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Beiträge: 58

Wohnort: Schutterwald

Beruf: KFZ Mechatroniker

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Freitag, 14. November 2008, 19:17

Mani Stats löschen sich selbst, aber nur vereinzelne User.

Hi meine Mani Stats spinnen voll rum, seit serverstart habe ich mich hochgeballert :-) war platz 1 in der Rankliste mit ca. 17000Kills zu 6500 Deaths.
Jetzt bin ich plötzlich vom ersten Platz gelöscht und fange praktisch neu an?! Warum ist das so?
Also ich habe das soschon immer so eingestellt das wenn jemand 7 Tage nicht da war das er automatisch gelöscht wird, aber ich spiele täglich und das schon immer.
Acho un ich bin Server Admin und keiner kommt sonst an den Server dran.

erst vor kurzem hat ein Player von uns sich gemeldet das er gelöscht wurde obwohl er immer spielt..

Habe hier mal die die mani_server mit angehängt.

Spoiler Spoiler

// Module : Stats
// Desc : The stats module is a very simple ranking system based on 3 methods of
// calculation (defined in mani_stats_calculate).
// *****************************************************************************

// 1 = Enable stats module, 0 = disable stats module
mani_stats 1

// 0 = calculate once per map, 1 = calculate at end of each round (CSS Only)
mani_stats_mode 1

// Number of days since player last connected before they are removed from the
// stats list
mani_stats_drop_player_days 7

// This cvar is used to set the type of stats calculation to use for ranking
// players
// 0 = Rank by by pure kills
// 1 = Rank by by kill:death ratio
// 2 = Rank by kills minus deaths
// 3 = Rank by points (points delta = (victim_points/killer_points) * multiplier
mani_stats_calculate 2

// Number of kills required before a player is given a rank
// If you are using the Kill Death ratio you should set this quite high
mani_stats_kills_required 100

// Number of kills + deaths required before a victims points are affected by the
// attackers kills. This prevents new players from affecting regular players points
// until a certain amount of experience is gained from playing.
mani_stats_kills_before_points_removed 99999

// Defines how long a 'top' display lasts for before it fades (5 - 30 seconds)
mani_stats_top_display_time 10

// Defines whether other players see your rank when you type 'rank'
// 1 = show rank to all players
// 0 = only show rank to player who typed 'rank'
mani_stats_show_rank_to_all 1

// Defines a message to show when a user types 'rank' and the stats are turned
// off (this can be blank)
mani_stats_alternative_rank_message ""

// Enables writing of ranks to a text file called mani_ranks.txt for export to a
// web page.
mani_stats_write_text_file 1

// Set in minutes how often you want the stats to recalculate. This should be
// used if you have long map times with no end of round.
// 0 = disables frequency calculating, > 0 = time in minutes between each stats
// rank calculation
mani_stats_calculate_frequency 0

// Set in minutes how often you want the stats to recalculate AND write to disk
// This should be used if you have long map times with no end of round.
// 0 = disabled, > 0 = time in minutes between each save and recalculation of
// ranks
mani_stats_write_frequency_to_disk 0

// Set to 1 if you want your ranks to be by steam id (default),
// Set to 0 if you are not using steam ids on your server (Lan mode)
mani_stats_by_steam_id 1

// 1 = Include any bot kills made in stats
// 0 = Killing a bot does not count to stats
mani_stats_include_bot_kills 0

// Stats points decay settings
// Number of days since last connect that points decay will start
mani_stats_decay_start 99999

// Number of days that the decay will take place over once started
// Points will drop to 500 over this period of time. If the player rejoins
// their points will be restored to full value
mani_stats_decay_period 7

// When a player reconnects the stats module can restore a players
// points back to the full amount if decay has set in
// 0 = Do not restore full points, 1 = restore to full points
mani_stats_decay_restore_points_on_connect 0

// If set to 1 a victim will never lose points ala BF2
mani_stats_points_add_only 0

// Number of days before a player is made invisible from
// being ranked. Note that the player is not dropped, if
// they rejoin their rank will be restored.
mani_stats_ignore_ranks_after_x_days 21

// Multiplier used in points calculation, default is 5.0
mani_stats_points_multiplier "5.0"

// Multiplier for victim points lost. If you want victims
// to lose say half points for dying set this to "0.5" etc
mani_stats_points_death_multiplier "1.0"
DOD Source
System Linux
gemieteter Server
Mani Admin Plugin 1.2BetaS-hotfix
//EventScripts v2.1.0.281
Metamod Source v1.7.1V
SourceMod v1.2.2-dev
Dukehacks für Sourcemod V1.2.2-dev