// ConVars for plugin "playersvotes" // // ===================== Ratios ================================== // // ratio required for successful votemap. sm_votemap_ratio "0.60" // ratio required for successful votekick. sm_votekick_ratio "0.60" // ratio required for successful voteban. sm_voteban_ratio "0.80" // ratio required for successful votemute. sm_votemute_ratio "0.60" // // ===================== Minimums ================================== // // minimum votes required for successful votemap. -1 to disable voting sm_votemap_minimum "4.0" // minimum votes required for successful votekick. -1 to disable voting sm_votekick_minimum "4.0" // minimum votes required for successful voteban. -1 to disable voting sm_voteban_minimum "4.0" // minimum votes required for successful votemute. -1 to disable voting sm_votemute_minimum "4.0" // // ===================== Team Vote ================================== // // NOTE: Experimental feature! If you try it for a while and it appears to work, // please let me know: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=72058 // // When enabled, this restricts voting to within teams, and ratios are affected. // A votekick ratio of 0.5 will mean "half of all players within the team" // as opposed to "half of players in the whole server." // // Please note this can cause undesired side-effects. If this is enabled, someone // is hacking and their team doesn't do anything about it, then the other team is // helpless to kick/ban them. // // restrict kick votes to teams. 1 to enable, 0 to disable. sm_votekick_team_restrict "0.0" // restrict ban votes to teams. 1 to enable, 0 to disable. sm_voteban_team_restrict "0.0" // restrict mute votes to teams. 1 to enable, 0 to disable. sm_votemute_team_restrict "0.0" // // ===================== Mapchange delay ================================== // // time in seconds before votemap is allowed after map start sm_votemap_delay "60.0" // time in seconds before votekick is allowed after map start sm_votekick_delay "60.0" // time in seconds before voteban is allowed after map start sm_voteban_delay "60.0" // time in seconds before votemute is allowed after map start sm_votemute_delay "60.0" // // ===================== Limits ================================== // // number of kick votes allowed per player, per map. Useful for controlling spam. 0 to disable voting. -1 for no limit sm_votekick_limit "5.0" // number of ban votes allowed per player, per map. Useful for controlling spam. 0 to disable voting. -1 for no limit sm_voteban_limit "5.0" // number of map votes allowed per player, per map. Useful for controlling spam. 0 to disable voting. -1 for no limit sm_votemap_limit "5.0" // number of mute votes allowed per player, per map. Useful for controlling spam. 0 to disable voting. -1 for no limit sm_votemute_limit "5.0" // interval in seconds between another vote cast sm_playersvotes_interval "15.0" // number of seconds to display voting menus. 0 for no limit sm_playersvotes_menu_timeout "0.0" // // ===================== Immunity ================================== // // Two means of immunity are provided: // * numeric immunity level // * group-based immunity // // sm_playersvotes_immunity: // admins with equal or higher immunity level will not be affected by votekick and voteban. 0 to immunize all admins. -1 to disable immunity level // // sm_playersvotes_immunegroups: // Semicolon-delimited list of admin groups. Any members of these groups are immune. Any admin that is NOT a member of these groups // will have their numeric immunity level checked against the _immunity cvar. // // // Basic config 1: use the following to immunize based only on numeric immunity levels: sm_playersvotes_immunity "1.0" sm_playersvotes_immunegroups "" // // Basic config 2: use the following to immunize based only on group membership: (note that Donors or any other "admins" would NOT be immune) //sm_playersvotes_immunity "-1.0" //sm_playersvotes_immunegroups "Full Admins; Clan Members" // // ===================== Voteban-specific ================================== // // ban time in minutes. 0 to ban permanently sm_voteban_time "25.0" // semi-colon delimited list of ban reasons. (ex: "Hacking; Spamming; Griefing") sm_voteban_reasons "" // // ===================== Votemap-specific ================================== // // last number of played maps that will not show in votemap list sm_votemap_lastmaps "4.0" // number of minutes to allow players to extend the current map. -1 to disable map extensions sm_votemap_extend "20.0" // number of extends to allow per map. 0 to disable. -1 for no limit sm_votemap_max_extends "1.0" // 1 to change map immediately after a map wins a votemap. 0 for setting nextmap sm_votemap_immediate "1.0"