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Freitag, 24. April 2009, 13:31

SM Plugin auf Gungame5 angleichen

Und wieder sind die Scripter gefragt. Ich würde gern folgendes Script auf Gungame5 anwenden:

Spoiler Spoiler

* vog_fireworks.sma version 1.3a Date: 28/03/2009
* Author: V0gelz <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
* Original Idea: Eric Lidman aka Ludgwig Van
* Shoots fireworks into the sky.
* The effects look best on bigger more open maps.
* Youtube movie:"></a>
* I'm adding effects but this is work in progress, if any of
* you have seen some cool effects that maybe could be used in
* this fireworks plugin let me know! PM me on sourcemod if you do.
* The effects look best on bigger more open maps.
* Support For CS:S, TF2, DODS!
* sm_fireworks Sets fireworks off at random points on map.
* sm_fireworks_cancel Cancels the on going fireworks.
* sm_fireworks_sound Toggles the sound of the explosions off and on.
* CVARS (which can be set in the mod/cfg/sourcemod/sourcemod.cfg):
* sm_fireworks_noise 1 This sets whether your fireworks makes noise.
* sm_fireworks_roundend 1 -- 0 = no fireworks display at round end in CS:S.
* -- 1 = fireworks at round end.
* sm_fireworks_field_size 1 How large the fireworks field size is,
* 1 small/2 average/3 big
* sm_fireworks_low_ceiling 1 Low ceiling map such as standard maps like de_dust, we put 1,
* big huge maps with a high ceiling, we put 0.
* This plugin has room to grow. If you have ideas, let me know. Perhaps we
* can set off fireworks automatically on events like multikill
* or headshot. The possiblilities for attaching fireworks to game events
* are limitless. Check back often as new effects and options will be added.
* Olly & Tsunami - for helping on the env_shooter problem.
* MatthiasVance - for info!
* Silent_Water - Sphere code.

#pragma semicolon 1

#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>

#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.3a"

// Sprites
new g_ExplosionSprite;
new g_Smoke1;
new g_Smoke2;
new g_BlueGlowSprite;
new g_RedGlowSprite;
new g_GreenGlowSprite;
new g_YellowGlowSprite;
new g_PurpleGlowSprite;
new g_OrangeGlowSprite;
new g_WhiteGlowSprite;
new precache_fire_line;

// Handlers
new Handle:fireworks01;
new Handle:fireworks01_;
new SpawningFireworks;
new Handle:fireworks_roundend;
new Handle:fireworks_sound;
new Float:start_cor[3];
new Handle:Field_Size;
new Handle:low_ceiling;
new EndroundFireworks;
new round_start = 0;

// Game
new String:game_dir[30];

public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "Fireworks",
author = "V0gelz",
description = "My firework plugin, thanks to Ludwigvan",
url = ""

public OnPluginStart()
GetGameFolderName(game_dir, 29);

if( StrEqual(game_dir,"tf") )
// TF2
// Round Start Events
HookEvent("teamplay_round_start", Event_teamplay_round_start);
HookEvent("teamplay_round_win", Event_teamplay_round_win);
else if( StrEqual(game_dir,"dod") )
// CSS and L4D Round Events

RegAdminCmd( "sm_fireworks", fireworks, ADMFLAG_CUSTOM2, "Fires fireworks in the sky till map ends." );
RegAdminCmd( "sm_fireworks_cancel", fireworks_cancel, ADMFLAG_CUSTOM2, "Fires fireworks in the sky till map ends." );
RegAdminCmd( "sm_fireworks_sound", fireworks_sound_var, ADMFLAG_CUSTOM2, "Toggles fireworks noise on and off." );

fireworks_roundend = CreateConVar("sm_fireworks_roundend","1", "Fireworks at round end. 0/1", FCVAR_PLUGIN | FCVAR_NOTIFY);
fireworks_sound = CreateConVar("sm_fireworks_noise","1", "Fireworks sounds. 0/1", FCVAR_PLUGIN | FCVAR_NOTIFY);
Field_Size = CreateConVar("sm_fireworks_field_size","2", "How large the fireworks field size is, 1 small/2 average/3 big", FCVAR_PLUGIN | FCVAR_NOTIFY);
low_ceiling = CreateConVar("sm_fireworks_low_ceiling","1", "Low ceiling maps is 1, big huge maps is 0", FCVAR_PLUGIN | FCVAR_NOTIFY);

CreateConVar("sm_fireworks_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "", FCVAR_PLUGIN | FCVAR_REPLICATED);

public OnMapStart()

// Sprites

g_ExplosionSprite = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/sprite_fire01.vmt",true);
g_Smoke1 = PrecacheModel("materials/effects/fire_cloud1.vmt",true);
g_Smoke2 = PrecacheModel("materials/effects/fire_cloud2.vmt",true);
g_BlueGlowSprite = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/blueglow1.vmt",true);
g_RedGlowSprite = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/redglow1.vmt",true);
g_GreenGlowSprite = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/greenglow1.vmt",true);
g_YellowGlowSprite = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/yellowglow1.vmt",true);
g_PurpleGlowSprite = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/purpleglow1.vmt",true);
g_OrangeGlowSprite = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/orangeglow1.vmt",true);
g_WhiteGlowSprite = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/glow1.vmt",true);
precache_fire_line = PrecacheModel("materials/sprites/fire.vmt",true);

// Sounds
PrecacheSound( "ambient/fireworks/fireworks_pang01.mp3", true);
PrecacheSound( "ambient/fireworks/fireworks_shatter01.mp3", true);
PrecacheSound( "ambient/fireworks/fireworks_spark001.wav", true);
PrecacheSound( "ambient/fireworks/fireworks_spark002.wav", true);
PrecacheSound( "ambient/fireworks/fireworks_spark003.wav", true);
PrecacheSound( "ambient/fireworks/fireworks_spark004.wav", true);
PrecacheSound( "ambient/fireworks/fireworks_spark005.wav", true);
PrecacheSound( "ambient/fireworks/fireworks_spark006.wav", true);
PrecacheSound( "ambient/fireworks/fireworks_spark007.mp3", true);
PrecacheSound( "ambient/fireworks/fireworks_spark008.mp3", true);
PrecacheSound( "ambient/fireworks/fireworks_spark009.mp3", true);

CreateTimer(60.0, RealTimeUpdatePositions, _, TIMER_REPEAT);

if (fireworks01_ != INVALID_HANDLE)
fireworks01_ = INVALID_HANDLE;
if (fireworks01 != INVALID_HANDLE)
fireworks01 = INVALID_HANDLE;
SpawningFireworks = 0;
EndroundFireworks = 0;

public OnMapEnd()
if (fireworks01_ != INVALID_HANDLE)
fireworks01_ = INVALID_HANDLE;
if (fireworks01 != INVALID_HANDLE)
fireworks01 = INVALID_HANDLE;
SpawningFireworks = 0;
EndroundFireworks = 0;

// Game Events!

// Counter-Strike: Source Events & Left 4 Dead Events
// *l4d doesn't allow people to download from the server so no support for l4d yet.
// But if it comes it should be ready to use.
public Action:RoundEnd(Handle: event , const String: name[] , bool: dontBroadcast)
new Float:fireworks_roundend_ = GetConVarFloat(fireworks_roundend);
if(fireworks_roundend_ == 1.0)
//PrintToChatAll("CSS: Round Ended");
fireworks01 = CreateTimer(0.1, fireworks_01, _, TIMER_REPEAT);
SpawningFireworks = 1;
EndroundFireworks = 1;
return Plugin_Continue;

public Action:RoundStart(Handle: event , const String: name[] , bool: dontBroadcast)
if(round_start == 0)
//PrintToChatAll("CSS: Round Started");
round_start = 1;
new Float:ROUND_START_TIME = 20.0;
CreateTimer(ROUND_START_TIME, roundstartover);
CreateTimer(10.0, DelayonStart);
return Plugin_Continue;

// Team Fortress 2 Events
public Action:Event_teamplay_round_win(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new Float:fireworks_roundend_ = GetConVarFloat(fireworks_roundend);
if(fireworks_roundend_ == 1.0)
//PrintToChatAll("TF2: Round Ended");
fireworks01 = CreateTimer(0.1, fireworks_01, _, TIMER_REPEAT);
SpawningFireworks = 1;
EndroundFireworks = 1;

return Plugin_Continue;

public Action:Event_teamplay_round_start(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
if(round_start == 0)
//PrintToChatAll("TF2: Round started");
round_start = 1;
new Float:ROUND_START_TIME = 20.0;
CreateTimer(ROUND_START_TIME, roundstartover);
CreateTimer(20.0, DelayonStart);

return Plugin_Continue;

// Day of Defeat: Source Events
public Action:DODS_RoundEnd(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new Float:fireworks_roundend_ = GetConVarFloat(fireworks_roundend);
if(fireworks_roundend_ == 1.0)
//PrintToChatAll("DODS: Round ended");
fireworks01 = CreateTimer(0.1, fireworks_01, _, TIMER_REPEAT);
SpawningFireworks = 1;
EndroundFireworks = 1;

return Plugin_Continue;

public Action:DODS_RoundStart(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
if(round_start == 0)
//PrintToChatAll("DODS: Round started");
round_start = 1;
new Float:ROUND_START_TIME = 20.0;
CreateTimer(ROUND_START_TIME, roundstartover);
CreateTimer(20.0, DelayonStart);

return Plugin_Continue;

public Action:roundstartover(Handle:timer)
round_start = 0;

public Action:DelayonStart(Handle:timer)
if (fireworks01_ != INVALID_HANDLE)
fireworks01_ = INVALID_HANDLE;
if (fireworks01 != INVALID_HANDLE)
fireworks01 = INVALID_HANDLE;
SpawningFireworks = 0;
EndroundFireworks = 0;

public Action:RealTimeUpdatePositions(Handle:timer)
new iMaxClients = GetMaxClients();

for (new i = 1; i <= iMaxClients; i++)
// Position Check
if(IsClientInGame(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i))
GetClientAbsOrigin(i, start_cor);

public Action:fireworks( client, args )
if(round_start == 1)
PrintToConsole(client, "[SM] It will be a little longer captain, the fireworks machine is malfunctioning.");
return Plugin_Handled;
PrintToConsole(client, "[SM] Fireworks allready in progress.");
return Plugin_Handled;
PrintToConsole(client, "[SM] End round fireworks is still active, wait a few seconds.");
return Plugin_Handled;

new String:User[32];

PrintToServer("[Fireworks] Admin: %s has fired some fireworks in the server.", User);

PrintToChatAll("[SM] Oooooo! Ahhhhh! Fireworks!");

fireworks01_ = CreateTimer(0.1, fireworks_01, client, TIMER_REPEAT);

SpawningFireworks = 1;

return Plugin_Handled;

public Action:fireworks_cancel( client, args )
PrintToConsole(client,"[SM] Fireworks are not in progress");
return Plugin_Handled;
if (fireworks01_ != INVALID_HANDLE)
fireworks01_ = INVALID_HANDLE;

SpawningFireworks = 0;
new String:User[32];

PrintToChatAll("[SM] Awww, no more fireworks.");
PrintToServer("[Fireworks] Admin: %s has canceled the fireworks in the server.", User);

return Plugin_Handled;

public Action:fireworks_sound_var( client, args )
new Float:fireworks_sound_ = GetConVarFloat(fireworks_sound);
if(fireworks_sound_ == 1){
SetConVarFloat(fireworks_sound, 0.0);
PrintToChatAll("[SM] Fireworks sound is now OFF");
SetConVarFloat(fireworks_sound, 1.0);
PrintToChatAll("[SM] Fireworks sound is now ON");

return Plugin_Handled;

public Action:fireworks_01(Handle:timer, any:client)
new Float:rorigin[3];
new rand = GetRandomInt(0,2);
new Field_Size_ = GetConVarInt(Field_Size);
new lowceiling = GetConVarInt(low_ceiling);

rorigin = start_cor;

if(Field_Size_ == 2) // avarage
rorigin[0] += GetRandomFloat(-3200.0,3000.0);
rorigin[1] += GetRandomFloat(-3200.0,3000.0);
if(Field_Size_ == 3) // big
rorigin[0] += GetRandomFloat(-4200.0,4000.0);
rorigin[1] += GetRandomFloat(-4200.0,4000.0);
else // small
rorigin[0] += GetRandomFloat(-2200.0,2200.0);
rorigin[1] += GetRandomFloat(-2200.0,2200.0);

// Effects
// Normal sparks with some smoke and a sound
case 0:
rorigin[2] += GetRandomFloat(-100.0,200.0);
rorigin[2] += GetRandomFloat(-800.0,1000.0);

// The real lookalike fireworks explosions.
// Sprites, sparks, smoke and a fire line.
case 1:
rorigin[2] += GetRandomFloat(-50.0,200.0);
rorigin[2] += GetRandomFloat(-250.0,600.0);


//CreateTimer(0.1, Fire_Spriteworks01, rorigin);
//CreateTimer(0.6, Fire_Spriteworks02, rorigin);
// The sprites that fly all over the map.
// They are the balls you see flying around.
case 2:
rorigin[2] += GetRandomFloat(-10.0,10.0);
rorigin[2] += GetRandomFloat(-500.0,500.0);

//if(GetClientCount() > 0){

// env_shooter seems to crash for ep2 games at the moment.
// I hope i have this fixed soon. till then only css has env_shooter entity.
if((GetClientCount() > 0) && !StrEqual(game_dir,"tf") && !StrEqual(game_dir,"dod") ){
SpritesShooter(rorigin, client);

public Action:Fire_Spriteworks01(Handle:timer, Float:vec[3])
new Float:vec2[3];
vec2 = vec;
vec2[2] = vec[2] + 300.0;

public Action:Fire_Spriteworks02(Handle:timer, Float:vec[3])
new Float:vec2[3];
vec2 = vec;
vec2[2] = vec[2] + 300.0;

public FireSprites(Float:vec[3])
new Float:vec2[3];
vec2 = vec;
vec2[2] = vec[2] + 300.0;

public fire_line(Float:startvec[3],Float:endvec[3])
new color[4]={255,255,255,200};
TE_SetupBeamPoints( startvec,endvec, precache_fire_line, 0, 0, 0, 0.8, 2.0, 1.0, 1, 0.0, color, 10);

public sphere(Float:vec[3])
new Float:rpos[3], Float:radius, Float:phi, Float:theta, Float:live, Float: size, Float:delay;
new Float:direction[3];
new Float:spos[3];
new bright = 255;
direction[0] = 0.0;
direction[1] = 0.0;
direction[2] = 0.0;
radius = GetRandomFloat(75.0,150.0);
new rand = GetRandomInt(0,6);
for (new i=0;i<50;i++)
delay = GetRandomFloat(0.0,0.5);
bright = GetRandomInt(128,255);
live = 2.0 + delay;
size = GetRandomFloat(0.5,0.7);
phi = GetRandomFloat(0.0,6.283185);
theta = GetRandomFloat(0.0,6.283185);
spos[0] = radius*Sine(phi)*Cosine(theta);
spos[1] = radius*Sine(phi)*Sine(theta);
spos[2] = radius*Cosine(phi);
rpos[0] = vec[0] + spos[0];
rpos[1] = vec[1] + spos[1];
rpos[2] = vec[2] + spos[2];

case 0: TE_SetupGlowSprite(rpos, g_BlueGlowSprite,live, size, bright);
case 1: TE_SetupGlowSprite(rpos, g_RedGlowSprite,live, size, bright);
case 2: TE_SetupGlowSprite(rpos, g_GreenGlowSprite,live, size, bright);
case 3: TE_SetupGlowSprite(rpos, g_YellowGlowSprite,live, size, bright);
case 4: TE_SetupGlowSprite(rpos, g_PurpleGlowSprite,live, size, bright);
case 5: TE_SetupGlowSprite(rpos, g_OrangeGlowSprite,live, size, bright);
case 6: TE_SetupGlowSprite(rpos, g_WhiteGlowSprite,live, size, bright);

public explode(Float:vec[3])
TE_SetupExplosion(vec, g_ExplosionSprite, 10.0, 1, 0, 0, 5000); // 600

public spark(Float:vec[3])
new Float:dir[3]={0.0,0.0,0.0};
TE_SetupSparks(vec, dir, 500, 50);

public smoke(Float:vec[3])
new Float:smokescale = 100.0;
new smokeframerate = 2;
new Float:dir[3]={0.0,0.0,0.0};
TE_SetupSmoke(vec, g_Smoke1, smokescale, smokeframerate);
TE_SetupSmoke(vec, g_Smoke2, smokescale, smokeframerate);
TE_SetupDust(vec, dir, 100.0, 10.0);

public sound(Float:vec[3])
new Float:fireworks_sound_ = GetConVarFloat(fireworks_sound);
if(fireworks_sound_ == 1)
new rand = GetRandomInt(0,9);
case 0: EmitSoundFromOrigin("ambient/fireworks/fireworks_pang01.mp3", vec);
case 1: EmitSoundFromOrigin("ambient/fireworks/fireworks_spark001.wav", vec);
case 2: EmitSoundFromOrigin("ambient/fireworks/fireworks_spark002.wav", vec);
case 3: EmitSoundFromOrigin("ambient/fireworks/fireworks_spark003.wav", vec);
case 4: EmitSoundFromOrigin("ambient/fireworks/fireworks_spark004.wav", vec);
case 5: EmitSoundFromOrigin("ambient/fireworks/fireworks_spark005.wav", vec);
case 6: EmitSoundFromOrigin("ambient/fireworks/fireworks_spark006.wav", vec);
case 7: EmitSoundFromOrigin("ambient/fireworks/fireworks_spark007.mp3", vec);
case 8: EmitSoundFromOrigin("ambient/fireworks/fireworks_spark008.mp3", vec);
case 9: EmitSoundFromOrigin("ambient/fireworks/fireworks_spark009.mp3", vec);

public SpritesShooter(Float:vec[3], client)
new Float:dir[3]={-90.0,0.0,0.0};
new Float:fireworks_sound_ = GetConVarFloat(fireworks_sound);
if(fireworks_sound_ == 1)
EmitSoundFromOrigin("ambient/fireworks/fireworks_shatter01.mp3", vec);
env_shooter(client, dir, 2.0, 0.1, dir, 1200.0, 1.0, 2.5, vec);

stock env_shooter(client ,Float:Angles[3], Float:iGibs, Float:Delay, Float:GibAngles[3], Float:Velocity, Float:Variance, Float:Giblife, Float:Location[3] )
decl Ent;

Ent = CreateEntityByName("env_shooter");


if (Ent == -1)

if (Ent>0 && IsValidEdict(Ent))

//DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "targetname", "flare");

// Gib Direction (Pitch Yaw Roll) - The direction the gibs will fly.
DispatchKeyValueVector(Ent, "angles", Angles);

// Number of Gibs - Total number of gibs to shoot each time it's activated
DispatchKeyValueFloat(Ent, "m_iGibs", iGibs);

// Delay between shots - Delay (in seconds) between shooting each gib. If 0, all gibs shoot at once.
DispatchKeyValueFloat(Ent, "delay", Delay);

// <angles> Gib Angles (Pitch Yaw Roll) - The orientation of the spawned gibs.
DispatchKeyValueVector(Ent, "gibangles", GibAngles);

// Gib Velocity - Speed of the fired gibs.
DispatchKeyValueFloat(Ent, "m_flVelocity", Velocity);

// Course Variance - How much variance in the direction gibs are fired.
DispatchKeyValueFloat(Ent, "m_flVariance", Variance);

// Gib Life - Time in seconds for gibs to live +/- 5%.
DispatchKeyValueFloat(Ent, "m_flGibLife", Giblife);

// <choices> Used to set a non-standard rendering mode on this entity. See also 'FX Amount' and 'FX Color'.
DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "rendermode", "5");

// Model - Thing to shoot out. Can be a .mdl (model) or a .vmt (material/sprite).
new rand = GetRandomInt(0,4);
case 0: DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "shootmodel", "materials/sprites/blueflare1.vmt");
case 1: DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "shootmodel", "materials/effects/redflare.vmt");
case 2: DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "shootmodel", "materials/sprites/yellowflare.vmt");
case 3: DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "shootmodel", "materials/sprites/orangeflare1.vmt");
case 4: DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "shootmodel", "materials/sprites/flare1.vmt");

// <choices> Material Sound
DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "shootsounds", "-1"); // No sound

// <choices> Simulate, no idea what it realy does tbh...
// could find out but to lazy and not worth it...
//DispatchKeyValue(Ent, "simulation", "1");

SetVariantString("spawnflags 4");

// Shoot!
AcceptEntityInput(Ent, "Shoot", client);

TeleportEntity(Ent, Location, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR);

//AcceptEntityInput(Ent, "kill");
CreateTimer(3.0, KillEnt, Ent);

public Action:KillEnt(Handle:Timer, any:Ent)

decl String:entity_name[64];
GetEdictClassname(Ent, entity_name, sizeof(entity_name));
if( (StrContains(entity_name, "gib") != -1) || (StrContains(entity_name, "env_shooter") != -1) || (StrContains(entity_name, "env_sprite") != -1) )
//PrintToChatAll("Remove Edict/Entity: %s", entity_name);
//PrintToChatAll("Saving Entity: %s", entity_name);

public EmitSoundFromOrigin(const String:sound[],const Float:orig[3])

Als auslösendes Event soll allein gg_win bzw. das Ende der Map in Frage kommen. Ausserdem soll die gesamte Aktion nur 12 Sekunden andauern (dies ist aber eher sekundär wichtig), hauptsache das Script stört nicht den folgenden Mapwechsel. Vielen Dank für jegliche Hilfe lovu