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Beiträge: 7

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Samstag, 3. Dezember 2011, 18:53

Playervotes 1.5.0


Habe ein Problem mit playervotes.

plugin :
sourcemod 1.5.0 ist installiert

Undzwar hab ich das so installiert wie es auf der seite steht
und wenn ich bzw jemand auf dem server votekick/ban/mute eingibt
kommt auch das menü und man kann den jenigen auswählen.
Das problem an der ganzen sache ist, dass sobald irgendwer jemanden votekickt/bannt/muted
kann kein anderer spieler mehr kicken/bannen/muten, also danach öffnet sich das menü nicht mehr
Habe auch weiter nichts in der cfg verändert bis auf das ich votemap ausgeschaltet hab.
Würde es echt gerne benutzen wegen der sourcebans anbindung.


Spoiler Spoiler

Loaded plugins:
0: "Metamod:Source 1.8.7"
1: "Mattie's EventScripts,, Version:"
2: "ESL Server Plugin Updater"
3: "ESL Server Plugin 2.4.2"

Spoiler Spoiler


[EventScripts] Loaded:
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/testlib
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/interfaces
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/linkedlist
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/repeat
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/score
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/xalias
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/textlib
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/playergetset
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/getbotname
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/damage
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/playervar
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/sqlitelib
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/statlog
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/quickcmd
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/queue
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/vecmath
[EventScripts] [ enabled] echoguns
[EventScripts] [ enabled] adminjoin
[EventScripts] [ enabled] rzn-advert
[EventScripts] [ enabled] regeln
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/services
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/foreach
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/average
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/keyfilter
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/uniqueid
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/timelib
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/keygroupsort
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/keygrouprand
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/keyrand
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/exp
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/isnumerical
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/escinject
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/getplayercount
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/usermsglib
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/inrange
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/entitylib
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/es_install
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/es_checkversion
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/es_mexec
[EventScripts] [ enabled] corelib/clientcmd
[EventScripts] [ enabled] popup
[EventScripts] name: Popup library wrapper
[EventScripts] version: oy29
[EventScripts] url:
[EventScripts] author: GODJonez + ES 2.0 Beta Test team
[EventScripts] description: Provides menu and pop-up handling for Source games
[EventScripts] basename: popup
[EventScripts] [ enabled] examples/auth/basic_auth
[EventScripts] [ enabled] keymenu

Spoiler Spoiler

meta list
Listing 4 plugins:
[02] SourceMod (1.5.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
[03] CS:S Tools (1.5.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
[04] SDK Tools (1.5.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
[05] SDK Hooks (2.1.0) by Tsunami, psychonic

sm plugins list

Spoiler Spoiler

[SM] Listing 36 plugins:
01 "Fun Votes" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
02 "Player Commands" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
03 "SM Parachute" (2.5) by SWAT_88
04 "TeamSwitch" (1.3) by MistaGee
05 "Ammo Script for Zombie:Reloaded" (2.1) by [SG-10]Cpt.Moore, Richard Helgeby, Kyle Sanderson
06 "Say Sounds (including Hybrid Edition)" (4.0.3) by Hell Phoenix|Naris|FernFerret|Uberman|psychonic|edgecom|woody|Miraculix|gH0sTy
07 "Reserved Slots" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
08 "Zombie:Reloaded" (3.0.0-b2) by Greyscale | Richard Helgeby
09 "Admin File Reader" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
10 "SourceBans" (1.4.9) by SourceBans Development Team
11 "gameME Plugin" (3.9) by TTS Oetzel & Goerz GmbH
12 "Basic Chat" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
13 "Quake Sounds" (2.7) by dalto, Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, and psychonic
14 "Nextmap" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
15 "AllChat" (1.1.1) by Frenzzy
16 "Sound Commands" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
17 "Admin Menu" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
18 "ZR Tele Infected" (1.1.0) by GoD-Tony
19 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
20 "MapChooser" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
21 "Basic Commands" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
22 "Players Votes" (1.5.0) by The Resident, pZv!
23 "Show Damage" (1.0.7) by exvel
24 "Admin Help" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
25 "Rock The Vote" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
26 "SpawnNoBlock" (1.0) by fluxX
27 "Basic Votes" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
28 "Anti-Flood" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
29 "Basic Comm Control" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
30 "ZProp" (1.3) by Darkthrone, Greyscale
31 "Client Preferences" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
32 "Player Menu" (1.0.0) by AlliedModders LLC / HSFighter
33 "Fun Commands" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC
34 "Spectator List" (1.1.2) by GoD-Tony
35 "Auto !zspawn" (1.0.1) by Darkthrone, Otstrel Team, TigerOx, TechKnow, AlliedModders LLC
36 "Map Nominations" (1.4.0-dev) by AlliedModders LLC


Spoiler Spoiler

// ConVars for plugin "playersvotes"

// ===================== Ratios ==================================
// ratio required for successful votemap.
sm_votemap_ratio "0.60"

// ratio required for successful votekick.
sm_votekick_ratio "0.60"

// ratio required for successful voteban.
sm_voteban_ratio "0.80"

// ratio required for successful votemute.
sm_votemute_ratio "0.60"

// ===================== Minimums ==================================
// minimum votes required for successful votemap. -1 to disable voting
sm_votemap_minimum "-1"

// minimum votes required for successful votekick. -1 to disable voting
sm_votekick_minimum "4.0"

// minimum votes required for successful voteban. -1 to disable voting
sm_voteban_minimum "4.0"

// minimum votes required for successful votemute. -1 to disable voting
sm_votemute_minimum "4.0"

// ===================== Team Vote ==================================
// NOTE: Experimental feature! If you try it for a while and it appears to work,
// please let me know:
// When enabled, this restricts voting to within teams, and ratios are affected.
// A votekick ratio of 0.5 will mean "half of all players within the team"
// as opposed to "half of players in the whole server."
// Please note this can cause undesired side-effects. If this is enabled, someone
// is hacking and their team doesn't do anything about it, then the other team is
// helpless to kick/ban them.
// restrict kick votes to teams. 1 to enable, 0 to disable.
sm_votekick_team_restrict "0.0"

// restrict ban votes to teams. 1 to enable, 0 to disable.
sm_voteban_team_restrict "0.0"

// restrict mute votes to teams. 1 to enable, 0 to disable.
sm_votemute_team_restrict "0.0"

// ===================== Mapchange delay ==================================
// time in seconds before votemap is allowed after map start
sm_votemap_delay "60.0"

// time in seconds before votekick is allowed after map start
sm_votekick_delay "60.0"

// time in seconds before voteban is allowed after map start
sm_voteban_delay "60.0"

// time in seconds before votemute is allowed after map start
sm_votemute_delay "60.0"

// ===================== Limits ==================================
// number of kick votes allowed per player, per map. Useful for controlling spam. 0 to disable voting. -1 for no limit
sm_votekick_limit "-1"

// number of ban votes allowed per player, per map. Useful for controlling spam. 0 to disable voting. -1 for no limit
sm_voteban_limit "-1"

// number of map votes allowed per player, per map. Useful for controlling spam. 0 to disable voting. -1 for no limit
sm_votemap_limit "5.0"

// number of mute votes allowed per player, per map. Useful for controlling spam. 0 to disable voting. -1 for no limit
sm_votemute_limit "-1"

// interval in seconds between another vote cast
sm_playersvotes_interval "0.0"

// number of seconds to display voting menus. 0 for no limit
sm_playersvotes_menu_timeout "0.0"

// ===================== Immunity ==================================
// Two means of immunity are provided:
// * numeric immunity level
// * group-based immunity
// sm_playersvotes_immunity:
// admins with equal or higher immunity level will not be affected by votekick and voteban. 0 to immunize all admins. -1 to disable immunity level
// sm_playersvotes_immunegroups:
// Semicolon-delimited list of admin groups. Any members of these groups are immune. Any admin that is NOT a member of these groups
// will have their numeric immunity level checked against the _immunity cvar.
// Basic config 1: use the following to immunize based only on numeric immunity levels:

sm_playersvotes_immunity "1.0"
sm_playersvotes_immunegroups ""

// Basic config 2: use the following to immunize based only on group membership: (note that Donors or any other "admins" would NOT be immune)

//sm_playersvotes_immunity "-1.0"
//sm_playersvotes_immunegroups "Full Admins; Clan Members"

// ===================== Voteban-specific ==================================
// ban time in minutes. 0 to ban permanently
sm_voteban_time "60.0"

// semi-colon delimited list of ban reasons. (ex: "Hacking; Spamming; Griefing")
sm_voteban_reasons ""

// ===================== Votemap-specific ==================================
// last number of played maps that will not show in votemap list
sm_votemap_lastmaps "4.0"

// number of minutes to allow players to extend the current map. -1 to disable map extensions
sm_votemap_extend "20.0"

// number of extends to allow per map. 0 to disable. -1 for no limit
sm_votemap_max_extends "1.0"

// 1 to change map immediately after a map wins a votemap. 0 for setting nextmap
sm_votemap_immediate "1.0"

MfG empty

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »empty00« (3. Dezember 2011, 22:26)

Beiträge: 1 537

Wohnort: Krefeld

Beruf: Student

Rootserver vorhanden: Nein

  • Nachricht senden


Samstag, 3. Dezember 2011, 20:51

Bitte den Inhalt der config Posten und in die entsprechenden "tags" setzen.

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