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  • »NacKteOmA« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 252

Wohnort: Düsseldorf

Beruf: Fachinformatiker Systemintegration

Rootserver vorhanden: Ja

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Dienstag, 21. August 2012, 19:34

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Released

Vor 20 Minuten ist nun Counter-Strike: Global Offensive als Vollversion Released. Euer ggfs. schon vorher installiertes Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Beta wird sich nun beim Steam neustart einfach in die Release Version verwandeln. Es ist keine neuinstallieren o.ä. von Counter-Strike: Global Offensive notwendig. Derzeit gibt es noch kein Unterschied zur Beta außer das der Zusatz "Beta" am Namen verschwunden ist.

Valve Mitteilung:

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is now available on Steam!

CS:GO expands on the classic team-based action gameplay that Counter-Strike pioneered. Featuring an arsenal of over 45 weapons, loads of maps, new game modes, new visuals, leaderboards, and over 165 Steam Achievements.


Super Moderator

Beiträge: 1 878

Wohnort: ~#

Rootserver vorhanden: Ja

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Mittwoch, 22. August 2012, 14:37

while we're at it; -> Why CS:GO won't be supported anytime soon


The engine fork that CS:GO uses is a huge step backward from a security / cheat point of view,
all bug fixes that have been applied to the TF2 engine since something like 2008 haven't been applied to the CS:GO engine (and that's a ton of bugs)
Trying to fix all these myself in DBlocker would be a waste of time, because some of them require clientside modifications, the others would require plenty of hours of reverse-engineering and testing,
for something that Valve has already a fix for in the others games.
This version of the engine also bring its own new issues:
The sv_pure is even more broken than on the TF2 branch (and can't be fixed without a complete remake since there is no GCF nor FileSystem_Steam).
The VPK implementation allows easy material hacking that can be accomplished with a simple hexadecimal editor, while preventing true modding such as custom HUD, models, etc.
The Debugging of the client (which I often need to do) is harder because the CEG will try to prevent it.

graz VALVE.

und wer hat's mal wieder vermasselt da seine stärken im positiven sinne gegenüber den spielern auszuspielen? richtig. sämmtliche liegen (mal wieder).

und für server admins CSGO Server Issue FAQ…rs_Known_Issues