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Samstag, 2. August 2014, 00:04

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released

Zitat von »Ido Magal«

- Added cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue convar (0 or 1) that defines whether the crosshair gap changes with the equipped weapon (defaults to off, works with style 4 and 5)
- Flagged smoke grenade particles to face player camera position instead of camera direction.
- Non-local player positions are now networked with full precision. This prevents small discrepancies in player bounding volume motion between clients and servers under certain circumstances.
- Fixed a rare case when a previously existing inventory item was displayed after unlocking a weapon case or fulfilling a trade up contract.
- Fixed visibility exploit around pipe at mid.
- More translation fixes.
- Fixed multiple one-way wallbanging issues.
- Made catwalks wallbangable.
- Fixed issue where grenades would get stuck on thin wall panels.
- Smoothed movement around generator for less abrupt movement restriction.
- Improved readability around Quad.
- Further improved readability at Heaven.
- Improved clipping, removed possibility to boost at various locations (where it was not intended)
- Added clip in windows
- Deleted bad DM-spawn (in Underpass)
- Players should now properly die when jumping from the Sniper tower
- Increased the width of B-site door coming from ShortStairs
- Made skill-jump at Catwalk easier (still hard)
- Removed pipes sticking up at Side (looked like a player head from a far)
- Added possibility to jump from blue container at Stairs (avoid peeking CT from Outside when rushing Underpass)
- Removed strong light at Stairs to make peeking to Outside less dangerous
- Changed red-navigation decals to orange (easier to see)
- Raised generator at CT-side Catwalk to allow easier movement when jumping down from middle
- Removed railing/yellow poles at Front (allowing easier movement for T at the start of each round)
- Slight optimization of items in the skybox
- Updated hints around T-spawn/Front
- Very careful removal of items in the player area
- Removed unusable doors (that was placed around the level)
- Removed barrel under Backway stairs (there is no way anyone could have placed it there)
- Updated text on the Restricted sign (German and Finnish – Finnish soldiers are now greeted welcome)
- Removed col from fence at Sniper tower
- Lowered the sound intensity for rumbling rain at B-site
- Changed terrorist faction to Phoenix