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Freitag, 21. November 2014, 12:48

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released

Zitat von »Ido Magal«

CSGO has been updated to version


Release Notes for 11/21/2014


- Added DreamHack 2014 Team Stickers and Legends Capsule

- Enabled the DreamHack 2014 Pick'Em Challenge

- Enabled DreamHack 2014 tab in the Watch Panel


- Added Mission FAQ to the Operation Vanguard website:

- Mission cooldowns now display hours remaining in the mission panel and journal.

- Added a display showing how many missions a user can complete in the mission panel and journal.

- Added help text tooltip for the mission panel.

- Added Steam rich presence and integration data for Operation Vanguard maps.

- Fixed de_dust2 Galil mission

- Fixed bonus deathmatch weapon score calculation for missions.


- Added three restrictions to Competitive Matchmaking:

-- If a player does not have a competitive Skill Group, they will not be able to queue in a party with a player having a very high Skill Group

-- Accounts are restricted to two Competitive wins per day until they receive their competitive Skill Group

-- Unless they are in a party of 5, players will not be able to queue for Competitive Matchmaking if their skill group range is very large.


- Fixed a case where the deathmatch bonus weapon panel was showing an uninitialized weapon icon.

- Made host_framerate convar accessible with sv_cheats enabled ( for movie makers )

- Spectators and GOTV viewers can now spectate grenades thrown by players. To do this, press and hold the Left Alt key when the player you are observing throws a grenade. Your camera will follow the grenade until you release the Left Alt key or the grenade explodes/expires.

- Fixed Alerts panel showing incorrect layout for certain bans and cooldowns.


- Bug fixes on Workout, Season, Facade, Bazaar and Marquis