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  • "DeaD_EyE" started this thread

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Friday, February 4th 2011, 8:37pm

zBlock 4.6 Beta

Das zBlock-Team hat eine neue Beta-Version von zBlock herausgebracht. Leider ist diese zur Zeit nur unter Windows verfügbar.

Neue Features:
  • zb_removals - entfernt die Physik-Gegenstände/Öl-Fässer vom Server
  • zb_beta_tagging - betatest für das tagging, welches das gleiche Verhalten wie bei CS1.6 einführt. Wenn man angeschossen wird, kann man sich nicht mehr richtig bewegen. Man wird sozusagen festgenagelt.
  • zb_beta_illegaldefusefix - verhindert das Entschärfen der Bombe, wenn man sie nicht sehen kann (durch Wände entschärfen).
  • zb_record/zb_stoprecord - nimmt Demos auf und bennt die Dateien nach folgendem Format: MAPNAME_YYMMDD_HHMM

Desweiteren wurden einige Bugs behoben.

Testserver: HLSW/Steam(Ist nur ein Linux-Vserver. Ich weiß auch noch nicht, wie lange ich den laufen lasse.)


Changelog zBlock 4.6 Beta:

Due to bandwidth limitations the beta will be for Windows servers only, apologies to anyone who can't get involved right now. We aim to release the full version next weekend or soon after depending on feedback.

To download the update execute the command: "rcon zb_update beta".
- If this reports successful you must then restart your server.

-Made a change to the netcode to optimise it better for competitive play. We have dubbed this change the 'flux capacitor' and it's always on. Fortunately it requires no Plutonium.

-Added new cvar "zb_removals" (Default: 0 - Disabled).
When set to "1" all junk props are removed from the map.
When set to "2" it removes all oil drums.
When set to "3" it removes both oil drums and junk.
Best combined with the client setting "cl_phys_props_enable 0".

-Added new cvar "zb_beta_tagging" (Default: 0 - Disabled).
When set to "1" tagging is much more forceful and your movement is restricted similarly to CS1.6 (but tweaked).
We've added this as an experiment to see how it affects play, possibly this is a future enhancement for the game.

-Added new cvar "zb_beta_illegaldefusefix" (Default: 0 - Disabled).
When set to "1" you are unable to defuse unless you can see the bomb and a message is displayed telling you so.

-Added "zb_record"/"zb_stoprecord" commands.
Records a SourceTV demo with name "MAPNAME_YYMMDD_HHMM".

Other changes:
-Fixed crash when "zb_active 0" and adding a bot.
-Fixed crash where "zb_logs" directory was read-only or could not be created.
-Fixed cash calling not appending the "+" to the cash under the correct circumstances (broken since last update).
-Interp ratio removed from zb_netinfo as this value is ignored when cl_interp is greater than the ratio.
Replaced with the actual interpolation amount.
-Warnings are now given when the "tv_delay" is set to less than 30 on an Internet server (zb_warmode).
-"sv_client_max_interp_ratio" is now forced to "1" on a LAN server.
-The cvar scanner is no longer active with sv_cheats 1.
-"zb_antispeedhack 1" now just prevents speedhacks, when set to 2 it also kicks obvious offenders (1 is default).
-Various other surprises :)

The zBlock Team
J3Di, CodeRed, Orion and everyone involved in testing so far.