay during half-time "mp_ggtr_rounds_per_half" "10" // Number of rounds to play before/after half-time "mp_maxrounds" "0" // Set to 0 since max rounds is determined by mp_ggtr_rounds_per_half "mp_molotovusedelay" "0" "sv_alltalk" "0" "sv_deadtalk" "1" "mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus" "0" // Number of bonus points to award the team when a "knife" kill ends the last round "bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low" "-2.0" // Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount below avg human contribution score, below which a bot should raise its difficulty) "bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high" "0.0" // Value between -20.0 and 20.0 (Amount above avg human contribution score, above which a bot should lower its difficulty) "mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half" "0" // End the half and give a team round point when a player makes a kill using the final weapon } // Map groups for offline modes "mapgroupsSP" { "mg_de_bank" "" "mg_de_lake" "" "mg_de_safehouse" "" "mg_de_sugarcane" "" "mg_de_stmarc" "" "mg_de_shorttrain" "" "random" "" } // Map groups for online modes "mapgroupsMP" { "mg_demolition" "" } "weaponprogression_ct" { "m4a1" { "kills" "1" } "p90" { "kills" "1" } "ump45" { "kills" "1" } "deagle" { "kills" "1" } "nova" { "kills" "1" } "fiveseven" { "kills" "1" } "hkp2000" { "kills" "1" } "ssg08" { "kills" "1" } "awp" { "kills" "1" } "Scar20" { "kills" "1" } } "weaponprogression_t" { "ak47" { "kills" "1" } "p90" { "kills" "1" } "bizon" { "kills" "1" } "deagle" { "kills" "1" } "nova" { "kills" "1" } "p250" { "kills" "1" } "glock" { "kills" "1" } "ssg08" { "kills" "1" } "awp" { "kills" "1" } "g3sg1" { "kills" "1" } } } } } } "mapgroups" { // // Map cycle groups // "mg_allclassic" { "imagename" "map-random-overall" "nameID" "#SFUI_Mapgroup_allclassic" "name" "mg_allclassic" "maps" { "de_aztec" "" "cs_office" "" "de_nuke" "" "de_dust" "" "cs_italy" "" "de_inferno" "" "de_dust2" "" "de_train" "" } } "mg_hostage" { "imagename" "mapgroup-hostage" "nameID" "#SFUI_Mapgroup_hostage" "name" "mg_hostage" "maps" { "cs_office" "" "cs_italy" "" } } "mg_bomb" { "imagename" "mapgroup-bomb" "nameID" "#SFUI_Mapgroup_bomb" "name" "mg_bomb" "maps" { "de_dust2" "" "de_train" "" "de_inferno" "" "de_dust" "" "de_aztec" "" "de_nuke" "" "de_mill_b2" "" } } "mg_armsrace" { "imagename" "mapgroup-armsrace" "nameID" "#SFUI_Mapgroup_armsrace" "name" "mg_armsrace" "maps" { "ar_shoots" "" "ar_baggage" "" } } "mg_demolition" { "imagename" "mapgroup-demolition" "nameID" "#SFUI_Mapgroup_demolition" "name" "mg_demolition" "maps" { "de_lake" "" "de_stmarc" "" "de_sugarcane" "" "de_bank" "" "de_safehouse" "" "de_shorttrain" "" } } // // Single map groups // "mg_de_train" { "imagename" "map-train-overall" "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_de_train" "name" "mg_de_train" "maps" { "de_train" "" } } "mg_de_dust" { "imagename" "map-dust-overall" "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_de_dust" "name" "mg_de_dust" "maps" { "de_dust" "" } } "mg_de_dust2" { "imagename" "map-dust2-overall" "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_de_dust2" "name" "mg_de_dust2" "maps" { "de_dust2" "" } } "mg_de_aztec" { "imagename" "map-aztec-overall" "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_de_aztec" "name" "mg_de_aztec" "maps" { "de_aztec" "" } } "mg_de_inferno" { "imagename" "map-inferno-overall" "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_de_inferno" "name" "mg_de_inferno" "maps" { "de_inferno" "" } } "mg_de_nuke" { "imagename" "map-nuke-overall" "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_de_nuke" "name" "mg_de_nuke" "maps" { "de_nuke" "" } } "mg_cs_italy" { "imagename" "map-italy-overall" "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_cs_italy" "name" "mg_cs_italy" "maps" { "cs_italy" "" } } "mg_cs_office" { "imagename" "map-office-overall" "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_cs_office" "name" "mg_cs_office" "maps" { "cs_office" "" } } "mg_ar_baggage" { "imagename" "map-baggage-overall" "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_ar_baggage" "name" "mg_ar_baggage" "maps" { "ar_baggage" "" } } "mg_ar_shoots" { "imagename" "map-vietnam-overall" "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_ar_shoots" "name" "mg_ar_shoots" "maps" { "ar_shoots" "" } } "mg_de_bank" { "imagename" "map-bank-overall" "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_de_bank" "name" "mg_de_bank" "maps" { "de_bank" "" } } "mg_de_lake" { "imagename" "map-boathouse-overall" "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_de_lake" "name" "mg_de_lake" "maps" { "de_lake" "" } } "mg_de_safehouse" { "imagename" "map-house-overall" "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_de_safehouse" "name" "mg_de_safehouse" "maps" { "de_safehouse" "" } } "mg_de_sugarcane" { "imagename" "map-mill-overall" "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_de_sugarcane" "name" "mg_de_sugarcane" "maps" { "de_sugarcane" "" } } "mg_de_stmarc" { "imagename" "map-shacks-overall" "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_de_stmarc" "name" "mg_de_stmarc" "maps" { "de_stmarc" "" } } "mg_de_shorttrain" { "imagename" "map-train-overall" "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_de_shorttrain" "name" "mg_de_shorttrain" "maps" { "de_shorttrain" "" } } "mg_training1" { "imagename" "map-alleyway-overall" "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_training1" "name" "mg_training1" "maps" { "training1" "" } } "random" { "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_random" "imagename" "map-random-overall" "name" "random" "maps" { //Empty } } } "maps" { // // Classic Maps // "cs_italy" { "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_cs_italy" "name" "cs_italy" "minplayers" "10" "maxplayers" "20" "extraspectators" "2" "imagename" "map-italy-overall" "t_arms" "models/weapons/t_arms_phoenix.mdl" "ct_arms" "models/weapons/ct_arms_gign.mdl" "t_models" { "tm_phoenix" "" "tm_phoenix_variantA" "" "tm_phoenix_variantB" "" "tm_phoenix_variantC" "" "tm_phoenix_variantD" "" } "ct_models" { "ctm_gign" "" "ctm_gign_variantA" "" "ctm_gign_variantB" "" "ctm_gign_variantC" "" "ctm_gign_variantD" "" } "hostage_models" { "models/hostage/hostage.mdl" "" "models/hostage/hostage_variantA.mdl" "" "models/hostage/hostage_variantB.mdl" "" "models/hostage/hostage_variantC.mdl" "" } } "cs_office" { "nameID" "#SFUI_Map_cs_office" "name" "cs_office" "minplayers" "10" "maxplayers" "20" "extraspectators" "2" "imagename" "map-office-overall" "t_arms" "models/weapons/t_arms_balkan.mdl" "ct_arms" "models/weapons/ct_arms_gsg9.mdl" "t_models" { "tm_balkan_variantA" "" "tm_balkan_variantB" "" "tm_balkan_variantC" "" "tm_balkan_variantD" "" 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