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  • "PaTiiBoY" started this thread

Posts: 22

Location: Tirol

Occupation: Einzelhandel

wcf.user.option.userOption53: Ja

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Saturday, April 11th 2015, 1:25am

GunGame Problem

Hallo Leute,

Ich habe leider ein Problem...
Habe nun stunden rum Probiert aber es klappt einfach nicht so wie ich das will -.-.....
Ich hoffe dass ich hier hilfe bekomme :/

Und zwar habe ich mich das gleiche Plugin installiert wie hier schon angegeben ist daher poste ich es hier ran und mach kein neues Thema dazu auf.

Mein Problem ingame ist:

- Nade level habe ich nur 1x nade, möchte aber unlimitierte nades
- Nach dem Knife level steht links oben "name" won aber es geht nichts weiter. d.h keine neue map läd o.a.


Spoiler Spoiler

/* ===== [GUNGAME MAIN CONFIG] ===== */

/* ----- [main] ----- */

/* Enables/Disables GunGame Mod */
"Enabled" "1"

* Show players level message in hint box instead of chat.
* If enabled then multikill chat messages will be shown
* in hint box too (requres "MultiKillChat" "1").
"ShowSpawnMsgInHintBox" "0"

* Show leader level info in hint box
* (requires "ShowSpawnMsgInHintBox" to be "1")
"ShowLeaderInHintBox" "0"

/* Show leader's weapon name in chat with leading message */
"ShowLeaderWeapon" "0"

/* Strip dead players weapon */
"StripDeadPlayersWeapon" "0"

/* Show levels in scoreboard */
"LevelsInScoreboard" "1"

* When shows levels in scoreboard it will
* clear deaths (requires "LevelsInScoreboard" "1")
"ScoreboardClearDeaths" "0"

/* Restore level on player reconnect */
"RestoreLevelOnReconnect" "1"

/* Allow level up after round end */
"AllowLevelUpAfterRoundEnd" "1"

/* Show multikill hints in chat */
"MultiKillChat" "0"

/* Set sv_alltalk 1 after player win */
"AlltalkOnWin" "1"

/* Start voting if leader level is less maximum level by this value */
"VoteLevelLessWeaponCount" "2"

/* Display a join message, popup giving players instructions on how to play */
"JoinMessage" "1"

* Level down playr if they kill themself by WorldSpawn Suicide.
* 0 - Disable
* 1..N - Levels to loose
"WorldspawnSuicide" "1"

* Level down players if they use the "kill" command
* 0 - Disable
* 1..N - Levels to loose
"CommitSuicide" "1"

/* Can bots win the game otherwise when they reach the last weapon and nothing will happen */
"BotsCanWinGame" "0"

/* How many levels they can gain in 1 round (0 - disabled) */
"MaxLevelPerRound" "0"

/* Turbo Mode */
"TurboMode" "1"

/* Knife Elite force them to only have a knife after they level up.
They will get a normal weapon again next round */
"KnifeElite" "0"

* How many kills they need to with the weapon to get the next level
* Kills will count across all rounds so that you don't have to get them in one round.
"MinKillsPerLevel" "1"

/* Enabled friendly fire automatically when a player reaches hegrenade level */
"AutoFriendlyFire" "0"

* FFA DM mode.
* If you are using CSS:DM with FFA mode enabled,
* then you should set this variable to "1".
* 0 - Disabled
* 1 - Enabled
"FFA" "1"

* Enable friendly fire on defined level. 0 - disabled.
"EnableFriendlyFireLevel" "0"

* Disable rtv on defined level. 0 - disabled.
"DisableRtvLevel" "0"

/* ----- [knifepro] ----- */

/* Turn Knife Pro allow stealing a player level by killing them with a knife */
"KnifePro" "1"

/* Enables Knife Pro when a player is on hegrenade level */
"KnifeProHE" "0"

/* The minimum level that a player must be at before another player can knife steal from. Requires KnifePro on */
"KnifeProMinLevel" "0"

/* If enabled then knife kill will also affect points */
"KnifeProRecalcPoints" "0"

/* Maximum level difference between players to allow steal level
* 0 - Disabled
* 1..N - Level difference between killer and victim
"KnifeProMaxDiff" "0"

/* ----- [objectives] ----- */

/* Give x number of level by completing the bomb planting/defusing objectives.
* Amount giving base on the value setting.
"ObjectiveBonus" "1"

/* Enables objective bonus on last level */
"ObjectiveBonusWin" "0"

* Gives objective bonus on exploding the bomb instead of planting
* 0 - bonus on planting
* 1 - bonus on exploding
"ObjectiveBonusExplode" "0"

/* Remove objectives from map. 0 = Disabled, 1 = BOMB, 2 = HOSTAGE, 3 = BOTH*/
"RemoveObjectives" "3"

/* ----- [handicap] ----- */

* Maximum level that handicap can give.
* 0 - Disable restriction
* 1..N - Max level
"MaxHandicapLevel" "0"

/* Substract handicap level by this value */
"HandicapLevelSubstract" "1"

* Gives joining players the avg/min level of all other players when they join late.
* 0 - Disable
* 1 - Avg level
* 2 - Min level
"HandicapMode" "2"

* Allow players in the top rank to receive a handicap with the rest of the players.
* Handicap must also be turned on above for this to work.
* See also "HandicapTopRank" to set rank limit for tp rank.
* 0 - Do not give handicap to the top rank players.
* 1 - Give handicap to all players.
"TopRankHandicap" "1"

* Gives handicap level automaticaly every defined number of seconds.
* This only works for players that is on very minimum level from
* all the players.
* Handicap must also be turned on for this to work.
"HandicapUpdate" "0"

* Dont use bots levels for handicap calculation.
* Dont give handicap level to bots too.
"HandicapSkipBots" "0"

* Give handicap not more then given number of times per map.
* 0 - disabled
"HandicapTimesPerMap" "0"

* Do not give handicap to the top rank players.
* See also "TopRankHandicap" to allow all players to receive handicap.
* 0 - Give handicap to all players.
* N - Do not give handicap for the first N players.
"HandicapTopRank" "10"

/* ----- [equip] ----- */

/* Auto reload current level weapon on kill */
"ReloadWeapon" "1"

/* Give player armor on spawn */
"ArmorKevlar" "1"
"ArmorHelmet" "1"

/* Remove additional ammo in bonus weapon on the nade level */
"RemoveBonusWeaponAmmo" "1"

* This gives the player a weapon with 50 bullets on nade level.
* Example:
* "NadeBonus" "glock" - gives glock
* "NadeBonus" "deagle" - gives deagle
* "NadeBonus" "" - feature disabled
"NadeBonus" ""

/* Gives a smoke grenade on nade level */
"NadeSmoke" "0"

/* Gives a Flash grenade on nade level */
"NadeFlash" "0"

/* Gives a smoke grenade on knife level */
"KnifeSmoke" "0"

/* Gives a Flash grenade on knife level */
"KnifeFlash" "0"

/* Gives an extra hegrenade to the player if they get a kill */
"ExtraNade" "0"

/* Gives unlimited hegrenades to the player if he is on nage level */
"UnlimitedNades" "1"

* Enable UnlimitedNades depending on the number of players in team.
* If UnlimitedNades is off and the number of players in one team less or
* equal to UnlimitedNadesMinPlayers then enable UnlimitedNades.
* When it will be more players on both teams, turn UnlimitedNades back to off.
* 0 - Disable
* 1 and above - Minimum number of players in each team for UnlimitedNames to be on.
"UnlimitedNadesMinPlayers" "1"

* Number of nades on the nade level.
* This option is disabled
* if less then 2.
"NumberOfNades" "0"

/* ----- [multi level] ----- */

/* Milti Level Bonus */
"MultiLevelBonus" "0"

/* Enable God Mode when multi leveled */
"MultiLevelBonusGodMode" "1"

* Custom speed and gravity value multiplier for multi level bonus.
* 0 - Disabled
"MultiLevelBonusGravity" "0.5"
"MultiLevelBonusSpeed" "1.5"

/* How much levels is needed to get bonus */
"MultiLevelAmount" "3"

/* ----- [warmup] ----- */

/* Enables Warmup Round*/
"WarmupEnabled" "0"

* Decides when warmup round starts.
* 1 = When each team has a player.
* 2 = At the start of map load finish.
* 3 = Both.
"WarmupStartup" "2"

/* Warmup time length */
"WarmupTimeLength" "60"

* Gives unlimited hegrenades to the player if warmup is enabled.
* Use only one from list: WarmupNades, WarmupRandomWeaponMode, WarmupWeapon.
"WarmupNades" "1"

* Give random weapon on warmup.
* Use only one from list: WarmupNades, WarmupRandomWeaponMode, WarmupWeapon.
* 0 - Disable
* 1 - Random weapon every map
* 2 - Random weapon every round
* 3 - Random weapon every spawn
"WarmupRandomWeaponMode" "0"

* Weapon for warmup.
* Use only one from list: WarmupNades, WarmupRandomWeaponMode, WarmupWeapon.
"WarmupWeapon" ""

/* ===== [GUNGAME TK CONFIG] ===== */

* How much levels to loose after TK
* 0 - Disable
* 1..N - Levels to loose
"TkLooseLevel" "0"

/* ===== [GUNGAME AFK CONFIG] ===== */

/* Enables or disables built in Afk management system */
"AfkManagement" "1"

/* Kick player on x number of afk deaths. */
"AfkDeaths" "5"

* What action to deal with the player when the maximum is reach?
* 0 = Nothing, 1 = Kick, 2 = Move to spectate,
"AfkAction" "2"

/* ===== [GUNGAME STATS CONFIG] ===== */

* Prune player from player win database after numbers of days if they
* havn't been in the server in awhile. This occur during map change.
* It it recommended that you set a value to this setting. Over time as
* the player win database get filled up. It can cause long map changes.
* 0 = off otherwise the value is the number of days.
"Prune" "366"


/* Display winner in MOTD window. */
"DisplayWinnerMotd" "0"

/* URL to display in MOTD window. */
"DisplayWinnerUrl" ""

/* Show player rank on win in chat */
"ShowPlayerRankOnWin" "1"

"IntroSound" "gungame/gungame2.wav"
"KnifeLevel" "gungame/knife_level.wav"
"NadeLevel" "gungame/nade_level.wav"
"LevelSteal" "gungame/smb3_1-up.wav"
"LevelUp" "gungame/smb3_powerup.wav"
"LevelDown" "gungame/smb3_powerdown.wav"
"Triple" "gungame/smb_star.mp3"
"Autoff" "gungame/smb_warning2.mp3"
"MultiKill" "common/stuck1.wav"
/* Put each song filename in this list seperated by commas */
"Winner" "music/HL2_song15.mp3"
"WarmupTimerSound" "ambient/tones/floor1.wav"

Spoiler Spoiler

/* Do not edit this file if you do not know what your doing. */
"windows" "117"
"linux" "118"

"windows" "322"
"linux" "323"

"windows" "313"
"linux" "314"

"library" "server"
"windows" "\x81\xEC\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x53\x55\x56\x57\x8B\xBC\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x32\xDB\x85\xFF\x8B\xF1\x0F"
"linux" "@_ZN9CCSPlayer12CSWeaponDropEP17CBaseCombatWeaponbb"

"library" "server"
"windows" "\x53\x8B\x2A\x2A\x2A\x85\xDB\x56\x8B\xF1\x7E\x2A\x57\x8B\x2A\x2A\x2A\x57\xE8\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x8B\xC8\xE8"
"linux" "@_ZN20CBaseCombatCharacter10RemoveAmmoEii"

"library" "server"
"windows" "\x8B\x44\x24\x04\x85\xC0\x74\x2A\x83\x2A\x2A\x89\x2A\x2A\x2A\xE9\x2A\xFF\xFF\xFF"
"linux" "@_Z11UTIL_RemoveP11CBaseEntity"

Ich bitte um hilfe :/
Vielen Dank.

Grüße PaTiiBoY
Grüße PaTiiBoY


Super Moderator

Posts: 1,056

Location: Österreich

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Saturday, April 11th 2015, 2:49pm

Hab deinen Beitrag verschoben, dass Thema war 5 Jahre alt.. (vorheriger Thread)

zu 1: in die Config:

Source code

"UnlimitedNades" "1"
"UnlimitedNadesMinPlayers" "0"

zu 2: Welche GunGame Version?




  • "PaTiiBoY" started this thread

Posts: 22

Location: Tirol

Occupation: Einzelhandel

wcf.user.option.userOption53: Ja

  • Send private message


Wednesday, April 22nd 2015, 9:21pm

Ok danke^^

Gungame version:
Link: HIER

Grüße PaTiiBoY