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Sonntag, 22. Juni 2014, 22:42

Mapwechsel Problem

Hallo zusammen,

ich stehe seit kurzem vor einem Problem mit dem mpachooser vom Sourcemod.

Laut logfiles wir ein Mapvote gestartet aber es findet keiner statt bzw. wird die Map nicht gewechselt.
Das Problem besteht aber irgendie erst seit den letzten Tagen, vorher lief das ganze ohne Probleme.

Sourcemod Logfile

Spoiler Spoiler

L 06/22/2014 - 18:19:03: -------- Mapchange to awp_india_cs16 --------
L 06/22/2014 - 18:36:01: [mapchooser.smx] Voting for next map has started.
L 06/22/2014 - 19:00:35: -------- Mapchange to awp_india_cs16 --------
L 06/22/2014 - 19:18:08: [mapchooser.smx] Voting for next map has started.
L 06/22/2014 - 19:21:32: [SM] Changed map to "de_bank"
L 06/22/2014 - 19:21:32: -------- Mapchange to de_bank --------
L 06/22/2014 - 19:38:31: [mapchooser.smx] Voting for next map has started.
L 06/22/2014 - 20:26:30: -------- Mapchange to awp_india_cs16 --------
L 06/22/2014 - 20:43:28: [mapchooser.smx] Voting for next map has started.
L 06/22/2014 - 21:39:27: -------- Mapchange to awp_india_cs16 --------
L 06/22/2014 - 21:57:03: [mapchooser.smx] Voting for next map has started.

Man sieht das Sourcemod es einmal geschafft hat die Map zu ändern aber danach nicht mehr.


Spoiler Spoiler

// CS:GO CONFIG - Server.cfg


bot_quota 0 // Anzahl Bots die auf dem Server sind. (0=keine Bots)
bot_join_after_player 0 // Ob die Bots alleien Spielen oder erst joinen wenn jemand auf dem Server ist. (0=Bots sind immer auf dem Server 1=erst joinen bei Menschlichem spieler)
bot_quota_mode fill // Ob die Bots bleiben, oder platz machen sobald ein Spieler joint. (fill=Fuer jeden Spieler verschwindet ein Bot. normal=keine Slotfreigabe)
bot_difficulty 2 // Schwierigkeitgrad der Bots (0=einfach 1=normal 2=schwer 3=extrem)
//bot_prefix [XYZ] // "Clantag" welches die Bots vor ihrem Namen tragen.
bot_defer_to_human 1 // Bots erledigen Missionsziele (Geiseln holen, Bombe legen/entschaerfen...) (1=an 0=aus)
//bot_auto_vacate 1 // Gibt an wieviele Slots die Bots freilassen sollen.
bot_chatter off // Toggelt ob die Bots chatten und wenn ja, in welchem Ausmass. (on, off, radio, minimal, normal)
bot_randombuy 1 // Bots ignore their prefered weapons and just buy random weapons
bot_defer_to_human_items 1
bot_defer_to_human_goals 1

sv_pausable "0"
sv_voiceenable "1"
sv_allow_votes "0"
sv_allow_wait_command "1"
sv_alltalk "1"
sv_alternateticks "0"
sv_cheats "0"
sv_deadtalk "0"
sv_forcepreload "0"
sv_friction "4"
sv_full_alltalk "1"
sv_log_onefile "0"
sv_logbans "0"
sv_logecho "1"
sv_logfile "1"
sv_logflush "0"
sv_logsdir "0"
sv_lan "0"
sv_region "3" // - later can be set to 3 Europa but not works yet in the beta

// Server Rates

//sv_maxcmdrate "102"
sv_maxrate "0"
sv_mincmdrate "10"
sv_minrate "5000" "

// Round Convars

mp_afterroundmoney "0"
mp_playercashawards "1"
mp_teamcashawards "1"
mp_maxrounds "0"
mp_timelimit "20"
mp_roundtime "2.5"
mp_buytime "45"
mp_forcecamera "1"
mp_defuser_allocation "2"
mp_death_drop_defuser "1"
mp_death_drop_grenade "2"
mp_death_drop_gun "1"

//Friendly Fire - Team Settings

mp_friendlyfire "1" //Enable Friendly Fire 1 =Enable 0 =Disable
ff_damage_reduction_grenade "0"
ff_damage_reduction_bullets "0"
ff_damage_reduction_other "0" /

//Game Settings

mp_autokick "1"
mp_autoteambalance "1"
mp_c4timer "35"
mp_do_warmup_period "0"
mp_force_pick_time "15"
mp_halftime_duration "15"
mp_join_grace_time "5
mp_limitteams "1"
mp_playercashawards "1"
mp_playerid "0"
mp_playerid_delay "0"
mp_playerid_hold "0"
mp_restartgame "0"
mp_tkpunish "0"
mp_warmuptime "0"
mp_win_panel_display_time "5"

//Cash Convars - MONEY

mp_startmoney "800"
mp_maxmoney "16000"

// TV Settings - not set -

//tv_nochat "0" //Don't receive chat messages from other SourceTV spectators
//tv_port "check" //Host SourceTV port


sv_vote_allow_spectators "0"
sv_vote_command_delay "2"
sv_vote_failure_timer "300"
sv_vote_quorum_ratio "0"
sv_vote_timer_duration "15"

// Diverses

sv_pure "0"
sv_hibernate_when_empty 0
mp_endmatch_votenextmap 0
host_players_show 2 // 0|1|2
host_info_show 2
sv_max_queries_sec 6


Spoiler Spoiler

cash_player_bomb_defused "300"
cash_player_bomb_planted "300"
cash_player_damage_hostage "-30"
cash_player_interact_with_hostage "300"
cash_player_killed_enemy_default "300"
cash_player_killed_enemy_factor "1"
cash_player_killed_hostage "-1000"
cash_player_killed_teammate "-3300"
cash_player_rescued_hostage "1000"
cash_team_elimination_bomb_map "3250"
cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_t "3000"
cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_ct "3000"
cash_team_hostage_alive "0"
cash_team_hostage_interaction "600"
cash_team_loser_bonus "1400"
cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds "500"
cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused "800"
cash_team_rescued_hostage "600"
cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb "3500"
cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb "3500"
cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue "2900"
cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_hostage "3250"
cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_bomb "3250"
ff_damage_reduction_bullets "0.33"
ff_damage_reduction_grenade "0.85"
ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self "1"
ff_damage_reduction_other "0.4"
mp_afterroundmoney "0"
mp_buytime "35"
mp_buy_anywhere "0"
mp_buy_during_immunity "0"
mp_death_drop_defuser "1"
mp_death_drop_grenade "2" // 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
mp_death_drop_gun "1" // 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
mp_deathcam_skippable "1"
mp_defuser_allocation "0"
mp_force_pick_time "5"
mp_forcecamera "1" // Set to 1 for team only spectating.
mp_free_armor "0"
mp_freezetime "5"
mp_friendlyfire "1"
mp_win_panel_display_time "3"
mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay "5"
mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus "1"
mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus "1"
mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash "4"
mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he "3"
mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov "5"
mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade "2"
mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay "0"
mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus "1"
mp_ggtr_halftime_delay "0.0"
mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half "0"
mp_respawn_immunitytime "0"
mp_halftime "0"
mp_match_can_clinch "1" // 0=No mercy rule, 1=team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds
mp_maxmoney "16000"
mp_maxrounds "0"
mp_molotovusedelay "0"
mp_playercashawards "1"
mp_roundtime "2.5"
mp_roundtime_hostage "2.5"
mp_roundtime_defuse "2.5"
mp_solid_teammates "1"
mp_startmoney "800"
mp_teamcashawards "1"
mp_timelimit "20"
mp_warmuptime "0"
mp_weapons_allow_zeus "0"
spec_freeze_panel_extended_time "0"
spec_freeze_time "5.0"
sv_allow_votes "1" // Voting allowed in this mode
sv_alltalk "1"
sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after "0"
sv_deadtalk "0"
sv_ignoregrenaderadio "0"
tv_delay "105"
mp_warmup_pausetimer "0"
mp_halftime_pausetimer "0"
mp_randomspawn "0"
mp_randomspawn_los "0"
sv_infinite_ammo "0"
ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang "2"
ammo_grenade_limit_total "4"
mp_weapons_allow_map_placed "1"
mp_weapons_glow_on_ground "0"
mp_display_kill_assists "1"
mp_respawn_on_death_t "0"
mp_respawn_on_death_ct "0"
mp_ct_default_melee "weapon_knife"
mp_ct_default_secondary "weapon_hkp2000"
mp_ct_default_primary ""
mp_t_default_melee "weapon_knife"
mp_t_default_secondary "weapon_glock"
mp_t_default_primary ""
mp_default_team_winner_no_objective "-1" // 2 == CTs, 3 == Ts
mp_round_restart_delay "3"
mp_match_end_restart "0"

Blick da irgendwie nicht mehr durch und finde den Fehler einfach nicht.

MetaMod Source Version 1.10.0
SourceMod version 1.5.4-git4088