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Friday, June 29th 2012, 11:36pm

Servercrash bei Auswahl von Menüpunkt

Ich hab seit ca. zwei Tagen (seit letztem DoD:S update) folgendes Problem. Jedes mal wenn ich ein Menüpunkt in einem Menü (z.B. Adminmenü/Votemenü) auswähle, stürzt der Server ohne jegliche Einträge in den Server-/Sourcemod(Error)-Logs ab.

Es sind nur "MetaMod:Source v1.8.7V" und "SourceMod v1.4.3" installiert.

Source code

Loaded plugins:
     	0:<TAB>"Metamod:Source 1.8.7"


Spoiler Spoiler

sm exts list
[SM] Displaying 13 extensions:
[01] Automatic Updater (1.4.3): Updates SourceMod gamedata files
[02] Webternet (1.4.3): Extension for interacting with URLs
[03] SDK Tools (1.4.3): Source SDK Tools
[04] BinTools (1.4.3): Low-level C/C++ Calling API
[05] Top Menus (1.4.3): Creates sorted nested menus
[06] Client Preferences (1.4.3): Saves client preference settings
[07] SQLite (1.4.3): SQLite Driver
[08] SDK Hooks (2.1.0): Source SDK Hooks
[09] Connect (1.0.0):
[10] GeoIP (1.4.3): Geographical IP information
[11] Socket (3.0.1): Socket extension for SourceMod
[12] SteamTools (0.8.2): SteamWorks for SourceMod.
[13] MySQL-DBI (1.4.3): MySQL driver implementation for DBI


Spoiler Spoiler

sm plugins list
[SM] Listing 52 plugins:
01 "SourceMod Anti-Cheat" ( by GoD-Tony, psychonic
02 "Admin Menu" (1.4.3) by AlliedModders LLC
03 "Sound Commands" (1.4.3) by AlliedModders LLC
04 "Nextmap" (1.4.3) by AlliedModders LLC
05 "SMAC ConVar Checker" ( by GoD-Tony, psychonic, Kigen
06 "Client Preferences" (1.4.3) by AlliedModders LLC
07 "SMAC Eye Angle Test" ( by GoD-Tony, psychonic
08 "SMAC Client Protection" ( by GoD-Tony, psychonic, Kigen
09 "MapChooser" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
10 "Player-Teleport by Dr. HyperKiLLeR" ( by Dr. HyperKiLLeR
11 "SMAC Rcon Locker" ( by GoD-Tony, Kigen
12 "SM SKINCHOOSER" (2.1) by Andi67
13 "Show Damage" (1.0.7) by exvel
14 "Reserved Slots" (1.4.3) by AlliedModders LLC
15 "Ban disconnected players" (1.04) by mad_hamster, Troy
16 "RandomCycle" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
17 "Advanced admin commands" (0.16) by 3sigma
18 "Admin loggin" (1.0) by vIr-Dan
19 "SMAC KAC Global Banlist" ( by Kigen
20 "SourceBans" (1.4.9) by SourceBans Development Team
21 "Web Shortcuts" (1.0.1) by James "sslice" Gray
22 "Anti-Flood" (1.4.3) by AlliedModders LLC
23 "Map Nominations" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
24 "High Ping Kicker - Lite Edition" ( by Liam
25 "Fun Commands" (1.4.3) by AlliedModders LLC
26 "Console Welcome Message" (1.1.2) by exvel
27 "Player Commands" (1.4.3) by AlliedModders LLC
28 "gameME Plugin" (3.9) by TTS Oetzel & Goerz GmbH
29 "SMAC Command Monitor" ( by GoD-Tony, psychonic, Kigen
30 "map-decals.smx" (1.1) by Berni, Stingbyte
31 "Basic Commands" (1.4.3) by AlliedModders LLC
32 "SMAC Spinhack Detector" ( by GoD-Tony
33 "SMAC Aimbot Detector" ( by GoD-Tony
34 "Chat Filter" (0.4) by chundo
35 "[Any] SteamTools Game Description Override" (1.0.0) by Dr. McKay
36 "Admin Help" (1.4.3) by AlliedModders LLC
37 "AutoChangeLevel" (1.1) by Nicolous
38 "SMAC Anti-Wallhack" ( by GoD-Tony, psychonic, Kigen
39 "Radio Spam Block" (1.0.0) by exvel
40 "SMAC AutoTrigger Detector" ( by GoD-Tony
41 "Rock The Vote" (1.4.1) by AlliedModders LLC
42 "Fun Votes" (1.4.3) by AlliedModders LLC
43 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.4.3) by AlliedModders LLC
44 "Players Votes" (1.5.0) by The Resident, pZv!
45 "Admin File Reader" (1.4.3) by AlliedModders LLC
46 "Basic Comm Control" (1.4.3) by AlliedModders LLC
47 "Basic Votes" (1.4.3) by AlliedModders LLC
48 "Advertisements" (0.5.5) by Tsunami
49 "Fun Commands X" (2.2) by Spazman0 and Arg!
50 "SMAC Anti-Speedhack" ( by GoD-Tony
51 "Basic Chat" (1.4.3) by AlliedModders LLC
52 "Spray Tracer" (5.8a) by Nican132, CptMoore, Lebson506th

Ich hoffe einer von euch hat Lösung für mein Problem.
Schonmal DANKE im Voraus! :thumbup:



Posts: 125

Location: Oldenburg

wcf.user.option.userOption53: Ja

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Friday, June 29th 2012, 11:42pm

Ja die Lösung ist wie folgt: update Sourcemod auf die DEV 1.4.4 ;-)


Saturday, June 30th 2012, 9:54pm

Ich hab jetzt die neuste Sourcemod Beta drauf gepackt und siehe da... es geht wieder. Vielen Dank :thumbsup: