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Freitag, 12. Juni 2015, 02:21

Team Fortress 2 Update Released

Zitat von »Eric Smith«

We've released a mandatory update for TF2. The notes for the update are below. The new version is 2827522.



- Mann Co. Store summer sale is on!
- Updated dedicated server 'status' command to include sv_tags
- Enabled raw mouse input for Mac clients
- Added OWL 13 tournament medals
- Added TF2Connexion Season 15 tournament medals
- Fixed a client crash related to the HUD
- Updated the localization files
- Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents
- Security/crash fixes (thanks to Nathaniel Theis for these reports)
- Fixed a remote code execution bug and a crash related to malformed custom spray files
- Added checks to the voice system that prevent loading codecs other than the files that ship with the game
- Updated the Maps Workshop Beta
- Workshop map names (e.g. workshop/cp_foo.ugc123456) can now be used in the map, changelevel, and nextlevel commands as well as the mapcycle config
- Allow fuzzy name matching in the map, changelevel, and nextlevel commands as well as the mapcycle config -- e.g. "changelevel dustbowl"
- Shorthand workshop map names of the form workshop/<id> (e.g. workshop/123456) will now auto-resolve to the full map name
- Running tf_workshop_map_sync is no longer necessary, maps will be fetched and updated on demand during level change
- tf_workshop_map_sync is no longer blocking, and can be used to precache maps in the background
- Workshop maps are no longer copied to tf/maps/workshop/ by default, instead using the single copy in the steamapps/workshop folder
- Fixed some cases of embedded resources in workshop maps, such as cubemaps, not being loaded properly
- Fixed an issue preventing game servers from properly receiving updates to workshop map files
- Fixed game servers using registered accounts via sv_setsteamaccount not being able to download workshop content
- Fixed syncing workshop maps prior to the first map load on a dedicated server
- Updated in-game workshop import tool
- Fixed not being able to select the class/other tags for cosmetic items
- Hide unused buttons when editing an existing workshop entry
- Fixed text getting truncated when editing items with long descriptions