Du bist nicht angemeldet.


Dienstag, 4. September 2007, 17:57

hl2mp server.cfg

Hallo, wir haben demnächst eine Lan und dafür habe ich einen CSS Server mit Windows aufgesetz, funzt einwandfrei.
Nun will ich noch einen hl2 Deathmatch server machen, startet auch.. aber wo bekomme ich eine server.cfg für das
teil her? Hat da jemand etwas?

mfg Herby



Beiträge: 3 980

Wohnort: Hagen

Beruf: Mechatroniker (didaktische Systeme)

Rootserver vorhanden: Nein

  • Private Nachricht senden


Dienstag, 4. September 2007, 19:47

Re: hl2mp server.cfg

Naja, du brauchst da nichts besonderes.

Meine server.cfg

hostname "cAtwalk.gbs"
rcon_password "xxxxx"
log on
sv_cheats 0

sv_allowdownload "1"
sv_allowupload "1"

//sv_downloadurl "xxxxx" Fast-Download sollte auf dem Lanserver unbedingt eingerichtet werden.

sv_maxupdaterate "70"
sv_minupdaterate "30"

sv_gravity "600"

mp_flashlight 1
mp_timelimit 20

Man kann noch Netsettings forcen:



sv_maxrate "30000"
sv_minrate "2500"
sv_maxupdaterate "100"
sv_minupdaterate "20"
sv_mincmdrate "20"
sv_maxcmdrate "100"
sv_client_predict "1"
sv_client_interpolate "1"
sv_client_cmdrate_difference "30"
sv_unlag "1" 
sv_maxunlag "0.5" 

sv_client_min_interp_ratio "1.0"
sv_client_max_interp_ratio "1.0"


Mittwoch, 5. September 2007, 14:14

Re: hl2mp server.cfg

danke dir :-D


Freitag, 7. September 2007, 13:29

Re: hl2mp server.cfg

wie viele spieler können den auf nem HalfLife² Deathmacht Server spielen
also -maxplayers oder +maxplayers 10, 16, 20, 32, 64,
also was die maximale spieler anzahl die HL²DM unterstüzt

und was für start befehle gibs den alle für HL² DM gibs da auch ne tickrate oder pingboost

ps:gibt es auch pingboost für CSS.Servern

mfg JaY


Freitag, 7. September 2007, 14:49

Re: hl2mp server.cfg

startparameter sind die gleichen wie unter css... zum zietpunkt des server starts weiß dieser noch gar nicht welchen mod er starten wird, deswegen ist zu diesem zeitpunkt noch alles identisch


Freitag, 7. September 2007, 16:13

Re: hl2mp server.cfg

und die maximale spieler anzahl die HL² DM untestüzt ist??
weil ich habe gelesen nur bis zu 16 insgesamt.
aber ich habe auf server gezockt wo auch 32 waren insgesamt!!

hier die ip vom server is auch linux DE - VeryGames.de - Public Server V - HL2: DeathMatch 32 slots

und wie is das mit den tickrates ich hab mal gelesen
das eine tickrate von 100 nur bei einem server bis 16 spielern genommen werden soll
ab 16 bis 32 soll eine tickrate von 66 empfelehns wert sein und ab 32 aufwärts bis 64 eine 33 tickrate is das so richtig oder HUMBUK^^???

Mfg JaY



Beiträge: 3 980

Wohnort: Hagen

Beruf: Mechatroniker (didaktische Systeme)

Rootserver vorhanden: Nein

  • Private Nachricht senden


Freitag, 7. September 2007, 16:14

Re: hl2mp server.cfg

du musst ihm schon sagen welcher mod ^^

bei hl2dm im Startparameter -game hl2mp

Bei hl2dm sind nur 16 Slots möglich.
Für Windows-Server gibt es Hacks um die anzahl zu erhöhen.
Für die Linux-Binarys habe ich noch keinen Hack gesehen.


Freitag, 7. September 2007, 16:21

Re: hl2mp server.cfg

lol Dead-Eye war schneller als ich
das ja klar mit dem startparameter


Freitag, 7. September 2007, 17:02

Re: hl2mp server.cfg

Von Valve selbst wird Tickrate 100 nur bei Servern bis zu 16 Playerslots empfohlen, um die CPU Auslastung moderat zu halten. Der Rest, siehe DeaD_EyE. Bei Binariehacks wäre ich immer eher nicht so zugeneigt.


Freitag, 7. September 2007, 18:50

Re: hl2mp server.cfg

Halli Hallo

Und zwar hab ich mir jetzt ein hl² DM server gemacht leuft auch super
aber man muss immer die rechte maus taste klicken um wieder rein zukommen in spile wenn man tot war
habe aber auch schon auf servern gezockt wo das nich so is
mein frage jetzt wie mach ich das auch so?^^

Mfg JaY



Beiträge: 3 980

Wohnort: Hagen

Beruf: Mechatroniker (didaktische Systeme)

Rootserver vorhanden: Nein

  • Private Nachricht senden


Freitag, 7. September 2007, 18:57

Re: hl2mp server.cfg

Das ist mir noch nie aufgefallen. Normal linke Maustaste drücken, um sofort wieder reinzukommen. mp_forcerespawn 1 sorgt dafür, dass man gezwungen wird, wieder ins Spiel zu kommen.


Montag, 10. September 2007, 06:52

Re: hl2mp server.cfg


Ich möchte mir Catpture The Flag auf mein HL² DM server instalieren
und hab auf der homepage auch alles gefunden http://www.hl2ctf.com/?q=home
und in der installations anleitung hab ich den startbefehl -console für linux server gefunden was bewirkt der??ich kenne den nur für Windows Server!!
und für Counter Strike Source server unter linux hab ich auch den befehl -console gesehn http://www.srcds.com/db/engine.php?subac…l&id=1098643920

oder brauch man den befehl nich wenn man die server auf screen ausführt??

mfg JaY


Montag, 10. September 2007, 12:39

Re: hl2mp server.cfg

der -console parameter bewirkt lediglich dass der srcds in der console statt im gui ausgeführt wird. da es unter linux kein gui gibt ist dieser parameter halt mehr oder weniger sinnlos... schadet aber trotzdem nicht wenn man ihn drinn hat


Montag, 10. September 2007, 14:55

Re: hl2mp server.cfg


ich hab mal ne frage und zwar hab ich mir ein HL² Capture The Flag Server gemacht leuft auch alles super blos!! gibt es da ein haufen cfg's wo immer das gleiche drine steht
also welche is für was^^

ich poste die hier mal als cfg zu auf und zu machen ^^[n1]

und eine cofing die nennt sich config_defult.cfg wo nur binds drine stehen für alles mögliche
gehen, springen, HUD, usw is das die config für das spiel wo die tasten sind für das game gehen, springen, HUD, usw so wie bei CS.S ???

hier mal cfg's!



bind "TAB" "+showscores"
bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
bind "`" "toggleconsole"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "CTRL" "+duck"
bind "e" "+use"
bind "c" "impulse 50"
bind "r" "+reload"
bind "ALT" "+walk"
bind "SHIFT" "+speed"
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
bind "f" "impulse 100"
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "5" "slot5"
bind "6" "slot6"
bind "7" "slot7"
bind "8" "slot8"
bind "9" "slot9"
bind "0" "slot0"
bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"
bind "q" "lastinv"
bind "F5" "jpeg"
bind "PAUSE" "pause"
bind "z" "+zoom"
bind "g" "phys_swap"
bind "y" "messagemode"
bind "u" "messagemode2"
bind "k" "+voicerecord"

// -- HL2CTF Default Key Bindings --

bind "MOUSE3" "+alt1"
bind "F1" "jointeam 1"
bind "F2" "jointeam 2"
bind "F3" "spectate"
bind "KP_PLUS" "ctfvcom 1"
bind "KP_MINUS" "ctfvcom 2"
bind "KP_INS" "ctfvcom 3"
bind "KP_DEL" "ctfvcom 4"
bind "KP_ENTER" "ctfvcom 5"
bind "KP_HOME" "ctfvcom 6"
bind "KP_UPARROW" "ctfvcom 7"
bind "KP_PGUP" "ctfvcom 8"
bind "KP_END" "ctfvcom 9"
bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "ctfvcom 10"
bind "KP_PGDN" "ctfvcom 11"
bind "CAPSLOCK" "prepflagpass"
bind "b" "droppowerup"
bind "v" "dropweapon"
bind "c" "dropbattery"
bind "x" "drophealth"


// HL2CTF Beta 1.71 Server Config file
// Updated for Beta 1.71 on May 29th, 2007
// CTF Pro-Mode Preferred. Select ctf_promode 0 for HL2DM

// FILE: hl2dm_server.cfg
// After editing copy this file to server.cfg

// ----------------------
// ----------------------
// Disabled: ProMode Movement, Powerups, Turrets, Extra Weapons, Weapon adjustments and Fixed Fall Damage

// ------------------------
// ------------------------

// Remote Console Password to Server *Recommended uncommented and set
// rcon_password "RCON_PASSWORD"

// Server password protection for privacy or matchplay
// sv_password "SERVER_PASSWORD"

// --------------------
// --------------------

// Name of the server
hostname "HL2CTF Beta 1.71"

// How many captures must be made for one team to win (0 for no limit)
ctf_capturelimit 8

// This will set the map timelimit in minutes
mp_timelimit 20

// This will enable weapons to immediately respawn upon pickup (Set to off allows players to drop weapons)
mp_weaponstay 1

// This will enable the flashlight
mp_flashlight 1

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) MOTD (Message of the Day)
ctf_motd 1

// Pause time to show scoreboard between rounds (SourceTV On extends the delay!)
ctf_intermission 20

// Time allowed for inactivity on the server before being sent to spectator
ctf_idlelimit 60

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) use of any scripts/alias/binds
ctf_allowscripts 0

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) server cheats
sv_cheats 0

// Server logging control
// log on

// Server logging to an alternate IP for Stats Tracking

// ----------------------
// ----------------------
// NOTES: Standard, Domination and 1-Flag Modes are determined by the map author...
// Examples:
// Map - Rebel Flag + Combine Flag = Standard CTF
// Map - Neutral Flag = Domination Mode
// Map - Neutral Flag + ctf_flag_capture (triggers) = 1-Flag Mode

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) CTF Pro Mode
// Disabling Pro Mode will default settings to pure HL2DM defaults
ctf_promode 0

// This will spawn players with all the weapons (Weapons made available based on Pro Mode 1/0)
ctf_arenamode 0

// Fixed (0) for 10 fall damage or Progressive (1) Fall Damage (Pro Mode is always fixed at 10)
mp_falldamage 0

// Bitmask control over weapons in Pro Mode (Add values together to allow combinations)
// 0 = None
// 1 = Alyx Gun
// 2 = OICW
// 4 = Sniper Rifle
// 7 = ALL New Weapons (ie. 1 + 2 + 4)
ctf_weapons 0

// Set SLAMs to detonate when the owner dies
ctf_slamsdiewithowner 1

// Set Frag Grenade Hitpoints to detonate when shot (0) to disable
ctf_grenadehp 0

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) Powerups in Pro Mode (Runes: Double Damage, Cloak etc.)
ctf_powerups 0

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) Floor Turrets in Pro Mode
ctf_turrets 0

// Force the game to end at this time if your server is set to no timelimit (in minutes)
ctf_dominationlimit 15

// -------------------
// -------------------

// Sets server to match mode enabled (1) disabled (0)
ctf_matchmode 0

// Match mode password required to join a match in progress
// ctf_matchmode_password "MATCH_PASSWORD"

// Score Handicap for Combine Team (they start with this many points)
ctf_combinescorehandicap 0

// Score Handicap for Rebel Team (they start with this many points)
ctf_rebelscorehandicap 0

// This sets a mercy rule. Default is 0 (disabled), but if you set it
// to a non-zero value, this represents the max score difference for the
// score to end. For example, if you set ctf_capturelimit 8 and ctf_mercyrule 3,
// then if the score becomes 6-2 the game will end even though the capturelimit
// of 8 was not reached, since the difference in score now exceeds 3.
ctf_mercyrule 0

// Force the flag carrier to melee weapons and gravity gun only
ctf_forcemelee 0

// Minutes to allow in sudden death if score is tied when time runs out
ctf_overtime 0

// -------------------
// -------------------

// Allows use of additional HL2 player models (ie. Alyx, Eli, Breen, Kleiner, Male01/02, Female01/02)
ctf_extramodels 0

// This will disable spawning of physics props in maps. This is useful if you're
// running on a lower end server and don't have the processing power for all the
// physics objects, or if you'd just prefer a game without physics objects.
ctf_disablepropphysics 0

// Set this to 1 to prevent players in game from hearing chat from spectators
ctf_mutespectators 0

// Set this to 0 to disable chat macros
ctf_enablechatmacros 1

// -----------------
// -----------------

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) SourceTV
tv_enable 0

// SourceTV Server Name (Recommended: YOUR_SERVERNAME SourceTV)
tv_name "HL2CTF Beta 1.71 SourceTV"

// SourceTV Delay (Recommended no more than 15 seconds)
tv_delay 0

exec banned_user.cfg


// HL2CTF Beta 1.71 Server Config file
// Updated for Beta 1.71 on May 29th, 2007
// CTF Pro-Mode Preferred. Select ctf_promode 0 for HL2DM

// FILE: match_server.cfg
// After editing copy this file to server.cfg

// ------------------------
// ------------------------

// Remote Console Password to Server
// rcon_password "RCON_PASSWORD"

// Server password protection for your match
// sv_password "SERVER_PASSWORD"

// Match mode password required to join a match in progress
// ctf_matchmode_password "MATCH_PASSWORD"

// Sets server to match mode enabled (1) disabled (0)
ctf_matchmode 1

// Score Handicap for Combine Team (they start with this many points)
ctf_combinescorehandicap 0

// Score Handicap for Rebel Team (they start with this many points)
ctf_rebelscorehandicap 0

// This sets a mercy rule. Default is 0 (disabled), but if you set it
// to a non-zero value, this represents the max score difference for the
// score to end. For example, if you set ctf_capturelimit 8 and ctf_mercyrule 4,
// then if the score becomes 7-2 the game will end even though the capturelimit
// of 8 was not reached, since the difference in score now exceeds 4.
ctf_mercyrule 4

// Force the flag carrier to melee weapons and gravity gun only
ctf_forcemelee 0

// Minutes to allow in sudden death if score is tied when time runs out
ctf_overtime 2

// Time allowed for inactivity on the server before being sent to spectator
ctf_idlelimit 240

// --------------------
// --------------------

// Name of the server
hostname "HL2CTF Beta 1.71"

// How many captures must be made for one team to win (0 for no limit)
ctf_capturelimit 8

// This will set the map timelimit in minutes
mp_timelimit 20

// This will enable weapons to immediately respawn upon pickup (Set to off allows players to drop weapons)
mp_weaponstay 1

// This will enable the flashlight
mp_flashlight 1

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) MOTD (Message of the Day)
ctf_motd 1

// Pause time to show scoreboard between rounds (SourceTV On extends the delay!)
ctf_intermission 20

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) use of any scripts/alias/binds
ctf_allowscripts 0

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) server cheats
sv_cheats 0

// Server logging control
// log on

// Server logging to an alternate IP for Stats Tracking

// ----------------------
// ----------------------
// NOTES: Standard, Domination and 1-Flag Modes are determined by the map author...
// Examples:
// Map - Rebel Flag + Combine Flag = Standard CTF
// Map - Neutral Flag = Domination Mode
// Map - Neutral Flag + ctf_flag_capture (triggers) = 1-Flag Mode

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) CTF Pro Mode
// Disabling Pro Mode will default settings to pure HL2DM defaults
ctf_promode 1

// This will spawn players with all the weapons (Weapons made available based on Pro Mode 1/0)
ctf_arenamode 0

// Fixed (0) for 10 fall damage or Progressive (1) Fall Damage (Pro Mode is always fixed at 10)
mp_falldamage 0

// Bitmask control over weapons in Pro Mode (Add values together to allow combinations)
// 0 = None
// 1 = Alyx Gun
// 2 = OICW
// 4 = Sniper Rifle
// 7 = ALL New Weapons (ie. 1 + 2 + 4)
ctf_weapons 7

// Set SLAMs to detonate when the owner dies
ctf_slamsdiewithowner 1

// Set Frag Grenade Hitpoints to detonate when shot (0) to disable
ctf_grenadehp 15

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) Powerups in Pro Mode (Runes: Double Damage, Cloak etc.)
ctf_powerups 0

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) Floor Turrets in Pro Mode
ctf_turrets 0

// Force the game to end at this time if your server is set to no timelimit (in minutes)
ctf_dominationlimit 15

// -------------------
// -------------------

// Allows use of additional HL2 player models (ie. Alyx, Eli, Breen, Kleiner, Male01/02, Female01/02)
ctf_extramodels 0

// This will disable spawning of physics props in maps. This is useful if you're
// running on a lower end server and don't have the processing power for all the
// physics objects, or if you'd just prefer a game without physics objects.
ctf_disablepropphysics 0

// Set this to 1 to prevent players in game from hearing chat from spectators
ctf_mutespectators 0

// Set this to 0 to disable chat macros
ctf_enablechatmacros 1

// -----------------
// -----------------

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) SourceTV
tv_enable 0

// SourceTV Server Name (Recommended: YOUR_SERVERNAME SourceTV)
tv_name "HL2CTF Beta 1.71 SourceTV"

// SourceTV Delay (Recommended no more than 15 seconds)
tv_delay 0

exec banned_user.cfg


// HL2CTF Beta 1.71 Server Config file
// Updated for Beta 1.71 on May 29th, 2007
// CTF Pro-Mode Preferred. Select ctf_promode 0 for HL2DM

// FILE: promode_server.cfg
// After editing copy this file to server.cfg

// ------------------------
// ------------------------

// Remote Console Password to Server *Recommended uncommented and set
// rcon_password "RCON_PASSWORD"

// Server password protection for privacy or matchplay
// sv_password "SERVER_PASSWORD"

// --------------------
// --------------------

// Name of the server
hostname "HL2CTF Beta 1.71"

// How many captures must be made for one team to win (0 for no limit)
ctf_capturelimit 8

// This will set the map timelimit in minutes
mp_timelimit 20

// This will enable weapons to immediately respawn upon pickup (Set to off allows players to drop weapons)
mp_weaponstay 1

// This will enable the flashlight
mp_flashlight 1

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) MOTD (Message of the Day)
ctf_motd 1

// Pause time to show scoreboard between rounds (SourceTV On extends the delay!)
ctf_intermission 20

// Time allowed for inactivity on the server before being sent to spectator
ctf_idlelimit 60

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) use of any scripts/alias/binds
ctf_allowscripts 0

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) server cheats
sv_cheats 0

// Server logging control
// log on

// Server logging to an alternate IP for Stats Tracking

// ----------------------
// ----------------------
// NOTES: Standard, Domination and 1-Flag Modes are determined by the map author...
// Examples:
// Map - Rebel Flag + Combine Flag = Standard CTF
// Map - Neutral Flag = Domination Mode
// Map - Neutral Flag + ctf_flag_capture (triggers) = 1-Flag Mode

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) CTF Pro Mode
// Disabling Pro Mode will default settings to pure HL2DM defaults
ctf_promode 1

// This will spawn players with all the weapons (Weapons made available based on Pro Mode 1/0)
ctf_arenamode 0

// Fixed (0) for 10 fall damage or Progressive (1) Fall Damage (Pro Mode is always fixed at 10)
mp_falldamage 0

// Bitmask control over weapons in Pro Mode (Add values together to allow combinations)
// 0 = None
// 1 = Alyx Gun
// 2 = OICW
// 4 = Sniper Rifle
// 7 = ALL New Weapons (ie. 1 + 2 + 4)
ctf_weapons 7

// Set SLAMs to detonate when the owner dies
ctf_slamsdiewithowner 1

// Set Frag Grenade Hitpoints to detonate when shot (0) to disable
ctf_grenadehp 15

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) Powerups in Pro Mode (Runes: Double Damage, Cloak etc.)
ctf_powerups 1

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) Floor Turrets in Pro Mode
ctf_turrets 1

// Force the game to end at this time if your server is set to no timelimit (in minutes)
ctf_dominationlimit 15

// -------------------
// -------------------

// Sets server to match mode enabled (1) disabled (0)
ctf_matchmode 0

// Match mode password required to join a match in progress
// ctf_matchmode_password "MATCH_PASSWORD"

// Score Handicap for Combine Team (they start with this many points)
ctf_combinescorehandicap 0

// Score Handicap for Rebel Team (they start with this many points)
ctf_rebelscorehandicap 0

// This sets a mercy rule. Default is 0 (disabled), but if you set it
// to a non-zero value, this represents the max score difference for the
// score to end. For example, if you set ctf_capturelimit 8 and ctf_mercyrule 3,
// then if the score becomes 6-2 the game will end even though the capturelimit
// of 8 was not reached, since the difference in score now exceeds 3.
ctf_mercyrule 0

// Force the flag carrier to melee weapons and gravity gun only
ctf_forcemelee 0

// Minutes to allow in sudden death if score is tied when time runs out
ctf_overtime 2

// -------------------
// -------------------

// Allows use of additional HL2 player models (ie. Alyx, Eli, Breen, Kleiner, Male01/02, Female01/02)
ctf_extramodels 0

// This will disable spawning of physics props in maps. This is useful if you're
// running on a lower end server and don't have the processing power for all the
// physics objects, or if you'd just prefer a game without physics objects.
ctf_disablepropphysics 0

// Set this to 1 to prevent players in game from hearing chat from spectators
ctf_mutespectators 0

// Set this to 0 to disable chat macros
ctf_enablechatmacros 1

// -----------------
// -----------------

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) SourceTV
tv_enable 0

// SourceTV Server Name (Recommended: YOUR_SERVERNAME SourceTV)
tv_name "HL2CTF Beta 1.71 SourceTV"

// SourceTV Delay (Recommended no more than 15 seconds)
tv_delay 0

exec banned_user.cfg


// HL2CTF Beta 1.71 Server Config file
// Updated for Beta 1.71 on May 29th, 2007
// CTF Pro-Mode Preferred. Select ctf_promode 0 for HL2DM

// ------------------------
// ------------------------

// Remote Console Password to Server *Recommended uncommented and set
rcon_password "^^"

// Server password protection for privacy or matchplay
// sv_password "SERVER_PASSWORD"

// --------------------
// --------------------

// Name of the server
hostname "[FsE#4] CAPTURE-THE-FLAG 24/7"

// How many captures must be made for one team to win (0 for no limit)
ctf_capturelimit 8

// This will set the map timelimit in minutes
mp_timelimit 20

// This will enable weapons to immediately respawn upon pickup (Set to off allows players to drop weapons)
mp_weaponstay 1

// This will enable the flashlight
mp_flashlight 1

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) MOTD (Message of the Day)
ctf_motd 1

// Pause time to show scoreboard between rounds (SourceTV On extends the delay!)
ctf_intermission 20

// Time allowed for inactivity on the server before being sent to spectator
ctf_idlelimit 60

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) use of any scripts/alias/binds
ctf_allowscripts 0

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) server cheats
sv_cheats 0

// Server logging control
// log on

// Server logging to an alternate IP for Stats Tracking

// ----------------------
// ----------------------
// NOTES: Standard, Domination and 1-Flag Modes are determined by the map author...
// Examples:
// Map - Rebel Flag + Combine Flag = Standard CTF
// Map - Neutral Flag = Domination Mode
// Map - Neutral Flag + ctf_flag_capture (triggers) = 1-Flag Mode

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) CTF Pro Mode
// Disabling Pro Mode will default settings to pure HL2DM defaults
ctf_promode 1

// This will spawn players with all the weapons (Weapons made available based on Pro Mode 1/0)
ctf_arenamode 0

// Fixed (0) for 10 fall damage or Progressive (1) Fall Damage (Pro Mode is always fixed at 10)
mp_falldamage 0

// Bitmask control over weapons in Pro Mode (Add values together to allow combinations)
// 0 = None
// 1 = Alyx Gun
// 2 = OICW
// 4 = Sniper Rifle
// 7 = ALL New Weapons (ie. 1 + 2 + 4)
ctf_weapons 7

// Set SLAMs to detonate when the owner dies
ctf_slamsdiewithowner 1

// Set Frag Grenade Hitpoints to detonate when shot (0) to disable
ctf_grenadehp 15

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) Powerups in Pro Mode (Runes: Double Damage, Cloak etc.)
ctf_powerups 1

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) Floor Turrets in Pro Mode
ctf_turrets 1

// Force the game to end at this time if your server is set to no timelimit (in minutes)
ctf_dominationlimit 15

// -------------------
// -------------------

// Sets server to match mode enabled (1) disabled (0)
ctf_matchmode 0

// Match mode password required to join a match in progress
// ctf_matchmode_password "MATCH_PASSWORD"

// Score Handicap for Combine Team (they start with this many points)
ctf_combinescorehandicap 0

// Score Handicap for Rebel Team (they start with this many points)
ctf_rebelscorehandicap 0

// This sets a mercy rule. Default is 0 (disabled), but if you set it
// to a non-zero value, this represents the max score difference for the
// score to end. For example, if you set ctf_capturelimit 8 and ctf_mercyrule 3,
// then if the score becomes 6-2 the game will end even though the capturelimit
// of 8 was not reached, since the difference in score now exceeds 3.
ctf_mercyrule 0

// Force the flag carrier to melee weapons and gravity gun only
ctf_forcemelee 0

// Minutes to allow in sudden death if score is tied when time runs out
ctf_overtime 2

// -------------------
// -------------------

// Allows use of additional HL2 player models (ie. Alyx, Eli, Breen, Kleiner, Male01/02, Female01/02)
ctf_extramodels 0

// This will disable spawning of physics props in maps. This is useful if you're
// running on a lower end server and don't have the processing power for all the
// physics objects, or if you'd just prefer a game without physics objects.
ctf_disablepropphysics 0

// Set this to 1 to prevent players in game from hearing chat from spectators
ctf_mutespectators 0

// Set this to 0 to disable chat macros
ctf_enablechatmacros 1

// -----------------
// -----------------

// Enable (1) or Disable (0) SourceTV
tv_enable 0

// SourceTV Server Name (Recommended: YOUR_SERVERNAME SourceTV)
tv_name "HL2CTF Beta 1.71 SourceTV"

// SourceTV Delay (Recommended no more than 15 seconds)
tv_delay 0

exec banned_user.cfg

und welche muss ich benutzen? ich hab jetzt erstmal einfach die server.cfg genommen und rcon und hostname wurden übernommen, aber wofür sind die anderen??

und weiss einer irgend welche einstellungen über diesen mod die umbedingt geändert werden müssen oder noch fehlen oder wichtig sind sind zu ändern oder so was

mfg JaY


Montag, 10. September 2007, 15:02

Re: hl2mp server.cfg

kenn die mod nicht, würde aber mal tippen dass das einfach vorschläge für configs sind...