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  • »Blacksilver« ist der Autor dieses Themas

Beiträge: 298


Beruf: FISI

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Donnerstag, 28. August 2014, 06:12

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released

CSGO is now live.

The previous version has been pinned as aug_22.
The current version has been pinned as aug_27.

Release Notes for 8/27/2014

- Added positional audio support for players using Mumble voice chat.
- Fixed case where sniper scope blur was not accurately representing full sniper weapon inaccuracy when scoped.
- Fixed a bug where in some cases a bullet didn't know it had penetrated a player hitbox if it started by penetrating another surface first and hadn't exited before "hitting" the hitbox.
- Fixed weapon damage falloff distances getting reset every time a surface was penetrated, which allowed weapons to shoot farther than they should if they penetrated an object first (like the sawedoff).
- Terminated birthday party.
- Increased Zeus price to 400.

- Fixed a regression with fov_cs_debug convar.

- Mirage
-- Removed various unintended boost-spots
-- Moved some flowers at top of mid

- Overpass
-- Updated based on feedback and observations from ESL One Cologne
--- Removed tall sandbags near Bombsite B which could be used to two-man boost onto and peek/shoot into T water
--- Added a intended boost spot in its place, where you can two-man boost. Wall near position is bangable from both sides.
--- Removed boost on green wall in playground
--- Removed position on toilet mid entrance which could be used to get an angle on toilet entrance
--- Fixed some spots where C4 could get stuck
--- Removed grass on low cover near Bombsite A which obstructed peeking
--- Changed some textures and lighting to improve visibility and reduce environment noise
--- Moved lightpost at entrance to Bombsite A to remove gap
--- Closed off hut at Bombsite A
--- Railing outside of squeaky door no longer blocks bullets or grenades

- Rush
-- Various balance tweaks, optimizations and bug fixes

- Insertion
-- Added unique sounds for each spawn
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