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Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010, 19:16

Plugin starten "prophunt"


ich bekomme das prophunt plugin nicht zum laufen.
Ich habe zwei verschiedene server.cfg die ich einzeln getestet habe, auch eine autoexec.cfg habe ich erstellt und die startbefehle darin, sowie in der start.bat (server) über den befehl exec "..." getestet.

Spiel TF2
SuFu und wiki haben mich leider nicht weiter gebracht.

Folgende Startbefehle habe ich getestet:
sm_load prophunt
und ggf. noch den ein oder anderen, aber die habe ich nicht mehr im Kopf.

Mit der autoexec.cfg habe ich keine Erfahrung.

Anforderungen für das Plugin sind:
# SM 1.3
# MM:S 1.8.
# SDK Hooks
# RunTeamLogic
# PropHunt Resources Pack (Contains maps and required sounds)
# PropHunt Data Pack
diese habe ich nacheinander entpackt und in die entsprechenden Verzeichnisse verschoben, zletzt habe ich die prophunt.smx in den ...\orangebox\tf\addons\sourcemod\plugins verschoben.

v1.0.8.2 (Windows, Dedicated)
MetaMod:Source v1.8.0V, SourceMod v1.3.0
Laut Server scheinen die Mods schoneinmal zu laufen.

Hier meine beiden server.cfg(s) und die start.bat


Spoiler Spoiler

@echo off


srcds -console -game tf -port 27015 -maxplayers 12 +map cp_dustbowl +exec server.cfg

goto start


server.cfg (Wireplay match config file v5) eigentlich nur für wars gedacht aber auch ohne erfolg getestet.

Spoiler Spoiler

// Wireplay match config file v5
// For progressive cp maps (eg cp_granary)
// #wptf2l

// Please edit the following (delete the // if you want to activate line)

rcon_password "servertrek"
hostname "Meggy On Tour"
sv_password "bambi"

Do not change the following

mp_allowspectators 1
mp_autocrosshair 0
mp_autoteambalance 0
mp_bonusroundtime 5
mp_chattime 15
mp_disable_respawn_times 0
mp_enableroundwaittime 1
mp_fadetoblack 0
mp_falldamage 1
mp_flashlight 0
mp_footsteps 1
mp_forcecamera 1
mp_fraglimit 0
mp_friendlyfire 0
mp_idledealmethod 0
mp_idlemaxtime 0
mp_match_end_at_timelimit 1
mp_maxrounds 0
mp_respawnwavetime 10
mp_showrespawntimes 1
mp_stalemate_enable 0
mp_stalemate_timelimit 0
mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0
mp_teamplay 0
mp_time_between_capscoring 30
mp_timelimit 30
mp_tournament 1
mp_tournament_allow_non_admin_restart 0
mp_tournament_stopwatch 1
mp_waitingforplayers_cancel 1
mp_weaponstay 0
mp_windifference 5
mp_winlimit 0

tf_clamp_airducks 1
tf_ctf_bonus_time 0
tf_damage_disablespread 1
tf_flag_caps_per_round 0
tf_playergib 1
tf_teamtalk 1
tf_tournament_hide_domination_icons 1
tf_tournament_classlimit_scout -1
tf_tournament_classlimit_soldier -1
tf_tournament_classlimit_pyro -1
tf_tournament_classlimit_demoman -1
tf_tournament_classlimit_heavy -1
tf_tournament_classlimit_engineer -1
tf_tournament_classlimit_sniper -1
tf_tournament_classlimit_medic -1
tf_tournament_classlimit_spy -1
tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads 1
tf_weapon_criticals 0

tv_chattimelimit 1
tv_delay 90
tv_delaymapchange 1
tv_transmitall 1

sv_allow_color_correction 0
sv_allow_wait_command 0
sv_allowdownload 1
sv_allowupload 1
sv_alltalk 0
sv_cheats 0
sv_client_cmdrate_difference 30
sv_client_predict 1
sv_client_max_interp_ratio 2
sv_client_min_interp_ratio 1
sv_consistency 1
sv_forcepreload 1
sv_gravity 800
sv_lan 0
sv_maxrate 40000
sv_minrate 15000
sv_maxupdaterate 66
sv_minupdaterate 40
sv_maxcmdrate 66
sv_mincmdrate 40
sv_pausable 1
sv_pure 2
sv_pure_kick_clients 1
sv_turbophysics 1
sv_voiceenable 1

exec wireplaybanned.cfg

decalfrequency 60
host_framerate 0
log on


say Wireplay League Game cfg v5 ... Winlimit = deficit of 5 (or timelimit)
say Medic limit = 1 ... Demo limit 1 ... Class limit = 2
say *** For Gravelpit set - rcon mp_timelimit 0 ***
say ... #wptf2l


Spoiler Spoiler

hostname "meggy"

sv_rcon_banpenalty "0"
sv_rcon_log "1"
sv_rcon_maxfailures "5"
sv_rcon_minfailures "2"
sv_rcon_minfailuretime "30"
rcon_password "meggytrek"
exec banned_user.cfg
exec banned_ip.cfg
sv_password ""
tf_flag_caps_per_round "3"
tf_playergib "1"
tf_stats_track "1"
tf_stats_verbose "0"
sv_alltalk "1"
sv_pausable "0"
sv_cheats "0"
sv_consistency "1"
sv_allowupload "1"
sv_allowdownload "1"
sv_timeout "300"
sv_pure "1"
sv_pure_kick_clients "1"
mp_allowNPCs "1"
mp_allowspectators "1"
mp_autocrosshair "1"
mp_autoteambalance "1"
mp_autoteambalance_delay "15"
mp_autoteambalance_warning_delay "5"
mp_bonusroundtime "15"
mp_chattime "5"
mp_clan_ready_signal "0"
mp_clan_readyrestart "0"
mp_decals "200"
mp_defaultteam "0"
mp_enableroundwaittime "1"
mp_fadetoblack "0"
mp_falldamage "0"
mp_flashlight "0"
mp_footsteps "1"
mp_forcecamera "1"
mp_forcerespawn "1"
mp_forcerespawnplayers "cmd"
mp_forcewin "cmd"
mp_fraglimit "0"
mp_friendlyfire "0"
mp_idledealmethod "1"
mp_idlemaxtime "3"
mp_maxrounds "2"
mp_restartgame "0"
mp_restartround "0"
mp_scrambleteams "cmd"
mp_showrespawntimes "1"
mp_stalemate_timelimit "240"
mp_switchteams "cmd"
mp_teamlist "0"
mp_teamoverride "1"
mp_teamplay "0"
mp_teams_unbalance_limit "1"
mp_time_between_capscoring "30"
mp_timelimit "20"
mp_waitingforplayers_cancel "0"
mp_waitingforplayers_restart "0"
mp_weaponstay "0"
mp_winlimit "0"
phys_pushscale 15

sv_accelerate "10"
sv_airaccelerate "10"
sv_allow_color_correction "1"
sv_allow_wait_command "1"
sv_allowdownload "1"
sv_allowupload "1"
sv_alltalk "1"
sv_alternateticks "0"
sv_backspeed "0"
sv_bonus_challenge "0"
sv_bounce "0"
sv_cacheencodedents "1"
sv_cheats "0"
sv_clearhinthistory "cmd"
sv_client_cmdrate_difference "20"
sv_client_interpolate "-1"
sv_client_max_interp_ratio "2"
sv_client_min_interp_ratio "1"
sv_client_predict "-1"
sv_consistency "1"
sv_enableoldqueries "1"
sv_filterban "1"
sv_footsteps "1"
sv_force_transmit_ents "0"
sv_forcepreload "0"
sv_friction "4"
sv_gravity "800"
sv_ignore_hitboxes "0"
sv_instancebaselines "1"
sv_lagflushbonecache "1"
sv_lan "0"
sv_log_onefile "0"
sv_logbans "0"
sv_logblocks "0"
sv_logdownloadlist "1"
sv_logecho "1"
sv_logfile "1"
sv_logflush "0"
sv_logsdir "0"
sv_massreport "0"
sv_master_legacy_mode "1"
sv_master_share_game_socket "1"
sv_max_queries_sec "3"
sv_max_queries_sec_global "60"
sv_max_queries_window "30"
sv_noclipaccelerate "5"
//sv_noclipduringpause "0"
sv_noclipspeed "5"
sv_npc_talker_maxdist "1024"
sv_optimizedmovement "1"
sv_parallel_packentities "1"
sv_parallel_sendsnapshot "1"
sv_pausable "0"
sv_specaccelerate "5"
sv_specnoclip "1"
sv_specspeed "3"
sv_stats "1"
sv_stepsize "18"
sv_stopspeed "100"
sv_timeout "60"
sv_turbophysics "0"
sv_unlag "1"
sv_unlag_fixstuck "0"
//sv_visiblemaxplayers "25"
//sv_voicecodec "0"
sv_voiceenable "1"
sv_wateraccelerate "10"
sv_waterdist "12"
sv_maxrate "25000"
sv_minrate "10000"
sv_maxupdaterate "101"
sv_minupdaterate "70"
sv_maxcmdrate "101"
sv_mincmdrate "70"
sv_client_cmdrate_difference "30"
sv_client_interpolate "0.1"
sv_lan "0"
sv_downloadurl ""
sv_region "3"

Ich hoffe ich bekomme hier ein wenig Unterstützung, wie das Plugin lauffähig wird.

ich sage aufjedenfall dankeschön