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[CS:S] Database.txt



  • "Dethju" started this thread

Posts: 3

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Wednesday, August 22nd 2012, 8:42am


Hi zusammen

Ich fand via sufu nix was mir bei meinem Prob helfen könnte unzwar wollte ich die funktion mit der database nutzen um meine admins zu verwalten hab auch alles in die database.txt eingetragen nur sacht mein server ständig mysql_real_connect_faild! nun frag ich mich woran es liegt.


So hab ichs in der txt geschrieben

Spoiler Spoiler

// *****************************************************************************
// Plugin : Mani Admin Plugin
// Filename : database.txt
// Last Updated : 2009/07/21
// Description : Using MySQL for Admin Managment
// *****************************************************************************

// Database.txt file for database connectivity via mani_admin_plugin V1.2 onwards
// If this file is used, make sure that it is not visible to the world if
// your game server doubles as a webhost.

// First value determines whether the database connectivity is turned on
// or off (1 = on, 0 = off). This is turned off by default !!!

"db_enabled" "1"

// Now the database connection values

// Put your internet host name here
"db_host" " ( *"

// Put your database user id for mysql in here
"db_user" "Dethju_ext"

// Put the password for your mysql database in here
"db_password" "meindbpw"

// Put the name of your database in here
"db_name" "Dethjusql1"

// Port number of the database here (Default is 3306)
"db_port" "3306"

// Timeout in seconds before connection gives up
// Default is 5 seconds
"db_timeout" "5"

// Name of the prefix to place before the table names
"db_table_prefix" "map_"

// Names of tables within the database, no need to change these
// unless a third party application requires it
"db_table_client" "client"
"db_table_client_flag" "client_flag"
"db_table_client_group" "client_group"
"db_table_client_level" "client_level"
"db_table_client_server" "client_server"
"db_table_flag" "flag"
"db_table_ip" "ip"
"db_table_level" "level"
"db_table_nick" "nick"
"db_table_server" "server"
"db_table_steam" "steam"
"db_table_version" "version"

// Linux only !!!!
// If you are using a web server that is local to the gameserver
// (you would have put 'localhost' or '' in the db_host
// section. You need to enter the path to mysql.sock here
// This is usually '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' but could be
// something different on your particular system

"db_socket_path" "/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock"

// Now we have data that is inserted into the 'server'
// table on the database. This is information about your
// game server, not the mysql database

// Server ID. This should be a numeric number (default is 1).
// If you are using multiple servers on a single database
// you MUST use a different server id for each server.

"server_id" "1"

// Server group that your server belongs to
"server_group_id" "Default"

// The following are purely informational for a
// web front end so it's easier to see which
// server is which.

"server_name" "Melodyofwar Public"
"server_ip_address" ""
"server_port" "27073"

// Your mod name
"mod_name" "CS:Source"

// RCON Password. Note this is not used yet but may be in the future
// for allowing remote rcon commands to be used from an advanced
// web front end or via inter-server communications

"rcon_password" "meinpw"


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Wednesday, August 22nd 2012, 9:00am

Source code

"db_host"	" ( *"


Source code

"db_host"	""

Ändern! Ist die Datenbank local oder wenn sie wo anders liegt von außen erreichbar?!



  • "Dethju" started this thread

Posts: 3

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Wednesday, August 22nd 2012, 9:10am

okay hatte das mit dem weg machen schon versucht kamm aber selbe meldung und sie ist nicht auf dem gleichen server wie der spiel server und sie ist von ausen ereichbar getestet mit navicat ohne probs