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Montag, 26. Oktober 2015, 00:06

Say Sounds (including Hybrid Edition) (4.0.8)

Hallo Community,

gerade Teste ich auf unseren Test-Server das Say Sounds-Plugin (including Hybrid Edition) (4.0.8)

Die sm_saysounds.cfg einzurichten war ja kein Problem..

Aber ich durchblick einfach nicht saysounds.cfg (cstrike/addons/sourcemod/configs)


// ##################################################################################################
// ############################## Saysounds example config ##########################################
// ##################################################################################################
// # Soundfiles have to be placed relative to your game/mod "sound" folder. #
// # Example: cstrike/sound/mysound.mp3 or dod/sound/myfolder/mysound.mp3 #
// # "file" "mysound.mp3" or "file" "myfolder/mysound.mp3" #
// # If you run a pure server (sv_pure = 1) you should create an extra folder for your sounds #
// # so you don't have to whitelist your whole "sound" folder. #
// # Whitelisting is done in the "pure_server_whitelist.txt" file located in the "hl2" folder. #
// # Example: sound\myfolder\... allow_from_disk #
// # Don't forget to change the map after you've added something to your pure_server_whitelist.txt #
// # For more infos on pure servers visit http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Pure_Servers #
// ##################################################################################################

"Sound Combinations"
// #### Join/Exit Sounds ####
"JoinSound" // Sound to play when a player Joins the server
"file" "misc/welcome.wav"
"admin" "0"
"text" "blablabla" // Message to display if a client joins the server
"single" "1" // 1 to play sound to single client only, 0 to play to all (default is 1)
"volume" "0.5" // Specify volume for this specific sound
"file" "misc/welcome.wav"
"admin" "0"
"etext" "blablabla" // Message to display if a client leaves the server
"single" "1" // 1 to play sound to single client only, 0 to play to all (default is 0)
"volume" "0.5" // Specify volume for this specific sound
"STEAM_0:x:xxxxxx" // trigger for specific STEAM ID
"file" "misc/myhouse.mp3" // name of sound to play when joining
"exit" "misc/goodbye.mp3" // name of sound to play when leaving
"text" "blablabla" // Message to display if this client joins the server
"etext" "blablabla" // Message to display if this client leaves the server
"admin" "0"
"volume" "0.5" // Specify volume for this specific sound
// #### Say Sounds ####
"doh" // Minimum configuration for sounds
"file" "misc/doh.wav" // This will set all other options to default values
"wazza" // Word trigger
"file" "misc/wazza.wav" //"file" is always there, next is the filepath (always starts with "sound/")
"admin" "1" // 1 is admin only, 0 is anyone (defaults is 0)
"delay" "5" // will delay the sound by 5 seconds (max delay 60 seconds)
"adult" "1" // will announce the sound as ADULT SOUND, hide it from the sounds menu, block the chat output (defaults is 0)
"text" "blablabla" // Message to display for this sound
"download" "1" // 1 to download the sounds, 0 to not download (default is 1)
"flags" "ao" // only clients with either the "a" or the "o" flag will be able to play that sound
"lol" // Word trigger to randomly select 1 of multiple sounds
"file" "misc/lol1.wav" // name of the 1st option, can also be "file1"
"file2" "misc/lol2.wav" // name of the 2nd option
"file3" "misc/lol3.wav"
"file4" "misc/lol4.wav"
"count" "4" // number of sounds (default is 1)
"volume" "0.5" // Specify volume for this specific sound
// #### KARAOKE ####
"somesong" // Word trigger for Karaoke
"file" "misc/somesong.wav"
"karaoke" "somesong.cfg" // name of config file for karaoke lyrics
// ####FernFerret####
// ####Action Sounds####
// New Section showing how to use Action Sounds Extention
// New Parameters:
// - actiononly If this variable is set to 1, the sound cannot be
// played by a menu or a client typing
// - action If the action filled in here is performed, the sound will play
// - param The best way to think of param is "Play Sound if [ACTION] with [PARAM]"
// * Some examples are Flag events**, or weapons***
// - prob The probability of a sound playing, if you want a sound to play 20% of the time
// * the fill in prob as ".2" or the percentage divided by 100
// - playto Play kill events to clients/teams
// * attacker - plays the sound to the attacker
// * victim - plays the sound to the victim
// * both - plays the sound to the attacker and the victim
// * ateam - plays the sound to the attacker team
// * vteam - plays the sound to the victim team
// - Some examples:
"rocket" //This example plays a random sound to the victim if he gets killed with a TF2 rocket launcher.
"file" "saysound/rocket1.mp3"
"file2" "saysound/rocket2.mp3"
"file3" "saysound/rocket3.mp3"
"count" "3"
"admin" "1"
"actiononly" "1"
"action" "kill"
"param" "tf_projectile_rocket"
"playto" "victim"
"file" "admin_plugin/invincible.wav"
"admin" "1"
"actiononly" "1"
"action" "uber"
// Note: If the action is uber, you do not need param
// Prob is assumed 1 or 100% if nothing is provied
"file" "admin_plugin/lmf.wav"
"admin" "1"
"actiononly" "1"
"action" "kill"
"param" "flamethrower"
"prob" ".05"

auch böld finde ich das die "Standard-Sounds" nicht mir geliefert werden.. Habt ihr eine gute Quelle für nette Say Sounds?

lg & danke



Mittwoch, 4. November 2015, 00:15


oder kenn jem. ein anderes Say Sound plugin für Sourcemod ?


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Mittwoch, 4. November 2015, 08:42


was gibt es in der Config nicht zu verstehen? Es ist eh alles gut beschrieben wie was gemacht wird.


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