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Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2014, 22:41

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released


Release Notes for 1/23/2014

- Significant improvement to server infrastructure to support growing CS:GO community.

[ UI ]
- Fixed an alt-tab related memory leak
- Added ability for Friends Lister to display two columns of friends.
- Added ability for mouse wheel to scroll Friends Lister.
- Added filtering by item name. Players can enter any part of an item name in the text field to filter their inventory.
- Added ability to sort items when selecting items that will work with a tool.
- Players can no longer initiate a vote kick on the final round or match point.
- The 'bomb has been planted alert' now also states the number of seconds that mp_c4timer is set to.
- The voice chat button in the lobby (microphone) now stores it's state from session to session.
- Fixed remaining cases where Blog would take mouse input when if was obscured.
- Fixed Main Menu bar buttons getting stuck in highlighted state.
- Context menu entries are now divided into categories.
- Open Case UI will auto-select a key in cases where players do not need to choose between different types of keys.
- Fixed cases where players could not rename items in Lobby and Pause menu inventories.
- Inventory images will show the thumbnail for a weapon's sticker.
- Buying helmet when you already have kevlar will now update the health/armor HUD icon element immediately on purchase.
- Fixed the freeze cam panel not always having the killer's weapon item data during demo playback.
- Grenades now show player ownership in their name.
- Fixed some vote panel text getting truncated.
- Fixed the health, armor and ammo HUD elements not showing up sometimes when spectating some players.
- Fixed some alignment issues on the spectator follow panel
- Fixed the weapon image in the spectator panel not having a background.
- Realigned the spectator follow panel a bit.
- The gift drop alert panel has been de-holiday-ified.
- Removed the snow from the main menu background.
- Turned off rope and freeze cam holiday effects.
- Fixed missing Cyrillic characters in chat.
- Fixed HUD disappearing when alt-tabbing or starting another app (like hlmv).

[ MAPS ]

- [Bombsite A]
-- Moved CT van to give more effective cover
-- Made CT van climbable
-- Moved fences to give more space
-- Removed red car
-- Widened door into back of A
-- Blocked visibility from bridge to canal
-- Tweaked position/rotation of truck
-- Made corridors and stairs under A wider

- [Bombsite B]
-- Moved Bombsite B to CT side of pillar, extended area with a platform to give more space and cover
-- Made players in sniping room easier to silhouette against the background
-- Made cement sacks climbable
-- Opened up wall on CT side
-- Made bridge wider

- [General]
-- Moved up CT spawns and pushed T spawns further back
-- Increased C4 radius to 500 from 400
-- Railings in sniper room no longer blocks bullets or grenades
-- Added light to sniper room balcony
-- Made upper door in park connector wider
-- Made park connector easier to navigate
-- Made corridor near T spawn wider
-- Brighter ambient lights in canal pipes
-- Made climbing thing in playground more solid
-- Made bathroom corridor wider
-- Made windows in bathrooms breakable
-- Added spectator fixed camera positions
-- Tweaked soundscape settings
-- Fixed various minor bugs

- Added collision to top of trees
- Added more accurate model collision
- Removed particle effects that could be mistaken for grenades
- Blocked a sightline in battlements near A
- Blocked a hiding hole in underpass near A
- Removed light models near statue at B that could be mistaken for player heads
- Removed a portapotty at back of B
- Raised height of center fence near B
- Fixed various minor bugs