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gNx <3


  • "gNx <3" started this thread

Posts: 14

Location: Nahe Hannover

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Tuesday, August 20th 2013, 2:06pm

Infinite-Jumping Problem

Ich hab eine kleines Problem mit Infinite-Jumping.

Das Plugin läuft eigentlich auch gut & ohne fehler nur geht der foward Boost nicht man wird nicht schneller als 13 Kmh nach dem ADV Speedmeter kann mir da wer helfen? :))


Meine Infinite Jumping CFG:

Spoiler Spoiler

// This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.4.0-dev)
// ConVars for plugin "infinite-jumping.smx"

// Main Switch

// Enables or Disables this plugin (1=Enable|0=Disable)
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
sm_infinitejumping_enable "1"

// First Jump (Initial Jump)

// Automatic rejump.
// "" = everyone can.
// "0" = noone can.
// "<adminflag>" = admin with this flag can (a,b,c,d,...).
// See: addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_levels.cfg for more info.
// -
// Default: ""
sm_infinitejumping_flags_infinite ""

// If you wish to jump higher or lower, then change this value.
// In units per second.
// negative values = players can't jump that high anymore
// 0.0 = normal jump height
// positive values = players can jump heigher.
// -
// Default: "0.0"
sm_infinitejumping_boost_initial "0.1"

// Forward Speed Boost by First Jump

// Automatic forward boost by each jump.
// "" = everyone can.
// "0" = noone can.
// "<adminflag>" = admin with this flag can (a,b,c,d,...).
// See: addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_levels.cfg for more info.
// -
// Default: "0"
sm_infinitejumping_flags_forwardboost ""

// Amount of boost per second to push the client forward when jumping.
// In units per second.
// Be careful this value adds ontop of the velocity at each jump.
// -
// Default: "50.0"
sm_infinitejumping_boost_forward "18.0"

// If this is 1 then players need to press W,S,A,D (movement keys) and jump, to receive a boost (adds basicly more control).
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
sm_infinitejumping_boost_forward_wsad "0"

// Double/Multi Jump

// Rejump in mid air.
// "" = everyone can.
// "0" = noone can.
// "<adminflag>" = admin with this flag can (a,b,c,d,...).
// See: addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_levels.cfg for more info.
// -
// Default: "0"
sm_infinitejumping_flags_double ""

// The amount of vertical boost, to apply when mid air double jumping.
// In units per second.
// negative values = player are pushed down in mid air, when double/multi jump.
// 0.0 = only falling can be stopped, when jump is pressed in mid air.
// positive values = players can jump heigher.
// -
// Default: "290.0"
sm_infinitejumping_boost_double "290.0"

// The maximum number of re-jumps allowed while in mid air.
// if you want to disable this, don't set it to 0 instead use the sm_infinitejumpging_flags_double console var.
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
sm_infinitejumping_max_doublejumps "1"

// Jump automatic in mid air when jump is pressed.
// "" = everyone can.
// "0" = noone can.
// "<adminflag>" = admin with this flag can (a,b,c,d,...).
// See: addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_levels.cfg for more info.
// -
// Default: "0"
sm_infinitejumping_flags_perfectdouble "0"

// Game Slow Downs

// Bypass game slow downs as stamina or slow down on hurt.
// "" = everyone can.
// "0" = noone can.
// "<adminflag>" = admin with this flag can (a,b,c,d,...).
// See: addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_levels.cfg for more info.
// -
// Default: ""
sm_infinitejumping_flags_gameslowdowns ""

// This will override the speed ratio when hurt.
// 1.0 = no speed is lost.
// 0.5 = 50% slower.
// 0.0 = stops
// 2.0 = 100% faster.
// -1.0 = let the engine/game handle how much speed you loose.
// -
// Default: "1.0"
sm_infinitejumping_override_slowdownonhurt "2.0"

// This will be the new stamina value when you land.
// 0.0 = full stamina/no speed is lost.
// -1.0 = let the engine handle how much speed a player looses.
// Example: 1315.0 is the default value in css, but use -1.0 instead if you wish to disable.
// -
// Default: "0.0"
sm_infinitejumping_override_stamina "0.0"
Mit freundlichen grüßen gNx <3 :ugeek:

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "gNx <3" (Aug 20th 2013, 2:27pm)



Posts: 48

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Tuesday, August 20th 2013, 3:43pm

In der server.cfg:

Source code

sv_enableboost 1

gNx <3


  • "gNx <3" started this thread

Posts: 14

Location: Nahe Hannover

Occupation: Gamer

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Tuesday, August 20th 2013, 5:01pm

Danke aber funkt net :/
Mit freundlichen grüßen gNx <3 :ugeek:



Posts: 48

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Tuesday, August 20th 2013, 5:43pm

Hast du auch

Source code

sv_enablebunnyhopping 1

in der server.cfg stehen?

Ich hatte selbst einen Server auf dem dieses Plugin drauf war, und musste nur diese beiden CVARs hinzufügen, dann hat es geklappt. One diese hat man keinen Speed bekommen :)

gNx <3


  • "gNx <3" started this thread

Posts: 14

Location: Nahe Hannover

Occupation: Gamer

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Tuesday, August 20th 2013, 5:47pm

Das hatte ich völlig übersehen funkt!
Danke dir das du dir die Zeit genommen hast :)
Mit freundlichen grüßen gNx <3 :ugeek: