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  • »fluxX« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 1 056

Wohnort: Österreich

Beruf: IT Systemadministrator

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Samstag, 30. Mai 2015, 01:55

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released

Zitat von »«

– Fixed a bug in the visibility/occlusion query that caused players to disappear sometimes.
– Added server convar to avoid sending footstep audio messages when they are out of audible range.
– Expired competitive cooldowns now require a confirmation from the players.
– If a surrender vote is about to pass after the round is already over, it will cancel the vote.
– If a surrender vote succeeds right before halftime, the proper teams will surrender at the next opportunity.
– Updated some game settings and bonus XP values for the Guardian missions.
[ UI ]
– Fixed death notices not being truncated properly and being offset when they were very long.
– Added cage opening sound to weapon reveal.
– Released more XP Rank Icons.
[ MISC ]
– Bots will now no longer bunch up on a hostage and all try to rescue it at once.
– Reduced Earned XP Demolition and Arms Race multipliers to bring them in line with other game modes.
–Fixed a bad nav mesh spot
–Latest version of Season
–Fixed some spots where C4 could get stuck
–Fixed some spots where players could get out of the map
–Fixed some spots where C4 could get stuck
–Fixed some spots where players could get stuck
–Fixed a smokegrenade sorting issue on the bridge