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Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2013, 22:07

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released

Release notes for 1/23/13

- A new game mode has been added to matchmaking and offline play: Deathmatch.
Weapon balance and recoil were adjusted with pro community input (
Thanks to J3Di, NiP, VeryGames, ESC, 4NOT, mTw, and FM TOXiC )
- In addition to global changes that affect all weapons, specific adjustments have been made to: rifles, pistols, and the P90.
- Weapon purchasing changes:
- The AWP's kill reward was increased from $50 to $100.
- The Glock is now a Terrorist only weapon.
- The FiveseveN is now a CT only weapon.
- The Terrorists' molotov price has been reduced to $500. The CT's incendiary grenade remains $850.
- Note that the pistol arrangement has changed in the buymenu.

- The messaging system has been converted to protobuf.

- Demos recorded with previous versions of CS:GO will not be
compatible as of this update. In order to view old demos, set your
'beta' to 'demo_viewer' in the CS:GO betas property panel, in Steam.
Don't forget to set it back to 'NONE' when you want to play online
- If you are running SourceMod on your server, you will need
to update to the latest version. For details, see:

- Added some performance improvements for low-end clients.
- Fixed some fence materials that were allowing players to see through smoke grenades.
- GOTV spectator UI will now correctly show kevlar and helmet information for players.
- Avatars will now correctly load for all players when connected to a GOTV server or when watching a demo.
- Added support to notify players during servers maintenance downtime.
Fixed a dedicated server exploit where community dedicated servers
could masquerade as official and get players searching for official game
modes connected to them (saigns.de)
- Fixed a rare problem when clients matchmaking for Classic Competitive game could be stuck on green Accept screen
Fixed a rare problem when clients could connect to a Classic
Competitive game and then later be disconnected for failing to accept
the match.
- Improved algorithm pinging whitelisted dedicated servers
when searching for Classic Competitive games, pinging less addresses
fixes occasional problems for some customers where address translation
tables on their routers would fill up and their routers would fail to
route required packets to display the green Accept screen.
- Added
support for mm_dedicated_search_maxping to restrict client's ping when
matchmaking for Classic Competitive games. ( Matchmaking algorithm will
still be prioritizing best servers to minimize ping of all party
members. )
- Fixed a rare server crash when bots attempted to shoot the bomb defuser.
- Fixed a client crash when downloading a lot of custom assets from community servers.


- Deathmatch uses the nav mesh to create spawn points. Make sure that
your nav is contained within the bounds of your map to ensure that
players aren't spawned outside of it. Use map_showspawnpoints to see
where spawn points were generated.
- If you want to use
mapper-placed spawnpoints instead of the randomly generated ones, place
an info_map_parameters in your map and set usenormalspawnsfordm ("Use
Normal Spawns in Deathmatch?) to true.
- We're
launching the private beta for workshop maps. If you're a map maker,
mail csgo_sdk@list.valvesoftware.com with the subject "Map Workshop
Beta" and your steam id in the content, with a link to maps shipped ( or
maps in progress ) suitable for the Workshop.

- Please use the CSGO SDK list for discussions about Deathmatch and Workshop.