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Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 2009, 15:12

Mani Admin Plugin V1.2T Stable erschienen

Mani Admin Plugin V1.2 T Stable erschienen.


* Re-enabled reserved slots support
* Fixed problems with Mani MySQL Support for MySQL V.5.1
* Fixed statsme & top<10 crashing the server on TF2, DoD:S
* Added Windows 7 support for the CreateVdf.exe
* Removed gimpphrases.txt, as gimp is no longer present
* Removed defaults.cfg being called at startup
* Fixed the weapon "Dead Ringer" in TF2 to count a -1 points in the mani_ranks system
* Fixed a weapons restriction exploit, using more than 30 characters in a weapons name to bypass the restriction
* Fixed a bug causing Mani to crash on listen servers if using the Weapon Restriction Management System
* Fixed a bug that allowed the End Of Map Vote still to appear even if mani_voting is set to 0
* Excluded admin started votes from being affected by mani_voting 0, votings started by administrators are always possible now
* Fixed Warmup Timer crashing the game on round restart on TF2 / DoD:S
* Fixed mani_weapon_restrict_prevent_pickup being inverted, now 1 prevents players from picking up weapons instead of 0
* Fixed Mani Admin Plugin displaying "Map will change at end of round" after a user vote map has been started, now displays the correct info: "Map will change after 5 seconds"
* Fixed mani_exec_default_file1-5 in mani_server.cfg not executing the .cfg file on plugin start
* Removed Skins Managment from mani_server.cfg to a separate .cfg file in the skin folders
* Fixed ma_akick_steam not working properly
* Fixed ma_aban_pname not kicking & banning players that change their name to a forbidden one after connecting
* Provided working Cexec Examples within the download
* Fixed mani_dead_alltalk not working properly
* Removed stacking command from mani_server.cfg, since it's no more possible

New features:

* Added a #self token, so commands like ma_setcash #self 16000 etc. are possible
* Added new auto installation method via autocreation of the .vdf for Mani after using plugin_load or meta load using
meta load addons/mani_admin_plugin/bin/mani_admin_plugin_mm
plugin_load ../<<game>>/addons/mani_admin_plugin
* Added ma_ban with reason function, new syntax: ma_ban <target> <optional time in minutes to ban 0 = permanent> <optional reason>
* Added possibility to unban via the ingame Menu
* Added ma_mute with reason and time based mutings function, new syntax: ma_mute <target> <optional lenght of mute 0 = permanent> <optional reason>
* Enhanced ma_mute to also mute voice as well as chat commands
* Added a Cvar allowing to specify how long an admin with the "b" flag can mute at maximum time (pban manages never to expire after muting)
* Added support for IP based muting
* Added ma_mute to support name / name patterns instead of only SteamID / IP
* Added Command Spam Prevention against players on the server trying to lag it via timeleft, nextmap etc. commands
* Added an option to let the server owner decide whether the Mani Admin Plugin should use play or playsound for the sound managment (allowing to toggle between soundmix / only one sound at a time being played)
* Added an option to let admins with the "admin" flag join password protected servers without being asked for the password as long as the server isn't set to ma_war 1
* Added default mapadverts.txt decal position for Hl2:DM, DoD:S and TF:2

Download Links:
Mani Admin Plugin V.1.2T Full Version:
V1.2 T Legacy Source Engine (CS: S, Hl2: DM)
V1.2 T Orange Source Engine (DoD:S, TF2)

Servers running Mani Admin Plugin V.1.2 T VSP
Servers running Mani Admin Plugin V.1.2 T SMM


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