Ich hab eine kleines Problem mit Infinite-Jumping.
Das Plugin läuft eigentlich auch gut & ohne fehler nur geht der foward Boost nicht man wird nicht schneller als 13 Kmh nach dem ADV Speedmeter kann mir da wer helfen?
Meine Infinite Jumping CFG:
// This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.4.0-dev)
// ConVars for plugin "infinite-jumping.smx"
// Main Switch
// Enables or Disables this plugin (1=Enable|0=Disable)
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
sm_infinitejumping_enable "1"
// First Jump (Initial Jump)
// Automatic rejump.
// "" = everyone can.
// "0" = noone can.
// "<adminflag>" = admin with this flag can (a,b,c,d,...).
// See: addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_levels.cfg for more info.
// -
// Default: ""
sm_infinitejumping_flags_infinite ""
// If you wish to jump higher or lower, then change this value.
// In units per second.
// negative values = players can't jump that high anymore
// 0.0 = normal jump height
// positive values = players can jump heigher.
// -
// Default: "0.0"
sm_infinitejumping_boost_initial "0.1"
// Forward Speed Boost by First Jump
// Automatic forward boost by each jump.
// "" = everyone can.
// "0" = noone can.
// "<adminflag>" = admin with this flag can (a,b,c,d,...).
// See: addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_levels.cfg for more info.
// -
// Default: "0"
sm_infinitejumping_flags_forwardboost ""
// Amount of boost per second to push the client forward when jumping.
// In units per second.
// Be careful this value adds ontop of the velocity at each jump.
// -
// Default: "50.0"
sm_infinitejumping_boost_forward "18.0"
// If this is 1 then players need to press W,S,A,D (movement keys) and jump, to receive a boost (adds basicly more control).
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
sm_infinitejumping_boost_forward_wsad "0"
// Double/Multi Jump
// Rejump in mid air.
// "" = everyone can.
// "0" = noone can.
// "<adminflag>" = admin with this flag can (a,b,c,d,...).
// See: addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_levels.cfg for more info.
// -
// Default: "0"
sm_infinitejumping_flags_double ""
// The amount of vertical boost, to apply when mid air double jumping.
// In units per second.
// negative values = player are pushed down in mid air, when double/multi jump.
// 0.0 = only falling can be stopped, when jump is pressed in mid air.
// positive values = players can jump heigher.
// -
// Default: "290.0"
sm_infinitejumping_boost_double "290.0"
// The maximum number of re-jumps allowed while in mid air.
// if you want to disable this, don't set it to 0 instead use the sm_infinitejumpging_flags_double console var.
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
sm_infinitejumping_max_doublejumps "1"
// Jump automatic in mid air when jump is pressed.
// "" = everyone can.
// "0" = noone can.
// "<adminflag>" = admin with this flag can (a,b,c,d,...).
// See: addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_levels.cfg for more info.
// -
// Default: "0"
sm_infinitejumping_flags_perfectdouble "0"
// Game Slow Downs
// Bypass game slow downs as stamina or slow down on hurt.
// "" = everyone can.
// "0" = noone can.
// "<adminflag>" = admin with this flag can (a,b,c,d,...).
// See: addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_levels.cfg for more info.
// -
// Default: ""
sm_infinitejumping_flags_gameslowdowns ""
// This will override the speed ratio when hurt.
// 1.0 = no speed is lost.
// 0.5 = 50% slower.
// 0.0 = stops
// 2.0 = 100% faster.
// -1.0 = let the engine/game handle how much speed you loose.
// -
// Default: "1.0"
sm_infinitejumping_override_slowdownonhurt "2.0"
// This will be the new stamina value when you land.
// 0.0 = full stamina/no speed is lost.
// -1.0 = let the engine handle how much speed a player looses.
// Example: 1315.0 is the default value in css, but use -1.0 instead if you wish to disable.
// -
// Default: "0.0"
sm_infinitejumping_override_stamina "0.0"