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  • »Gesetz-des-Zorns« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 417


Rootserver vorhanden: Ja

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Freitag, 28. Februar 2014, 09:16

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released is live.

Release Notes for 2/27/2014


- Fixed the molotov not having the same collision bounds as the rest of the grenades.
- Fixed some grenades allowing visibility through them when they shouldn't and vice versa - this fixes bugs like seeing players through smoke volumes.
- Increased radarvispow from 0.2 to 0.4.
- Fixed icons on the radar not fading out properly when they should have.


- Fixed frequent connection errors when starting private casual matches with friends on a local server.
- With sv_grenade_trajectory on, the debug overlay boxes now reflect the size of the grenades bounds when they collide and bounce.
- Added an option to the options menu to use raw number keys or weapon binds for selecting players when spectating and voting for maps at round end (spec_usenumberkeys_nobinds, defaults to 1).


- GOTV watch requests for matches with significant number of spectators will always get directed to GOTV relays.
- Added convar host_name_store to indicate whether host name is revealed in queries and GOTV. Host name is always printed in status command output.
- Added convar host_info_show, operators can set it to the following values: 0 to block server info queries; 1 (default) to respond with all details excluding identities; 2 to respond with all available details.
- Added convar host_players_show, operators can set it to the following values: 0 to block server players queries; 1 (default) to respond only with max
players and uptime; 2 to respond with all players details.
- Server operators can now list game rules cvars in gamerulescvars.txt file, those cvars when marked as FCVAR_NOTIFY will be included in A2S_RULES response packet to server management software and 3rd party clients. The total size of A2S_RULES response packet mustb be within approximately 1Kb (MTU). File gamerulescvars.txt.example is provided.
- When a server is running with the -nomaster parameter, it will not register on GMS and will not respond to direct queries.


- CS_Downtown: Fixed bug where players could spawn outside of map in Deathmatch
- DE_Favela: Fixed exploits where players could get out of map, various other polish
- DE_Inferno: Fixed exploit where players could see through roof near Bombsite A balcony
Rechtschreibfehler sind voll normal und passieren nunmal 8)
Ich gebe keine Antworten auf PN, dazu ist das komplette Forum da um Anfragen zu beantworten ...



Beiträge: 159

Beruf: Student

Rootserver vorhanden: Ja

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Freitag, 28. Februar 2014, 13:44

Mit folgenden Einstellungen sollte das bisherige Verhalten was Infos zum Server betrifft wiederzubekommen sein:

Spoiler Spoiler


host_name_store 1 //  to indicate whether host name is revealed in queries and GOTV. Host name is always printed in status command output.
host_info_show  2 // 0 to block server info queries; 1 (default) to respond with all details excluding identities; 2 to respond with all available details
host_players_show 2 // 0 to block server players queries; 1 (default) to respond only with max players and uptime; 2 to respond with all players details.
Team Niederbayern - Seit 2005 DEINE CSS-Community, egal ob Default Maps oder Turbo Gungame Deathmatch mit NoBlockoder dust2only , da ist für jeden was dabei. Besucht uns auf Server und Homepage!
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